

Flying Too High
LDN LA and Dublin, United Kingdom
Joined : 11th Sep 2010 - 14 years ago
EzIcarus comments on tracks

EzIcarus has posted 82 comments on other peoples tracks.

Comments 26 - 50 of 82
EzIcarus 20th Oct 2010 04:06 - 14 years ago

on Dubcrimes - Family Feud by DubCrimes
Very very nice. Like the breaks and the saws with the subtle vox fx, Good work.

Take it EZ

Ez Icarus
EzIcarus 19th Oct 2010 06:50 - 14 years ago

on Upping the ante GLITCHANDBASS by Sludgecity
Pretty cool track, good work. Liking the synth and drum combo.

Take it EZ

Ez Icarus
EzIcarus 19th Oct 2010 06:49 - 14 years ago

on tango by ramsbottom
I think you may have accidentally placed this in the wrong section bruv.
EzIcarus 19th Oct 2010 06:39 - 14 years ago

on liquid jungle by dannysmith173
Nice work dan. Maybe jus maybe beef up those drums a little, just my personal preference to hear a DnB track drum driven.
dannysmith173 replied Unknown
year mate your right cheers bruv i just heard it on my sterio i need sme new head phones init ha
EzIcarus 18th Oct 2010 01:52 - 14 years ago

on Gangster Style by smr
Huge props fo slipping in the live FX, im a huge champion of 'real' my ears are addicted to the analogue sounds. Track sounds like a Fresh 80s underground vinyl, nice warm sound.

Keep being creative bruv.

Ez Icarus
EzIcarus 18th Oct 2010 01:47 - 14 years ago

on Getaway by KomlinK
Happy hardcore feeling to dis, RAVE ON! You packed some energy in to this mix bruv, good going. Keep em pumped.

Ez Icarus
EzIcarus 18th Oct 2010 01:16 - 14 years ago

on Heres freddy by TEKN
This ish is sickness, good work.

Take it EZ

Ez Icarus
EzIcarus 17th Oct 2010 21:02 - 14 years ago

on Fall by KNY
Alreet KNY, good track, its a little short, add a breakdown, re-build up chorus and then breakdown 2 the end.

Maybe throw a drum in there at the beginning to make it more DnB, the drums could be layered to give a thicker sound and maybe try 2 emphasize the kick drum with some EQing.

Good work, will listen to the finished version.

Take it EZ

Ez Icarus
EzIcarus 17th Oct 2010 21:02 - 14 years ago

on Screwface by Teksketch
Yea man good track, like the lil drum rolls in the backG, push em forward when u do the masterin. The torn up B line is cool, good work.
EzIcarus 17th Oct 2010 20:43 - 14 years ago

on Hi Grade by Shimma
Alreet Shimma, going breaks style on me bruv. Good stuff, It was like waiting in line at Alton Towers to get on The Black Hole. I like the relaxed intro to some tasty drum breaks, the bass breakdown is diff, works well with the breaks. Check my track DnB Paradise for something similar, I do get carried away with an Amen tho.

WHERE DID YOU GET THE VOCAL??? I have been searching for a clean White Rabbit vocal for ages. Your always kitted out Shimma. Tasty track, liking what your doing. Absolutely loved the Vocal cut and the breaks style your flexing is strong.

Added to Favs

Take it EZ

Ez Icarus
EzIcarus 17th Oct 2010 20:30 - 14 years ago

on fifty one by Shaneva
Alreet Shaneva, like dis one. Tasty rumbling bass build up makes it. The break drums are awesome, just enough to push the track, really fits well. Good work bruv.
Shaneva replied Unknown
Thanks man =)
EzIcarus 6th Oct 2010 15:39 - 14 years ago

on The Correct Answer (Club Mix) by TraXnCtrl
Yea boy, nice track bruv. Bent Speak n Spell vocal reminds me of the 80s, cool.
TraXnCtrl replied Unknown
thanks EzIcarus
EzIcarus 6th Oct 2010 15:30 - 14 years ago

on July by keeweet
Yes mate BreakBeat banger, great track. Maybe add a vocal?

How about calling it 'Forgotten Future'???

Keep banging them out bruv
EzIcarus 6th Oct 2010 15:22 - 14 years ago

on Bruce Lee Re-Enter The Dragon by bmw2000uk
Very cool. Maybe add a little breakbeat to funk up the driving beat??? Really like the strings a lot. Great use of the BL samples. Great quotes.

Good work bruv
bmw2000uk replied Unknown
Thanks for your review, i guess if i wanted to spend more time on it, i could make it much better, since it was my first hip hop try, i may rework this again.

EzIcarus 5th Oct 2010 07:21 - 14 years ago

on eighties pop by cmgoodman1226
Thats tasty bruv. Maybe clip the highs a little and poss drop the bassline for a 8 bar for tension leading into the main choon??? Nice breakdown, Heavy b line, good work. Where u get that vocal? You used it well, nice and subtle.

Keep it up.
EzIcarus 3rd Oct 2010 05:57 - 14 years ago

on Got Grass by Raggz
Is all you, its tight! Nice work. Humming it already.

Send me the vocal if you want a DnB or Dub remix.

Ez Icarus
EzIcarus 2nd Oct 2010 18:48 - 14 years ago

on Everyones Dead by DeadPixel
Very cool track, the door opening is a tasty sample! I like this.
EzIcarus 2nd Oct 2010 18:36 - 14 years ago

on cops rolling by (trying to smoke a blunt) by donmega
Lol your description made me laugh so hard bruv.

Are you going to upload the vocal? Its bang tidy.
donmega replied Unknown
fho sho
EzIcarus 2nd Oct 2010 18:17 - 14 years ago

on Rushwood by Nap
Hey Nap, for me, your tracks always lean towards breakbeats rather than all out DnB, they are just too 'musical' for Drum & Bass (not a bad thing at all). This one sounds fresh, really like the brass. You have a surprisingy European style for an American.

Where do you get your influences from?

Take it Ez

Ez Icarus

- If its Drum & Bass on Jazz its Breakbeat. You should ignore the comments of the harder DnB heads on here and concentrate on your breaks, you do them well.
Nap replied Unknown
My Influences? Well, I don't like todays style of DnB. All sound too much fast dubstep and most of them are the same. That's why It's not just all out DnB. I like it make it sound diffrent. If I just make pure DnB I'd feel like everyone else and I don't want to. And if they really sound breakbeat maybe I should change all of the genres to breakbeat then? o.o
EzIcarus 2nd Oct 2010 17:59 - 14 years ago

on a poem for tha dead by Dj_Razorblade
This one kicks, really like the powerful opening and the creepy synths. Nice break drum and the way the beefed up keys are slowly introduced to a drum breakdown and tasty perfecty fitting vocal. Very good work.

What happens 2:16? Is that my streaming or is it a little choppy??? Listened a couple of times and the off beats were there each time.

The ending breakdown cuts a few beats before the drum break, maybe switch that around so the drum beat introduces the change.

Brilliant build up, fantastic use of the vocal, in your face then slowly fades to the background and back again. The breakdowns and reintroduction of the beat could do with smoothing over, unless it was just my stream.

Take it Ez

Ez Icarus
Dj_Razorblade replied Unknown
afraid its fully my fault i only have trial software so i have to record via stereo mix and it sometimes jumps or just skips cause my comp ave to be left on thanks for review :)
EzIcarus 2nd Oct 2010 17:51 - 14 years ago

on poison in my veins by Fayjay
If you put this in Hip Hop without the vocal it will get picked up in a second. Nice drum loop.

There is a problem with the vocal there is a really very lound and high pitched (bat sonar high pitch) when it kicks in, it could do with being cleaned up or re recorded.

Keep pumping out the choons.
Fayjay replied Unknown
This is helpful thanks for giving your time.
EzIcarus 2nd Oct 2010 17:27 - 14 years ago

on Bass and Instrumental by NeonStrawberry
I agree with ArceeSmith, I think its the Dub Bass, this track could easily be ramped up to a Drum n Bass track. But after saying that, I really like it, its grown on me (the sign of any good track) The intro is a little 'spacey' but the muted drum hits are cool and the tortured keys are inspirational, very dity dub feel to it and despite the loudness complaint, I actually think it adds so much to this tracks warm analogue feel, it sounds better clipped, This track is alive and I really wouldnt like to hear a clean version.

The guitar rif around 2:35 could be its own track, I like it a lot (any chance of a sample??? please! Just one tiny tiny thing, the drum roll just before the guitar (2:35) is too thin, it could do with dropping pitch shift and layering (add a second identical track a few milliseconds out of sync, and split the two channels 60/40% left and right and vice versa)

Nice work bruv, keep pumping them out.
NeonStrawberry replied Unknown
Thanks everyone for the pleasantly filled feedback,

@ Ezlcarus: I believe I have sent the right samples, if not let me know.
EzIcarus 24th Sep 2010 01:18 - 14 years ago

on Budd Dwyers electric serenade by IndigoShay
Great drumming, but as djquick mentioned, could do with thinning out the sound when the synth is introduced apx 1:00 cut the drum, it fights it anyway. Like the swinging synths really keep the pace moving. Great ending.
EzIcarus 24th Sep 2010 01:05 - 14 years ago

on Piano Adventures by Ra1n1sBoSs
Its not really DnB.
EzIcarus 24th Sep 2010 01:01 - 14 years ago

on The Amen Soldier by Nap
Really tight track, took me by surprise. The subtle Saws work real well with the lead into the keys. Nice work bruv.

Ez Icarus
Comments 26 - 50 of 82