

Flying Too High
LDN LA and Dublin, United Kingdom
Joined : 11th Sep 2010 - 14 years ago
EzIcarus comments on tracks

EzIcarus has posted 82 comments on other peoples tracks.

Comments 51 - 75 of 82
EzIcarus 24th Sep 2010 01:00 - 14 years ago

on Rock the Beat by YingVsYangX
Is this your track or a remix? Speed garage style, use more sub bass, a heavier drum roll maybe cut up an Amen drum loop.
YingVsYangX replied Unknown
its my track the only thing i used that wasnt mine was the voice. and i was thinking about adding more sub bass too. thanks for the adivice!
EzIcarus 24th Sep 2010 00:47 - 14 years ago

on why did you go by JLYNN
Great bassline, the vocals fit (tough job on a DnB track) but the drums are weak, sounds like a loop from a casio hand held keyboard. Give them a beefing up, a break beat and freshen them up with the track, they put the breaks on what should be a sound system banger.
EzIcarus 24th Sep 2010 00:43 - 14 years ago

on Creamer Tweekend by NeonStrawberry
Nice different sound.
Just one thing... Give the drums more meat, they sound a tiny bit thin.
NeonStrawberry replied Unknown
Thnx for all yer reactions fellow -mans :), I have made an attempt to revive percussion through different mastering here, still keeping it minimal. it should now appear as empty as intended and still give the needed accents. Took me a week, working next to a few other guitar oriented projects,-coming soon: dub step series
EzIcarus 24th Sep 2010 00:41 - 14 years ago

on Memory - featuring Angelica by RAVEDEMAN
Good to get things things off your chest. Maybe lay down a drum n bass sub bass line to pump up the track anger :-)
RAVEDEMAN replied 10th Nov 2012 - 12 years ago
Ezlcarus... if your up to it and you feel like ripping appart the track and jazz it up to Drum N' Bass.... be my guest... I would luv to see what u or anyone else can do with it!! :)
EzIcarus 24th Sep 2010 00:22 - 14 years ago

on Boom Slang Re-edit by Djabel
Yea boi, real breaks, nice bass in the build up and a fresh cut up to the main beats. Good work.

Ez Icarus
EzIcarus 24th Sep 2010 00:06 - 14 years ago

on Mincedmeat 2nd version final cut by Djabel
Great track.

Alreet Dj Abel, I like what your doing bruv. Now what I am writing is absolutely my own opinion and I am only writing it from one producer to another, as constrictive criticism. I listened to your track 5 times+

As it is, as a breakbeat track, it's a little bit empty and not broken beat enough, the amen loop could be cut up, missed beats (jazz style) even if its just the last bar as a cue. I was half expecting the synth (opening and closing) to be re jigged for the main outing but when it dropped back in 2:14 (i think) it was the same beat and a little anti climax, I was kinda expecting a huge build up for it and a little spice thrown in for good measure, when it re drops at 4:20 it is more of what I expected the first time around.

Please do not take offence to my review. This is a great track and I only give such detailed reviews of songs I like. This one could be special bruv.
Djabel replied Unknown
Thankyou for your honesty bro, no offence taken :^) I too feel this track has a lot more to give I've just been a bit of a lazy b*****d! Safe, Abel
EzIcarus 23rd Sep 2010 23:59 - 14 years ago

on Fractal (work in progress) v2 by Djabel
Yes yes bad man, really liking this... sounds fresh and up beat, a nice balanced DnB track, maybe a little more sub bass, pretty please. Off to check out your other tracks.
EzIcarus 17th Sep 2010 02:38 - 14 years ago

on defeat by HEAD1STMOVEMENT
Bruv you got a good voice, character and spittin bout real tings. Big Props. If you interested in laying down something a lil different check my track Fresh 2 Death jus looking fo a few bars if you think you up to it hit me up.
EzIcarus 16th Sep 2010 22:27 - 14 years ago

on War (The State of the Union) by Thethanx
Sounds a little too happy to be a Dub to my ears (not a bad thing bro) but maybe you could add a little more music and a little less of the samples. A tearing B line wouldnt go a miss. Good use of Mr B A BarakObama not over powering.

Nice laid back vibe, chilled me right out.

Keep the interesting beats coming...

B line (Bassline)
Thethanx replied Unknown
Thanks for the tips! Any chance you could help me place it in the right genre then? It sure ain't reggae...
I took your advice, cut some samples (especially on the vocal ones I think I over did those) and added another loop.
Edit: Bassline added.
EzIcarus 15th Sep 2010 19:24 - 14 years ago

on Black Mamba - Ioka Flow by Ioka
Sick bruv.

Really like your work Ioka.

Would like to hear an exteme version, crazy with the strings, a big band brass section, dare I say less d n b. Not taking anything away from this great production, this one is big. Well done. I look forward to your next offering big man.

Ez Icarus
Ioka replied Unknown
thanx man donno about the extreme version i think i like to make a new one instead maybe a bit more crazy or simply different
cheers ioka
EzIcarus 15th Sep 2010 19:19 - 14 years ago

on Virusdotbat by IndigoShay
Nice work bruv. Like the simple rif and the rollin drums. Good start, nice middle but no ending bro.

If I was going to take it somewhere else I would funk around with the drum more, bring in more of a breakbeat and maybe a slammer of a bassline, but thats just me

Keep up the good work

Ez Icarus
IndigoShay replied Unknown
I went through ten different basslines that all sucked. so I abandoned the whole thing and now I'm calling this a rap instrumental.
EzIcarus 15th Sep 2010 19:01 - 14 years ago

on Havoc by Shimma
Ragga vibe, rolling drums, raw vocal and an AWESOME BASSLINE 90s written all over it.

Want feeling it until POW womp womp, hairs of back of kneck B line bruv. Sample please!!!

Working real well together FAV'd great work.

Ez Icarus
EzIcarus 15th Sep 2010 18:53 - 14 years ago

on badman by MRCoOk
Nice, not what I was expecting. Reminded me of a P Diddly Combs track. Good use of the vocal, I like this track.

Slap a heavy Bline and a break beat on that and youv'e got yourself a killer jungle/drum n bass track bruv.

Ez Icarus
MRCoOk replied Unknown
thanks alot EZ i man take your advice and do a jungle version
EzIcarus 15th Sep 2010 18:50 - 14 years ago

on privately owned bear by lukethrewupfire
Listened to it just coz of the title. I like it, im very partial to a live drum beat, you just cant beat it. I always lay out a loop then get my drummer to make the track come alive. Great production bruv, well done.

Ez Icarus
EzIcarus 15th Sep 2010 01:38 - 14 years ago

on Untitled Dub by Badman959
Nice work. Maybe push the tempo a little to keep it rolling??? Just my opinion bruv. Nice bass.

Ez Icarus
EzIcarus 15th Sep 2010 01:32 - 14 years ago

on Mud Monkey by monchorra
I laughed my ass off 'Mud Monkey'. Needed a break from the mixing desk, thank you.

If you are asking where to take it, ramp up the tempo, use an 'Amen' loop and go crazy cutting it up.

Nice work

Ez Icarus
EzIcarus 14th Sep 2010 17:37 - 14 years ago

on Not over my Ex (Featuring Zoiielou) by BlumeChoon
Amen way way over used in DnB. I like this track for being different, nice brekabeat bro. Infact i'm liking all of your tracks, you got the skillz 2 pay d billz bruv. Any chance of uploading some samples maybe that you made but havnt got around to using???

If I was going to take it anywhere it would be to the jungle :-) horns, rewinds and cuts all over. A ragga DJs dream.

Ez Icarus
BlumeChoon replied Unknown know what you mean... I still luv it though... Appreciate it man that's a huge compliment bro... I can send you some stuff soon... Yea this track is kinda slow...120. I've been asked to speed this one up and repost it. I might just open it up as a wav and invert time stretch to tempo... The only thing is when I made this I didn't have the right tempo for Zoies acapella. So I just did it by ear till it seemed on point. Appreciate you stoppin by brutha...

EzIcarus 14th Sep 2010 17:32 - 14 years ago

on Detroit Demeanor (Alividlife and Blume Mix) by BlumeChoon
Tasty bruv, lovin the guitar DnB vibes right now. Good to hear your back on track, I always find a lot of 'ahem' what makes me make music helps in the studio.

Great breaks

Ez Icarus
BlumeChoon replied Unknown
Hey thanks man... Thanx to Alividlife he really gave that track some life to it. Yea, I was having family issues for a bit but it's slowly getting better. I hear ya on the "Ahem"

EzIcarus 14th Sep 2010 17:28 - 14 years ago

on Dont Test Meh While Meh Knockn by Blume by BlumeChoon
Junglin Massif, big props bruv, good to hear the Jungle is still as fresh as it was 20 years ago.

Respect from a life long Jungalist

Ez Icarus
BlumeChoon replied Unknown
Yes sir brodda, Keepin it live and old skool... Appreciate the review man. Keep me informed on your new beats man...

Everyday Junglist...
EzIcarus 14th Sep 2010 01:49 - 14 years ago

on Onyx by Shimma
Tight bruv. Some healthy drum and bass, liking the drum rolls. Any chance of uploading that Amen loop??? Cant get enough of it.

Ez Icarus
EzIcarus 13th Sep 2010 21:40 - 14 years ago

on Moment Within by NtaT
Nice rolling bassline. I like this track, cant believe you did this in a night (jealous).

A dam solid 8/10 Good work

Any chance of sending me some samples? I would jump at a chance to flex out a drum and bass version with you bruv.

Ez Icarus
EzIcarus 13th Sep 2010 21:34 - 14 years ago

on AndrewG - king of my castle (Organ Bassline) by AndrewG
Just getting back into my Garage, check out my new Garage inspired DnB track. Im gonna be flat out and say the beginning sounds a little odd bruv, not rinsing of on you, I know how much work goes into this kind of thing, 1:14 onwards bass sounds all good but try not to over use the vocals, or cut them up a little, use them as another musical element that can be rearranged to create something different. The effect on the vocals are all good.

What are you using to make your tracks?

Ez Icarus

- Thanks for the offer but I am up to my eyeballs at the moment. Keep on plugging away and I keep my eye out for your new uploads. If you are new to producing don't overlook the basics, bars, beats and when to drop a new sound in a track. A good song is often surprisingly simple. Best of luck.
AndrewG replied Unknown
haah thanks for review mate

i am using fl studio.. but i have also got reason installed...

i have only been using fl studio for 3 days

so ive got a long way to go yet..

im still watching tutorials

and that track was jus something i came up with

it was dull at first then in middle got better

i am going make another organ bassline track

wanna work on it with me. let me know
EzIcarus 13th Sep 2010 06:46 - 14 years ago

on Insight dub by jahknow
Big props to the analogue massive. The vinyl sound put a huge smile on my face, absolutely HUGE smile. JahKnow I and I have big respect for your work.

Going to go through your samples bruv if thats cool, always looking for analogue inspiration.

@ Zero2Zero the track lives for the distortion, its twice the track for the real sound it is pushing out.
jahknow replied Unknown
It's a true sound! Respect fi real!
EzIcarus 12th Sep 2010 17:09 - 14 years ago

on Meltdown 09 by Destrozar
Warble warble, cool B line. Not sure what it is but this track reminds me of playing 007 on the N64??? Good sound, not heard this kind of DnB arrangement before, your work is a electronic DnB cross. Keep it up bro.

Will keep my eye on what you upload in the future.

Ez Icarus
EzIcarus 12th Sep 2010 17:03 - 14 years ago

on Midnight CIty - Conscence feat Gizella by Gizella
Beautiful vocals, I would jump at a chance to work with you Gizella.

Great minimal DnB track, very tasty bassline, would like to hear it being funked up a lil more to complement the vocals or rearranged into a break to add some extra spice.

A very deserving 8/10

Ez Icarus
Gizella replied Unknown
Aw thank you,i feel i'm still learning lol, if i wasn't so inundated i would say yes but at the moment its a long string of recording commitments with some fellow looperman members and some!
Comments 51 - 75 of 82