True emotion,clear sound.For raw sample off one moment in life is very good,and with a little work it can grow to a real great song.Welcome my friend to looperman,land of free musicians...
Yeah,you capture the amosphere perfectly.I almost imagine a short video of fast moving sequences from the east...It`s full of fast moving energy...Keep up the good work...
Very good voice.Sweet and soft.Perfectly fit in to ambient of the track.I would like to make one song and give to you to sing...Keep up the good work...
Good song.I`m now in my computer repair shop and it`s coold.And I`m listen your song,and my foots start to move in the rhytm...There is no costumers so I think I will dance a litlle with myself to warm up....
Who sings, frightens his illness.Man I like that.That`s the best moto for making music I ever heard.And the song is very good.Colorfull and happy.Too much song in this world full of decadence and pitty and crying.World needs more songs like this one.It makes me feel joy.
Very,very good voice!You sing like an angel.You need some colaboration,and a better recording equipment.But the soul is here,and that`s the most important thing in music...
No I didn't study classical music ~ This is just my attempt at doing a classical piece and that's why there are just a few instruments ~ The software I used was Hypersonic and no instruments ~ Thanks for your review...
This is great,just great.It sounds just like Sunday Morning sound like.Did you try to write some lyrics for this.I think it could be a great song.You are very talented.
Well man,this sound great.Personaly I dont like this kind of music very much but you did it very profesional,and production is just I listening it right now for the second time...
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I am also a PC technician! in my spare time.
Must chat more.
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