Sounding pretty spectacular fella! Faved! Are you sure can put this one to bed? Last time you said that, it woke up as a new mix. Great tracks don't sleep! ;) Keep the cool tunes rollin!
Thx again mate...Yeah I have had enuff of this one now. I think i have used it more of a learning project than anything else just to get my mastering up to speed and try and discover what i prefer doing musically...and i think this style is it really. Thanks for your reviews buddy....I really appreciate you takin the time to stop and listen again...
It's good to see you take a break from trance. Great fusion of chilled hip hop-ish groove, and classic 80's euro electro synth sounds/vibe. Cool tune fella! I can't help thinking this would also sound good with an 80's beat and vocoded vocals.
Lovin the chilled vibe. The trippy hippy flute-ish synths is beautiful, and your guitar playing's a real treat ...kinda reminds me of Led Zep. Fabulous submission for your 1st track mate. Hope we'll be hearing more from you. Keep 'em rollin fella!
What a lovely dreamy vibe. Defo one of those gorgeous tunes for chillin out to after an all nighter. It would put you right in the zone. I'm downloadin this beauty and adding it to my favs. Excellent work fella!
You're really groovin here dude! lovin it! ;) this is the sort stuff you can play 24/7. The vocal shout rounds the track off nicely. Shame you can't get a disco mirror ball vst plugin to go with the cool vibe ;)
Bangin it is! Love it to bits! I think this one jumps in at the deep end, and starts off a little too pumpy. Make 'em want it. Then let it explode later! Maybe a longer version of the originals intro. I still think this is a fabulous! Glad you've kept all the original groove. You're one of the best! ;)
thx for your review buddy...I have taken on board wot u said...i am reworkin the intro..although i wanted to get straight to the beat however i am workin on a better prog before it explodes if u like.....thx again man!
Love the intriguing vocal effect! ...absolutely gorgeous ear candy. I really like the way the syncopated beat works in on the intro ...very nicely done! You've done the pella proud. I'll look forward to hearing more from you ;)
Heh, yeah I really like the way the intro turned out. Makes the song start off all grimy and dirty, but then when the beat finally drops, it's all clean haha. Couldn't have done this without Louise's excellent vox. Glad you are enjoying my tracks. Thanks you! :D
What a fabulous chill! The layering works really well ...great sound selection too! and I absolutely love the groove in synth rythms. Keep 'em rollin' dude! ;)
Thank you once again! Yeah, I really like the way these synths worked together. I'm working on a new track right now. Hopefully I'll get it out soon. I tend to take my time a little :P
You've produced a perfect backing track for the vocals. Dreamy but with plenty of motion. Class! Keep 'em rollin fella! Shame I joined after Gizella left. I would of loved to get my mitts on her pellas. What a loss to looperman :(
and chill you out it does! it's exactly what a chill out track should be ...layed back and no need for complexity. love it! Slick percussion too. Well done fella!
Big fun in da house! You should defo do more housy. Way to go fella! I'll have to find more time to listen to your stuff. There's loadsa quality tunage going on here.
If this was garbage it was nicely rescued and recycled. The warble/scratch spoils it a bit for me. It seems to sit on top of the nice chilled vibe you've got going on here instead of being part of it. Maybe if you dropped it an octave or doubled its length it would fall in better. But this is a small niggle, and this is a great peice. Keep the good tunes rollin fella! ;)
Thx Rez- I'll try it to see how it fits. The scratch was one of the first thing I laid down on this one, but the song has really changed since I first composed it, so maybe its time to rethink it as well.
You've got some nice phat synth sounds going on there. I like the swell and pans too. The tune sound really good as it is, but I would lean towards making it a little longer and gating the synths now and again to add a groove. Well done! Keep up the good work!
It's a great track! But for me the lasers got a bit tedious as the fire rate increased towards the end. I think you could slim them down, so they don't blast over a good tune. Nice work! ;)
You've got some nice 'n' meaty dark tunage going on there fella ;) Good by anyones standards and great for a beginner. If you're looking to progress from samples at a later date, there's some very useful tips in the tutoral section here, on creating your own phat reese type dub bass patches for synths. Keep up the good work and have fun! ;)
Another update? You've really gone to town on this track ...and it shows! It grooves my truffles no end ;) I don't think it needs any more tweekage, it's prefect!
thx mate. Yeah this has been a tough one to get right but its done now. I just wish i had proper monitors to get the mix spot on. But its still ok i spose!
"throw away track" never was! I think this track's a whole lot better than you think it is. It's such a great vibe. I love it! and as I've said before, it deserves more than 1.09 minutes, even if it's just splicing a loop in. Just as you're getting into a great groove, it's all over :(
Keep up the good work! ;)
Thanks Man! I added another minute or so, and put a guitar and another (ghostly) rhodes piano part in it. I think its done for the most part, but thanks for the support! Shipping it off to the publisher soon.
Love the purcussion. It's got that tribal groove thing going on that makes you wanna dance, and the chiming arp gives it a dreamy floaty lift. All together it gives sense of the exotic and radiates a lovely chilled vibe. Keep up the good work fella! ;)
Hey Man! Thanks for the cool review!
Glad to hear that you liked what I did with this track and also that you could feel where I was trying to go with this one :) It's one of my faves so I'm glad that you liked it! Have a nice day!
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Outstanding work! Keep 'em rollin fella!
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Keep up the good work! ;)
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Glad to hear that you liked what I did with this track and also that you could feel where I was trying to go with this one :) It's one of my faves so I'm glad that you liked it! Have a nice day!
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