

live love learn
fife, United Kingdom
Joined : 20th Oct 2010 - 14 years ago
themuralist comments on tracks

themuralist has posted 2 comments on other peoples tracks.

Comments (2)
themuralist 12th Jun 2011 05:14 - 13 years ago

on rEvolution - The Ancestral Taunts by n0mad23
has to be said,dub hasnt been known to my ears to sound like this !,im somehow in bahgdad smoking a pipe on the street with my mates ...ordinary day ...busy... hot ... a nice dolly bird.. belly dancing in my fantasious mind of youth :) yes i got lost in that track ..thats what musik is meant to do .. good job so far

..if i was to go on the downside a tad :)..i would say it took a bit of longer than i would of liked to punch me in ... if u get my drift..

themuralist 28th Feb 2011 01:10 - 14 years ago

on Dancing with the Carnival Rebellion feat Nuada by n0mad23
wow this track really got my hairs standing to attention...being a scot i feel a certain afinity with the pipes as i grew up next door virtually to the local pipe band practice hut and always watched them and listened to them :). amazing mixture of beats and fx . Mindblowing stuff bud excellent

n0mad23 replied Unknown
Cheers! I've been wondering lately if the pipes don't resonate for some of us on the genetic level. Though I'm 4 generations away from Scotland (thought have visited), the sound of well played pipes always either a) make my eyes well over, or b) creates and urge to find my cutlass and start whacking on some oppressors. A powerful sound indeed. Glad you enjoyed this one, and welcome to the site cousin.
Comments (2)