wow any help with that would be very much appreciated I'm currently waiting for replies from certain individuals on the subject but who's to say if they ever will lol. And thanx again I'm glad you enjoy it! A full video is in planning for this as well. Be sure to check out my Youtube site as well there's a couple of official videos and a bunch of songs there as well. Because of limitations with Looperman's 7mb upload rule I'm able to put a much higher kbps rate on the audio on Youtube. Cheers!
on The Ebola ProJekt - Zeitgeist by the_Ebola_ProJeKt
I will pursue something at The Zeitgeist to get you there.
Ur free of charge marketing manager.....with a MBA.
on The Gates Are Open by SkullMasterMusic
on Ante-Christ by FineRedMist
on The Ebola ProJekt - Zeitgeist by the_Ebola_ProJeKt
Yep....I've seen the movies and am also submitted to receiving the newsletters.Still listening...astonished...brilliant work.