

Stay safe out there
Florida, United States
Joined : 30th Nov 2010 - 14 years ago
Last Online : 5th Mar 2025 - 1 week ago
ShortBusMusic comments on tracks

ShortBusMusic has posted 1174 comments on other peoples tracks.

Comments 1 - 25 of 1,174
ShortBusMusic 8th Nov 2024 12:41 - 4 months ago

on Angelica - Indian Summer by 2Sisters
Hello ladies. I lost my brother exactly one month ago. It gutted me. I was so happy to find your amazing composition this morning. I was hoping for a little healing and this song was the auditory bandaid I needed. Hug your sister tightly, tell her you love her, and never take her for granted. Thank you both for this wonderful interlude. I hope all is well.

2Sisters replied 8th Nov 2024 - 4 months ago
Hi Bear, I'm really sorry to hear that! I can understand your pain. I'm glad you liked the song and that its helping you cope with the pain.
Best regards, Angelica
ShortBusMusic 23rd Nov 2022 15:48 - 2 years ago

on Organic Compounds In Human Body by MasanoriMurabayashi
My god man, how have I missed your music on here...must be old age and senility. This was stunning in every last way - simply elegant. Thanks for sharing, I needed a little calming today. I hope all is well.

MasanoriMurabayashi replied 25th Nov 2022 - 2 years ago
Thanks for listening my tune. I reached at the number of music I allowed to post here, 50 tunes. I'm going to delete old ones. See you someday soon.
ShortBusMusic 23rd Nov 2022 15:34 - 2 years ago

on Let it Do What It Do - Mix 4 by Mykael
Man, you are just so damn good. Seriously, Wayne's reference to Lenny is pretty spot on, although I think your voice has a little more of a "buttery" tone to it. No matter, the only thing I wanted was about another 3 or 4 minutes to listen to. Super job Mykael, you really are the king of RnB on Looperman. I hope all is well.

Mykael replied 24th Nov 2022 - 2 years ago
Hiya, Bear! Well thank you sooooooo much! I'm not sure how worthy I am of such high praise, but I'm taking it ALL in! LOL. Happy you enjoyed the track, and Happy Thanksgiving!!!


ShortBusMusic 25th Oct 2022 21:55 - 2 years ago

on Overthink by Jeffierenee
I have this wonderful song playing as I look out the window in my studio, watching a Snowy Egret fishing in the shallows of our pond...what a wonderful pairing. There is nothing to critique on this song, it is absolutely perfect. Your voice is sooooo smooth. Added to favorites and downloaded so I can play it outside by our pool and let my fishing friend listen to it as well. Beautiful work. Thanks for sharing. I hope all is well.

ShortBusMusic 24th Oct 2022 09:52 - 2 years ago

on LOVE LIKE MINE by Mykael
In a perfect world, I would be able to walk into a jazz club and you would be on stage, singing, and making the world a better place. Until you come to Florida on tour, I'll just have to enjoy your marvelous works here on Looperman. Stellar as usual, simply as smooth as silk. Thanks for sharing this one. I hope all is well.

Mykael replied 2nd Feb 2023 - 2 years ago
Hiya, Bear!

I don't know how I missed your comment. Apologies it's taken me so long to notice it. I am happy you enjoyed the track and thank you so much for the wonderful words. I am Honored and Appreciative. Happy New Year!


ShortBusMusic 23rd Oct 2022 10:40 - 2 years ago

on Automaton by Killick
Man, as Wayne said, this has some incredible tension in it, with a great build throughout. I love music that literally takes me somewhere, that touches something deep inside and this one does that for me. While I can hear the Oldfield reference, I think this one is all Cam. What a wonderful journey, thanks for sharing it with all of us. Outstanding work Cam, I hope all is well.

Killick replied 24th Oct 2022 - 2 years ago
Bear, you are far too kind. But I'm so glad this track made you feel something. I love the intellectual/conceptual side of music but at the end of the day what I love most is music's ability to make me feel things. So, thank you, your comment means a lot.

ShortBusMusic 23rd Oct 2022 10:30 - 2 years ago

on Confidence by Musicwithoutborders
Well done Maj. This one has a cinematic feel to it, something that would work well either during the introduction of a movie, or the closing credits. Either way it was a terrific way for me to get up this morning. Outstanding as usual. I hope all is well.

Musicwithoutborders replied 23rd Oct 2022 - 2 years ago
My dear legend Bear Hello.
You are too kind to me my friend.
I really do appreciate your support, my friend.
I'm glad you like it.
Thanks for the faves too.
I hope everything is settling down okay with you.
ShortBusMusic 19th Oct 2022 11:06 - 2 years ago

on Die By Lek by Lek
Lek, good to see you posting again and you did not disappoint with this one. There is a bunch going on with this one, but the clarity of your mix allows me to hear everything you are doing. Well constructed, well executed and something I can see being used for a high energy show. Outstanding work, but I expect nothing less from you. Thanks for posting this. I hope all is well.

ShortBusMusic 17th Oct 2022 13:14 - 2 years ago

on Welcome To My Nightmare by JodyJames
Jody, Jody, has been a minute since I've seen you brother. I hope life is treating you well. You've always been one of my favorite Loopers and this track illustrates why. It's like a hip hop version of a modified Thriller. Damn good work is what it is. Again, I hope all is well. Thanks for bumping this one up for all of us.

JodyJames replied 23rd Oct 2022 - 2 years ago
What's up Mr. Bear...thank you for the kind's been a long minute. and you sir are one of my top fav producers and loopers....keep doing what you do notch quality work.

I hope all is well with you and yours
Happy Halloween Mr. Bear

ShortBusMusic 17th Oct 2022 13:10 - 2 years ago

on You Dont Know My Pain by crucethus
It's always a real pleasure to stop by and get a master's class from you on these Halloween challenges. Jebus man, this is so good from the first note in the intro to the very last drop. I always know I'm not only in for a sonic treat, but some subtle tricks as well on your Halloween offerings. Really, really well done. And that mix is about as crisp as it gets. Outstanding effort and thanks for showing us mere mortals how its done, haha. I hope all is well brother.

crucethus replied 20th Oct 2022 - 2 years ago
BEAR!!!!, always a pleasure to hear from you mate. This one came together rather quickly as I realized I had not yet made something for this year yet. I was keeping a tradition alive. All is good, I hope all is well in your neighborhood!
ShortBusMusic 17th Oct 2022 13:03 - 2 years ago

on Alone - Demonic Mix by Kirkoid
Really creative work and like Maj said, the intro was pretty awesome. Well done. I hope all is well.

ShortBusMusic 4th Oct 2022 11:12 - 2 years ago

on Legacy Of The Dark Mind 2 Updated by DijamMusic
OH man, Maj, this really is salve for a damaged soul. It is such a lovely composition, but I expect nothing less from you. I'm so happy you were able to recreate it. I am definitely going to download it so I can enjoy it again and again (thank you for that). The loss of all of that work is an absolute tragedy, but I do know if anyone can recover from that, it is you. Beautiful work my friend. Stay safe and I hope all is well.

DijamMusic replied 5th Oct 2022 - 2 years ago
My dear legend Hello.
Bear, it is you I should thank mate. With all that beautiful guitar sounds I had to do something.
Many thanks for your kind feedback.
I am glad you liked it.
thanks again, my mate.
ShortBusMusic 4th Oct 2022 11:04 - 2 years ago

on A Mystery It Seems by Spd2
OK, Pete, it's nice to see your are still are setting the bar really high for the rest of us. What a wonderful composition. This one has all of the elements a great cinematic track requires. Wonderfully suspenseful, but hopeful as well. I'm listening as I look out over the pond in our back yard. Since the hurricane last week, it has changed tremendously and for some reason, this song is the perfect accompaniment to mother nature.

Beautiful work my friend. As usual, the mix is spot on, with wonderful clarity on all of the instruments you used. Another master class for all of us in composition, performance, and execution. Well done, Pete. I hope all is well.

Spd2 replied 6th Oct 2022 - 2 years ago
Man, it's good to hear from you. I hope all is good and well with you and the family. Your review gives me inspiration and creative energy to continue on with my music journey. Thank you for dropping in brother, always a pleasure. Be well and stay safe.


ShortBusMusic 30th Sep 2022 17:06 - 2 years ago

on Do you love me by bloomonkey
Nice work here. I think the mix is actually pretty good. I like the panning on the piano/bell synth (it has some really nice movement from left to right). The pad on both intro sections could possibly use a bit wider stereo field. Also, it could be my ancient ears, but most of the instruments seem to be centered or skewed to the left, leaving the right side of things seeming a little neglected (I hope that makes sense - it could just be my hearing too, haha). I did enjoy this a lot and I'm a fan of good chilled music. All in all, it was an enjoyable listen and your production skills are really pretty good. Compositionally it was also Well done. If you wanted to get crazy you could throw a tempo or chord change in the middle and then transition back. There are lots of changes you could do, but you could also just leave it as it's a solid effort. I hope all is well.

bloomonkey replied 13th Oct 2022 - 2 years ago
Hi Bear

Thanks for the reply and advice. Glad you liked the track too.

I think you and Eric both nailed it with the same sort of answers. Something to give a bit of variation and change of pace.

V2 coming soon ;-)

Thanks again.

ShortBusMusic 5th Jun 2022 11:03 - 2 years ago

on You Dont Get To Choose Featuring SilverBella by doofus
Man, this is a really superb treatment of her vocals...the keyboard work is stellar. Great mix and master. While a guitar might be nice, I always say "Less is more" and in this case I think it's true. Well done. I enjoyed the listen. I hope all is well.

doofus replied 8th Jun 2022 - 2 years ago
Thanks for listening, and yes I totally agree with the less is more approach for anything I'm trying to do. It gets just too damn confusing for me otherwise.
ShortBusMusic 16th Apr 2022 11:34 - 2 years ago

on esoreni-storm by acidic
You always have a knack of creating these epic pieces around acapellas, and this one is no exception. Beautiful work and such and epic piece. Another song that would work in those Viking movies I've been watching. Keep doing what you are doing. Beautiful work, bro. I hope all is well.

acidic replied 16th Apr 2022 - 2 years ago
my dear friend
I write short answers with my limited English. Sorry. However, our music language, style and thinking are similar. Thank you very much for your kind and motivating comments. I wish health and happiness . Take care of yourself
ShortBusMusic 16th Apr 2022 11:30 - 2 years ago

on farishamusic-kehna-hi-kya by acidic by acidic
Damn, brother, not sure how I missed this one. First off, the mix is just stellar, with everything sitting perfectly (at least to my old ears). I absolutely love her voice, don't know what she's saying, but I love it. The use of dynamics in this is also really, really good. Another to favorites, this is so good. Not sure why all those people listened and enjoyed it, but nobody was moved to at least tell you that it is a great track. Oh well, such is life on the Loop. GREAT TRACK! I hope all is well brother. Stay safe.

ShortBusMusic 16th Apr 2022 11:24 - 2 years ago

on Ashesndreams-no-me-dejes-olvidar by acidic
As always, you have such great ability to weave these musical tales around vocals, and these vocals are superb. My only complaint is that this track wasn't another two or three minutes longer. Really great job, but I expect that from all of your compositions. I hope all is well, brother. Stay safe.

ShortBusMusic 16th Apr 2022 11:20 - 2 years ago

on patriciaedwards-go-wise-warrior-and-ruler-lead-voi by acidic
So I've been watching a bunch of epic Viking movies lately, and this track would go well in any of them. Fantastic soundscape that you have crafted around Patricia's amazing spoken word. Truly a masterpiece. Straight to favorites with this one, brother. Well done! I hope all is well.

ShortBusMusic 5th Mar 2022 11:03 - 3 years ago

on On The Wildside by Filaofsoul
Oh yeah, Fila showing the rest of the world that the old guys can bring the funk! Terrific tune with a great crisp mix. You still have it my friend. This one got me up and moving around this morning and was much better for my health than a cup of coffee, haha.

Really, really well done. This one definitely could be in a movie, without a doubt. As always, keep cranking out the hits and take care of yourself. Great to see you back on here. I hope all is well.

Filaofsoul replied 6th Mar 2022 - 3 years ago
Yo Man thanks for stopping by Appreciate the comments as it has been a while and it's always a pleasure when the Bear is in the house. Yea thought I would see if anything left in the create department and came up with these tunes over Several months LOL Great to hear from you. Still play our composition from your contest. (Flashback) Still one of my favorites! All good here. Take care Stay Safe. Filaofosul
ShortBusMusic 27th Jan 2022 14:39 - 3 years ago

on Franz and Sophie by ClickbaitCabaret
Mellow, but with some real tension added with the fx...definitely a great cinematic track that would really work well in movies or possibly games. Well done.

ShortBusMusic 26th Jan 2022 02:28 - 3 years ago

on patricia edwards-warrior by acidic by acidic
Really cinematic epic feel to this one. Great job with Patricia's amazing vocals. I especially like the chord progressions on this.
I could hear this on one of Marvel's action movies. Keep up the terrific work. Well done. I hope all is well.

ShortBusMusic 9th Dec 2021 11:55 - 3 years ago

on Full Circle by AtticElla
My son in law is a really good bass player (upright bass) and he introduced me to lofi a year or so ago (he always had it playing in the background while he did his work in his shop). I found the great bass lines and nuanced arpeggios to be really enjoyable. So I now listen to lofi when I'm out by the pool watching the birds playing in the little lake behind our home. This track would fit nicely in that playlist. I thoroughly enjoyed this one. Another great tune. I hope all is well.

AtticElla replied 9th Dec 2021 - 3 years ago
Thank you Bear! I'm still trying to perfect my lofi technique. Don't think I'm as good at it as say bringerofDOOM. But I think I'm getting there. I'm probably just lazy and take too many shortcuts. But oh well, it is what it is. Thank you again for listening!
ShortBusMusic 9th Dec 2021 11:48 - 3 years ago

on Immortal by AtticElla
So, I know absolutely nothing about House, but I do know a little bit about a song that is pleasant to listen to. This is greatly constructed with a beautiful treatment of the vocals. As has been stated before, the mix really is stellar, especially with all that is going on in this. Really impressive work. Happy Holidays!

AtticElla replied 9th Dec 2021 - 3 years ago
Bear, that is such a sweet comment. I appreciate it so much that you take the time to listen. Happy Holidays to you and your family as well!
ShortBusMusic 12th Oct 2021 19:43 - 3 years ago

on NIGHTLIFE by sirefox
Bueno, es obvio desde el primer tiempo que conoces bien una gran melodía de trance. Soy un fanático de los arpegios y los usaste con gran efecto. Trabajo sobresaliente. Espero que todo esté bien.

sirefox replied 12th Oct 2021 - 3 years ago
Gracias amigo , agradezco tu tiempo y comentarios. Paz y salud.
Comments 1 - 25 of 1,174