

Let the track write itself
st louis, United States
Joined : 1st Dec 2010 - 14 years ago
levicoult comments on tracks

levicoult has posted 17 comments on other peoples tracks.

Comments (17)
levicoult 27th Jan 2012 06:15 - 13 years ago

on I Dont Have The Time by Mosestone
Hey I like this a lot, what's the vocal sample?
Mosestone replied 27th Jan 2012 - 13 years ago
I am not 100% sure, but I think the vocal is from early e-jay? I have thousands of samples .. the odd file pop's up on the computer after year's of gathering dust, and WHAM! the inspiration comes.
levicoult 27th Jan 2012 06:13 - 13 years ago

on The Horns Of Babylon - The Ascension Of A Prophet by Mosestone
Whoa, funky! This is very chill, I can totally get baked to this. I mean cake of course, nothing illegal, I know you're watching me government ?_?
Mosestone replied 27th Jan 2012 - 13 years ago
levicoult 4th Jul 2011 22:16 - 13 years ago

on Miss Me (Sunshine Single Edit) by CDream
Well you obviously know what you're doing, this takes me back to the 90's euro dance hits. I grew up in Germany in the 90's myself and I can definitely hear your influences here.. plus the song translates very well, good transparent sound. The guitars sound excellent... very impressive man. One of the synths has a bit of an eastern sound.. like indian sort of. I can see why this was/is a hit.

EDIT ---------------
Yep, I saw it :)
CDream replied Unknown
many thanx for your review, the first I recieved :-) respect for doing that big change, starting a new life in U.S. just made a bookmark of your profile ;-). hope you have read my review addon on to your reply?
levicoult 2nd Jul 2011 23:25 - 13 years ago

on Sensation (not the real thing yet) by DjDutcher
deadmau5 style.. pulled it off nicely too, good sound.. yep
levicoult 2nd Jul 2011 23:18 - 13 years ago

on House Kinda thing by ScreamingZombie
I think this would be more in the dance/trance arena.. I think.. not 100%... but yes nice, fun and happy sort of track.. good times
ScreamingZombie replied Unknown
Thanks mate, yea ths is my first outing into the world of dance music :)
Its all quite new to me.
levicoult 2nd Jul 2011 18:08 - 13 years ago

I like this track a lot, did you make the vocals yourself? Would you be willing to let me remix this or maybe even a collab? I love the tribal drums... and the vocals.. I pretty much like verything about this track man, awesome job. Did you record the drums yourself? VST? Loop?

Peace and keep up the nice work
SERGEJ77 replied Unknown
I'm glad you like it..thank you for the patience while listenig...
I'm dealing with loops...Well...let us try some collab...tell me what do you have in mind...
levicoult 14th May 2011 22:13 - 13 years ago

on Bradd - September by DjBradd
This is major tunage
levicoult 18th Apr 2011 01:31 - 13 years ago

on Chosen I Am by DJFredrick
This track inspired me to redo one of my tracks... tell me what you think man, peace :)
levicoult 16th Apr 2011 18:12 - 13 years ago

on Defender by StineControl
Nice little old school house track.. not bad, not bad at all props mayne!
StineControl replied Unknown
Thanks, I was thinking I should mayb put this in the house genre but I think it's closer to tech house thats what I been listening to a lot of lately, I wonder what genre gets the most views ?
levicoult 16th Apr 2011 18:05 - 13 years ago

on Wathne-Range by Wathne
THis sounds nice man... What kind of synths do you use if you don't mind me asking?
Wathne replied Unknown
Thanks i use a combination of nexus chillin bells and Class m planet Chords are Zeta-chords of life and sylenth1 4 bassline:)
levicoult 14th Apr 2011 10:50 - 13 years ago

on Hallucination by Dembow
Very nicely done.. props
levicoult 11th Apr 2011 00:31 - 13 years ago

on New Wave by niklasoh
Nice underlying synth... the top lead is a little too loud I think. Just barely. Nice job.
niklasoh replied Unknown
I guess you might be right. I could turn it down a bit and let the bass/kickdrum be a bit louder as well. =)
levicoult 10th Apr 2011 11:49 - 13 years ago

on Whats Happened To The World by GAKST3R
Very nice... hey I went over the list of gear you own and I honestly don't know why you're worried about getting anymore hard synths... you can make world class music with the things you have... keep it up man, good luck with the demo..
GAKST3R replied Unknown
haha thanks for the review man....i just updated my hardware page....i dont own a minimoog,my friend came over and was messing around on my account and decided to updated it...all fixed now :)
levicoult 10th Apr 2011 01:05 - 13 years ago

on Chosen I Am by DJFredrick
Wow this is very nice. Very well produced, very HQ. Like someone already said, the drums are very cool, the claps and the snare sound excellent.

Hey that 'ting ting' at around 2:20 is off rhythm, was that on purpose?

This is a sweet piece, the sounds are very refined... very smooth and 'milky', a pleasure to the ears. Fav and DL. We should do a collab.. that's if you want of course. Keep it up man, I'm keeping my eye out for you, peace.

DJFredrick replied Unknown
Hey Levi!
Wow thanks a ton bro. It makes me so happy when I get a review like this. Detailed and so positive. Its extremely inspiring.
I'll have to open up the project and see what you mean cause I don't think its deliberate! thanks for hearing it be right on it to fix it :)

I'd love to do a colab! I think it'd be a blast! hit me up and we can get on it!! :)
levicoult 4th Feb 2011 18:13 - 14 years ago

on Piano rules by Jann
Hey man, that bass-like note at 1:21 sounds off, or out of tune.. also at 1:26, 1:32 etc.. Otherwise NICE tune man! I love nexus, I use on a lot of my tracks and I also just got z3ta but I'm not as familiar with it yet.

Anyway, this is a very catchy song.. hey another thing I would do with this is mess with the velocity on the piano to give it more of a human feel. Peace bro..
Jann replied Unknown
jeap i agree with this bass thing:P nexus is good and if you are at least familiar with z3ta then you know that this is very good too;)
but thanks and keep up u too bro!
levicoult 16th Jan 2011 15:11 - 14 years ago

on The Fuzz by nepaul
whoa, I like this track man.... Have you ever seen one those movies where the 'regular joe-shmoe' has a moment of sudden awakening? Like he just got smacked in the face and now he finally understands... that ahhh! scene in the film.... lol I don't know how to explain this, but that's this track... downloading
nepaul replied Unknown
word up levi. thanks yo!
levicoult 15th Jan 2011 20:44 - 14 years ago

on Breathe (featuring Farisha) by SonicLearnings
I like where your head is at. I dug this version, props man... I like what you did with the bridge, the words "why didn't I think of that" came to mind immediately lol... all in all, well done. Big ups from st. louis to Slovenia.. I was born in Bosnia myself so, I GOT MY EYE ON YOU BUDDY!! haha jokes jokes

SonicLearnings replied Unknown
Thank you very much, mate! BTW, i'm half Bosnian myself, so here's a big cheers from the Balkans!
Comments (17)