

Fl Studio Live!
Chicago, United States
Joined : 1st Dec 2010 - 14 years ago
Express77 comments on tracks

Express77 has posted 8 comments on other peoples tracks.

Comments (8)
Express77 23rd Feb 2011 16:31 - 14 years ago

on Save Me by Fearthief
Jesus, dude, how are you not like, full blown famous? You voice is freakin' awesome! And top it off with an awesome guitar? You got it made! If you need a drum, piano, or guitar riff, let me know, I'll be honored to collab with you. Great track!
Express77 23rd Feb 2011 16:17 - 14 years ago

on Song by kibbs
Sent you a message...thanks!
Express77 4th Feb 2011 17:33 - 14 years ago

on Midnight Cruse by Varren
Not bad, a bit short, and as a suggestion, try and throw some more bass in there. The melody line was good, and I liked the synths, just try to make it more dynamic, mix it up a bit. Good job though!
Express77 26th Jan 2011 17:18 - 14 years ago

on I forgot the werds by The_Hollow_Project
This is amazing, I don't know why you haven't gotten more plays, this is like, real life production stuff. You could make it big time. Fantastic stuff, really. Everything was spot on. Keep it up.
Express77 10th Jan 2011 19:53 - 14 years ago

on Sexual Incision by AstorianStigmata
Not exactly punk, but the vocals are spot on, and I love the effect with the guitar, you have a phenomenal sounding bass and drum set, maybe up the guitar level a bit, but nothing that isn't already good. Really great stuff, man, keep it up.
Express77 10th Jan 2011 19:50 - 14 years ago

on Punk Fuse by DemetriVoultsos
Great stuff here, I liked the opening riff, but (in my opinion) the drums came a little late, and you were seriously lacking in the bass department. The vocals need some work, they don't really fit with the rhythm. Otherwise, great work on the 'punk rock' beat.
DemetriVoultsos replied Unknown
In taking youre advice I will add a bass track and reupload. Thank you!
Express77 10th Jan 2011 19:23 - 14 years ago

on Chemical Romancer by aliyarose
Not exactly punk, but your voice is phenomenal, I don't know how you don't have a record label yet, the effects your used in the song were fitting and interesting, perhaps a little to light on the percussion and guitars, but everything else was top notch. Great work.
Express77 6th Dec 2010 18:27 - 14 years ago

on Under The Sea by majesty
A fantastic piece of work. Very nice slow, chill intro to bring in the distorted guitar, which started up a very calming melody. At 1:20 it cut off a bit abruptly, try and see if you can sustain it. I just love the background melody, so soothing. Interesting transition to the low guitar and rock beat, it came a bit as a surprise, albeit a good one. A good pattern of notes, maybe put a little more bass guitar into it. The low riffs are good, and I like the transition with the arpeggio. I also like the dual guitar ending, it was really cool. Overall, it is a great piece. Congratulations!
majesty replied Unknown
thnx i will keep in mind. i have to work on it little bit more. more tracks are comin soon :D hope you all enjoy
Comments (8)