

breaking the walls in my head
Berlin, Germany
Joined : 2nd Dec 2010 - 14 years ago
Glocke comments on tracks

Glocke has posted 95 comments on other peoples tracks.

Comments 26 - 50 of 95
Glocke 24th Feb 2011 20:58 - 13 years ago

on Hektor-Thillet and The All-Stars LIVE by goosemeyer
this is a greeeeat baby. :)
I really enjoy hearing jazz. and this piece is really good so i enjoyed much. :)
smooth fills, a great sound and arrangement, very good phrasing.
a bigger guitar solo would have been fine. but's a matter of taste.

faved! :)
goosemeyer replied Unknown
Thanks, Glocke.. I plan on adding some more Setzer style riffs when I borrow my friend's Gretsch "Chet Atkin's guitar" with Bigsby trem. I'd also like to replace some of the Loops with some of our Loopers.
all the best, The Goose.
Glocke 18th Feb 2011 18:33 - 13 years ago

on Psycho Metal by Aganim666
holy sh*t... o.o
what a firework of sound flashing my mind right know. i saw the ATR cover from your nick. so ithought about sweet melody lines. not this bambambam. but, jesus, this is awesome. i can't tell you much about how to improve, it's not my genre. but hellyes i like this track! :) because it's so strange and different.

faved! :)
Glocke 18th Feb 2011 07:41 - 13 years ago

on killer clown by fadzil
hot. ;D
and faast... maybe i've got some inspiration.
but, there should be a chill part also, unless you wanna kill the drummer and the right hand of a guitarist. ;D
fadzil replied Unknown
lol....yeah i know, thanx for the thought.\m/
Glocke 17th Feb 2011 21:40 - 13 years ago

on Demigod by Steinaa
can't read the stuff, the first wrote. ;D
so buuut, this track is yeah. finest metal culture. the riffs are amazing. just for playing around *caugh* it sounds to arranged for just playing around. ;D and it sounds kickass. :)
your guitarwork is amazing i wish i could play these phrygian and what ever scales as you can! :)
Steinaa replied Unknown
Hey Glocke :)
I wasnt really just playing around - and its pretty much an arranged song :) Thanks for the awesome words though, and is there such a thing as phrygian (?) scales? Haha, I wouldnt know.. Cant play a single scale.. :p
Glocke 16th Feb 2011 21:00 - 14 years ago

on The Grooveline ( Heatwave Cover ft JoeFunktastic ) by AllenV
niiice song. :) cool guitars, drums and sound. really good sound btw. the phrasing is awesome, well done solos! :)
but sometimes these shred passages are not perfect clean.
but this doesn't matters. ;)
AllenV replied Unknown
Thanks Glocke!Mr.Funktastic helped a lot with this one..I always loved this song as a teen...a long,long time ago :)
Thanks for the comment!

Glocke 4th Feb 2011 07:07 - 14 years ago

on The Chase (WIP) by Brann
mooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooore! i really thought about a solo i could play about this track. because it is god damn it huge. and then it stopped where it shouldn't stop... this is awesome. sounds really cool! :)
Glocke 4th Feb 2011 07:01 - 14 years ago

on U- ME- THEM by WMS
wow the atmosphere first is really cool. and then there is a phenomen i often saw when guys from hip hop did chilled music. the bass could take down the walls of jericho. ;D
so arrangement, atmosphere etc. are tasty and very good. but this big bass disturbs all of it...
WMS replied Unknown
thanks. i will take care of it (asap)
Glocke 2nd Feb 2011 19:53 - 14 years ago

on Hey brother man by ProphetG
yeeaha. chilled vibes come out of my headphones. it's not like the good ol' marley, but this is great.
and this track really has potential, if your other tracks would have an equal level of energy in them, it would be a genius album. :)
ProphetG replied Unknown
Nice one, positive commments, thanks, I am currently working on getting another 2 tracks finished so I'll be sure to upload another once I have it ready.

Glocke 30th Jan 2011 19:49 - 14 years ago

on Morning Glory by truegrit
... silence. there is nothing to say anymore. this is heaven. :)
truegrit replied Unknown
Hi again Glocke,you are so kind with your Reviews,Silence is a long word, but I really do appreciate your reviews and I think I came up with this track,knowing you guys would be expecting some improvement on the last track.Well I hope you are not disapointed.
Glocke 30th Jan 2011 19:18 - 14 years ago

on Always Yours by Webgab
nice and chilld. beautiful vibes come through my speakers. :)
cool, if i think on monday tomorrow, i wanna go with the song somewere else. these tunes have the potential to do that! ;)
Webgab replied Unknown
Thank you very much. Really appreciate you taking the time to listen and give feedback.
Glocke 30th Jan 2011 19:14 - 14 years ago

on Amnesia by Steinaa
wow. feels like a wall hit my head. this is awesome metal. :) nice riffery, really cool drums. very quality sound here, nothing to critize or to add. it's perfect as it is...

faved. :)
Steinaa replied Unknown
Hey Glocke. Thanks for leaving a comment, and I appreciate the kind words - nothing beats a good review!
I hope the wall didnt hurt too much..
Glocke 30th Jan 2011 11:02 - 14 years ago

on Dont Be Afraid feat Angela Sheik by WillRees123
lol, a funny song. :P cool acapella and nice ideas for the musical ground. these beeps all the time are after one min a bit annoying, but all in all it sounds cool! :)
Glocke 30th Jan 2011 10:57 - 14 years ago

on Justin Collab with ChrisCharles2910 by Gordw
sick story...
but it's nice song. sounds to me like big impressions and feelings are integrated here. both of you did a good job here! :)
Gordw replied Unknown
That day actually changed me a little bit inside. Yes impressions were left with me along with alot of respect for anyone of any country who ever serves no matter what your faith or beliefs are.
Thanks for the listen and review.
Glocke 30th Jan 2011 10:53 - 14 years ago

on let it go by 67Ecosse
this is nice. :) the vocals are great, also the arrangement. everything fits, sounds huge and cloudy, great work here! :)
Glocke 28th Jan 2011 23:00 - 14 years ago

on Remember us by DaSkinna
wow, i don't really like military stuff at all... even if it is a date the world must be remembered, but what you did here is awesome. even if these parts are just loops. you did a excellent job. this sounds so huge, everything fit's together. i really like choirestuff, like carmina burana from carl orff, or stuff from penderecki. but this has a quality i didn't see often. I'm curious for ya stuff you will bring here to the community. and if you like, It would be great to collab somehow! :)
Glocke 24th Jan 2011 15:22 - 14 years ago

on La Ultima Bala (Vicen Collab) by AllenV
This is quite cool. :)
nice chilled slomo rock. nice fills from the guitar. it's a great arrangement and there are some incredible solos in this track! :)
a musical baby! :)
faved for sure!

p.s.: sometimes the solos are not perfect clean and sometimes more phrasing would be great. but who cares, it rocks as hell! ;)
AllenV replied Unknown
Hey Glocke!I hear ya about the solos,this is kind of experimental for me,the ground is a little new and different.At timesI really didn't know what would work so we bounced ideas back and forth...quite a long bounce from here to Spain!

Thanks again for the input,I appreciate it!

Glocke 23rd Jan 2011 08:03 - 14 years ago

on Strange sounding wind by thyroid
compley and wonderful track. :)
also many small things here which give this track a wide range and a nice quality. great arrangement, really cool sound. :)
faved for sure! waiting for more. :)
thyroid replied Unknown
wow thanks for this review, i think this track is also one of my fav, it completes my thoughts how i saw this song. Also thanks for putting it in your fav
Glocke 23rd Jan 2011 07:57 - 14 years ago

on Rendezvous by toddj
Woah, it's something between ambient and dancing track. If you would listen to this track to something else, than headphones, the bass would smash you against a wall. ;D
But it's sweet, easy and interesting. great track!
toddj replied Unknown
That would be cool. I have never played this tune on a large sound system. I would love to play some of my songs on some large speakers. I think you could places this song in a number of different categorizes. I guess you could make new genre called ambient dance. I always find it hard to stick to any certain style. Thanks for listening and giving it a review.
Glocke 21st Jan 2011 21:36 - 14 years ago

on Rainbows and other farts by ModusII
first i thought the singer was seasquatsch (don't know how to write the name of this brown longhaired creature. ;D)
and the arrangement is pretty cool. especially the rythm guitar! :)
ModusII replied Unknown
thanx glocke! and where in east germany lebst du genau? =)
Glocke 21st Jan 2011 21:32 - 14 years ago

on Mausoleum Memories by SpyderX
awesome soloing! really cool, oldschool feeling in there! :)
I admire your skills, maybe I copy some licks, if you don't mind.
all in all solid, but fat track! great! :)
SpyderX replied Unknown
Thanks for the listen and review, Glocke. Copy whatever you want ~ I don't mind.


Glocke 21st Jan 2011 15:18 - 14 years ago

on Rain of Love by TheHellboy
This is smoooth. ;D and groovy as hell.
Just some real instruments would be great.
keep on doing! :)
Glocke 15th Jan 2011 08:51 - 14 years ago

on Death by DemetriVoultsos
wow. the backing is really cool, sounds great nice arranged. but the solo is not as awesome as the rest of the track. but nice anyway! :)
DemetriVoultsos replied Unknown
Thanks bra! I'll try doing that solo over. By the way I like the song you made when you lost youre ciggarettes!
Glocke 2nd Jan 2011 13:29 - 14 years ago

on BassBoi - Stars by Huzko69
sounds really cool. and much better then this guetta stuff...
your personal component here is great not so mainstream like, it's different and i like it much. :)
and it's sounds really prefessional. cool! :)
Huzko69 replied Unknown
Thank you so much for the review and feedback, it means a lot to me ;) I'm really glad you like it. Thank you! :)
Glocke 2nd Jan 2011 13:04 - 14 years ago

on Hot Pursuit by Saxobones by SLAPJOHNSON
oh yeah. :) sounds professional, also awesome sax solos! :)

So, but the problem it isn't a mind blowing song right now in my opinion.
the intro is nice, solid, but also a bit annoying. i waited for the bam in my face you know, the start when i say "boooah what the f******ck? greeeeat.". maybe a little drum solo would be good for catching attention. also when i listen with some different audio applications, it sounds better with a bass boost and not so shape bass, for getting the pressure.
then the sax part is cool, maybe a small fill from another instrument would be very interesting.
the break fits perfectly, maybe a bit sharper guitar (more presence) would give a more exactly tone picture. then cool solo, great mixed, this is perfect.
another hardcore solo, fine.
but it's like a story one after another. a contrast in the second part with a changed rhythm for example, would make it mindbolwing i think. rhight know it's nice but predictable. good for ambient stuff and so on, but not good for "what the f*****ck!!" :D

but in the end i'm just a nerd with a hobby, you're the pro, but i hope it helps a bit.

greetings glocke
SLAPJOHNSON replied Unknown
Hi Glocke, firstly thanks for taking the time to drop by and listen. Your review is just the kind of honesty and opinion I need to create an album full of great songs. This is the first draft of this song, and I have until April to get all of the tracks right before the album gets pressed. I will digest your comments and act accordingly.
Cheers, Slap...
Glocke 2nd Jan 2011 09:08 - 14 years ago

on FEEL by HardstyleRythm
beautiful! :) it's really soft and always just this one riff... but it sounds soooo big!

good work here! :)

ach und frohes neues ;)
Comments 26 - 50 of 95