

breaking the walls in my head
Berlin, Germany
Joined : 2nd Dec 2010 - 14 years ago
Glocke comments on tracks

Glocke has posted 95 comments on other peoples tracks.

Comments 51 - 75 of 95
Glocke 1st Jan 2011 23:00 - 14 years ago

on Gone by NamelessWarning
So, me again. you didn't "screamed" the mic away as I told you. so i can't see any development in here. sry.
And listenable was a good word to describe this stuff here. youre just 14 so it's okey, if i think how i played e.g. guitar with 14 years, satan better should have eat my soul. but now it's better and listenable i hope. :P
So if you wanna make me a faviour, just delete this itunes crap in your profile. from the nearly 300k loopermans here are probably 20 at itunes? ;D

so you're young and do a good start. but maybe you just ask someone (the best would be such a singing teacher at a musicschool) for help. and you will see, it will become better. :)

and jus forget biber and co. these are musical sacrifices of commerce... not real, and they do a bullsh*t which they call music.

greetings. glocke.
NamelessWarning replied Unknown
sorry, i know i didn't scream. it's just i made this song before i saw your first review! i'll try on my next song!!

and about the iTunes thing, yeah i don't know why i said that XD
Glocke 1st Jan 2011 22:41 - 14 years ago

on The Bullfighter by truegrit
mmh, you told me to check out your other tracks, what a pity i was to lazy to do it before... maaan you make so great stuff here. cause of the guitar i like this track very much, you've a fantastic hand for melodies, phrasing (even it is midi) and feeling. soo much feeling. this is awesome!
really, it a big bullsh*t with your hand, but the music you write here is very very high quality either.
gimme moooore! :)
truegrit replied Unknown
Thanks for listening to The Bullfighter,I am very glad you like the track and your remarks about playing midi on the keyboard.I used to play guitar amongst other Instruments and I find with a touch responsive keyboard you can get a very close feel to the real thing, depending on the Synth software you are using, along of course with 35 years experience, playing different instruments live on
stage.Music is very addictive and lot of it comes from dedication and determination.The more you put in the more you get out.
Thanks again for your nice review.
Glocke 1st Jan 2011 17:38 - 14 years ago

on New Beginning by truegrit
this is awesome. and sounds freakin big. and like film music yeah.

wanna more from this stuff! :)
truegrit replied Unknown
Thanks for your Review of my track, New Beginning,glad you liked it .I hope you get to listen to some of my other tracks ,mostly Cinematic/classical.
Happy New Year.
Glocke 28th Dec 2010 20:56 - 14 years ago

on Forsaken by Marius9
amazing track. :)

freakin melodies, really good riffery, sounds sometimes prog like and the choire is woooow. ;)

sometimes (especially solopart) the guitar is not exactly in time. but it's not sooo important. ;)
Glocke 28th Dec 2010 20:37 - 14 years ago

on Change For The Better by NamelessWarning

bear told you everything important. ;)
the backings in your songs are really good, they're a really good base to develop your style.
what you've really to develop is your voice. don't be shy, "scream" into the mic, show your voice, don't hesistate, nobody we punish you for a nice tone, for a strong voice. thats the most important thing while singing, i think. ;)
NamelessWarning replied Unknown
Thanks man, and yeah i'm only 14, and i am i bit shy when it comes to singing, but i'm working on it! thanks for listening!
Glocke 20th Dec 2010 15:20 - 14 years ago

on Melodic Metal Snow Day 2 by JimmyLee
oh sh*t, i'm really sorry dude! :D
so I can tell something about the guitar too, fine.
your style reminds me on a guitarist, yep i checked it right on youtube, david gilmoure. your sound is like davids guitar art. insane! :)
Wish i would play like you. :) I love this style.
JimmyLee replied Unknown
It's all cool. I grew up listening to Gilmour and Pink Floyd. Your pretty good yourself. Jammin In Infinity is really cool! Thanks again.
Glocke 19th Dec 2010 19:06 - 14 years ago

on We Are Trapped by LeftArmy
Bam. right in my face.
This was f*ckin awesome. I don't feel close to the digital music style blabla.

But i want definitely your album!.
LeftArmy replied Unknown
We appreciate your review =) This is from our first album, we're releasing updated tracks shortly.
Glocke 19th Dec 2010 18:55 - 14 years ago

on Melodic Metal Snow Day 2 by JimmyLee
lovely. :)
this is freakin great. sooo much feeling in there.
and an awesome guitar solo there. even if it isn't from you, but it is awesome. :D
JimmyLee replied Unknown
Thanks. Dude that is me! Bum notes and all. Just spiced up one of my tracks. Always looking to improve.
Glocke 15th Dec 2010 19:58 - 14 years ago

on And So Becomes by Diwey
Nice chilled. there are great vocals sometimes... yours?

it's a great fundament for a real good song!

keep on doing! :)
Diwey replied Unknown
As I wrote in the description, vocals and guitar belongs to Matt Beer (theonetruebrew - user from looperman);-)
Thanks for the comment! ;-)
Glocke 15th Dec 2010 19:42 - 14 years ago

on Triumphant Finale by Express77
I see... a large amount of tunes, feelings moods, all in one song taken from other songs...
This is a hard thing to do, very difficult to mix these together. you did a well job!
I don't know all of your tracks but some. it's minimalistic how you did but solid and it sounds great! :)
nice phrasing in the guitars btw!

Rock on mate, great work here! :)
Glocke 15th Dec 2010 07:39 - 14 years ago

on The Zone by jfw
Mjam, tasty. :)

now I can get up... this is really well played. freakin groovy, music in front of the lord...

keep on doing! :)
jfw replied Unknown
Thanks for the listen - much appreciated!

Glocke 15th Dec 2010 06:41 - 14 years ago

on Blues Ballad by srv3089
That was great! your technics and tone is amazing! :)
I really enjoyed this more pleeaaaase.
but the next time please split it stereo cause the backing harms sometimes the solo. so a left right split could help.
and it sounds sometimes peaked? Am I right?

Ok I looked in your profile... I see. first line 6 is bullshit, I use it too... :D everytime I could set it afire. Second I also used Kristal in the beginnig cause it's so easy. but in the mixdown it cut's you very much brilliance. so better take audacity. there have also somethin like click and pop filters and so on.

but the song and you phrasing is wuaa great! :)
Glocke 14th Dec 2010 22:17 - 14 years ago

on latin flow rnb 2 by latinflow
hihi sounds funny. great produced, good idea, but not my style.
wayne, keep on doing! :)
Glocke 14th Dec 2010 21:05 - 14 years ago

on Rock On by LarzCreative
Dunno maybe i've alzheimer disease. but this sound changed very much from the last time... woaah what a development.
Now I like it really much. It's a great track! :)
and the Rock on is sweet. =D
LarzCreative replied Unknown
Hey thanks! I wanted to surprise you and it worked. =)
Glocke 14th Dec 2010 21:02 - 14 years ago

on Soundtrack(love theme) by Aereas
Keep on working on this track I wanna hear the complete version. great sound and a nice arrangement.
the melody is an catchy tune. :)
Aereas replied Unknown
Thanks man :)

Maybe I will continue with this tune then ;)

Glocke 14th Dec 2010 20:55 - 14 years ago

on Coffee speculations by sumper
I have to make a review at least because of the title of this smoothy chilled song.
Coffee is great. and the arrangement is coffeelike.
genuis title for a very tasty composition.

keep on doing! :)
sumper replied Unknown
Thanks Glocke :)
Glocke 14th Dec 2010 20:45 - 14 years ago

on Divebomber by RAPREscENT
wow, a great track full of inspiration and creativity.
great work! :)

Keep on doing!
Glocke 14th Dec 2010 07:05 - 14 years ago

on Absolution to Ambience by Express77
nice work! :)
great for the time 8.09 a.m.
it was a treat indeed, my friend!
Glocke 14th Dec 2010 06:46 - 14 years ago

on Waves by Sixfingermusic
wow. this is incredible. the sound, the vibes and waves and everythhing. the parts are simle but there are so many parts, such a volumen. this is a real reincarnation piece, awesome! :)
Glocke 13th Dec 2010 13:22 - 14 years ago

on Cuenta Conmigo by Vicen
hehe, chilled jazzy, great! :)

It's a really well arranged jazz tune. you've got a hand for doing music even without playing an instrument!

it was a pleasure listen to it. :)
Vicen replied Unknown
Thank you very much. I've been 40 years in silence until I discovered that a computer could make music. Now I have 40 years of lyrics and melodies in my mind.
Glocke 13th Dec 2010 12:51 - 14 years ago

on STP CREEP (COVER) by wartooth
Stop crying like a baby for feedback, everybody get's some on this site, waiting is the key. ;)

so to be honest: it's not bad.
there are good things and some not so good things.
good is you've your style singing a song and a characteristic voice which isn't annoying.

but sometimes you lose power and whisper shy into the mic. then it's sometimes very nasal - doesn't sounds porfessional. ;)
then try to breath with your midriff it will sound more tension - will get an more exactly tone giving.
and try not to slide the tones from down to the tone you wanna sing.
also open your mouth bigger. the high tones starving from having no volumen.
and you always try to have this rough thing in your voice. stop that if you don't have it. ;) just sounds stupid.

I hope this will helps a bit.

my tip: go to a music school and take a half year singing lessons. will give you much more then we can say here. cause singing is a technique you have to learn. ;) (most people have to. :P )

and yes i'm a lazy guitarist, but i've to sing in our stupid school choire. so I know what im talking about. ;)
Glocke 13th Dec 2010 12:38 - 14 years ago

on Paradise feat Kate Dilemma by NoMadDix
I like the beat, the style, the arrangement.
also the voice of course! :)
It feels a bit oriental and is a freakin nice chill music.
faved! :)
NoMadDix replied Unknown
thanks bud
much appreciated
glad you enjoyed it
also check out resarection if you like chill out.
thanks again
Glocke 12th Dec 2010 08:36 - 14 years ago

on Hold On by N2G
first seconds i thought on lady gaga... cause of your high but nice voice. and these pop beats in the drums. then some rap? i think so. yeah thats all usual pop stuff could come right out of the radio.

sometimes the melody lines in the instruments could be louder, right now they're not clear...

all in all the arrangement is nice but standard. another pop track for the community called world. ;) but it's ok, if you like your style as it is (it's also on a high level), then keep on doing! ;)
N2G replied Unknown
Thanks...we're still trying to work on converting from rnb and rap to some rock and pop...I think the more songs we do we should began to get better on making those type of songs
Glocke 11th Dec 2010 19:00 - 14 years ago

on Under The Sea by majesty
Nothing breaking new. just old stuff with a new image. but that's how it works... great piece of work here especially the one riff on minute 2... ;) tasty. :)

all in all it's a great tune to smoke a cigartte right know! :D
majesty replied Unknown
thnx im trying more and more... more to go new tracks are on the way. you will smoke a lot :DD
Glocke 11th Dec 2010 18:50 - 14 years ago

on Let Me Down Easy by Naruko
well first, this is not blues. :D pop genre will fit best i think.

second: awesoooooome! :) your voice is insane i wish someone who could sing like you and has the same spirit would live around here, so we could do something together...

really great, if you don't mind we could do a little collab together sometimes?

greetings glocke
Naruko replied Unknown
FIRST OF ALL: I am the WORST at trying to guess what genre is what, so that really helps. @__@ thanks.

SECOND: THANKS AGAIN! I actually would absolutely LOVE to collab, it's sort of the only way I can carry on as a musician, because i only write and sing, so collabs keep me afloat. get in touch! C:
Comments 51 - 75 of 95