keep em comming and moving thanks to love peace un less.ItIs timeeeeeeeee for warrrrrrr i mean war faces as long as the short of it is a smilke.peace
That is, that cold fire. Keep: freezing them. Still frames connect, the synapses of the:one; collective(brain). Thanks again, brother. If we build it they, will come,like king dumb hunh;} one love for, ever peace.
Mybrother; from another mother. That is awesome. I made it a favorite, before i even; realized this is the colabo. So sweet. words can not describe the feeleing.You know; how that goes. launched my own, art website. The art of peace:full;war, for all: though.t.&and mindfull. check out the web site. there is plenty of room left for another free spirit. i am not interested in material or reality but maybe a mix of the two with a whole heaping of spirit: we; can, make "it". Thanks again for being there when i needed,love 4 ever "keepem coming, keepem moving or stopem cold it still achoice. Djsee chris jones vision revisionist.
Thanks for the love as always. We got to keep each other going in this game and comments from those who really care always mean the most. know I've been out for a week or two but had to jump back on and check out my people (and upload a quick track) I'm on my way to your site right now!
very nice. keepdoing what your doing. iam with you. evryone else is also; even if they, dont realize it. right... peace.i dont believe you needany technical advice.great track vocalist is cool too.iam not, notting, any more.
yeah i can definatley feel that one feeling, comming through. As far as I, can tell its great; man. Very nice movement. In my most humble of opinions, in other words: its not worth much(my opinion). Try to off set the piano, with some accents evry once and a while.,. But still awesome track. I have a voclist. I will play it for him. We will see what happens
Peace. "Keep em, comming keep em, moving."
Thats it. smooth sound. makes you drop right into that zone. I think; what you think, is missing is some vocals. To tie evrything up together into a nice tight package. The people will, follow the groove. All we have to do is beleive. Keep dooing, what your doing brother: we will all get there eventualy. right right. m aybe wrong the jury is still out.But, hey all we can reallllly: do is try. That I honestly beleive, is step one. Step two is, just like step one. Just haREDER, and so on.
I appreciate the love on my track. "Keepem commimg, keepem moving"
Alonzo, This is that heat. This is it. what we have been waiting or stalling 4. trust me I know. We have to make it happen. They will not. Unless we make them seee us. keep em coming keepem moving one lo0ve......peace
iam hungry two looking for that hunbgry crew... you lead i follow....... Unless i see another short cut lol.
coo track man. I like the interplay between the guitar and the piano. Gives it a nice little bouncey swag. Id like to hear mor snips of the sample in order to add more movement. again Nince piece of music.
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Peace. "Keep em, comming keep em, moving."
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I appreciate the love on my track. "Keepem commimg, keepem moving"
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iam hungry two looking for that hunbgry crew... you lead i follow....... Unless i see another short cut lol.
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"Keep'em comin & Keep'em movin".
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