


Dunedin, United States
Joined : 14th Jan 2011 - 13 years ago
67Ecosse comments on tracks

67Ecosse has posted 36 comments on other peoples tracks.

Comments 1 - 25 of 36
67Ecosse 6th Aug 2011 05:00 - 13 years ago

on Outer Space (version number 2) by Amperimetre
good track. great track even. nicely lines in there. great soundtrack or background.....seems like everything is even and laid out nice.....favd for sure - nice sound and bass line with the synth brings it all home....laid back and chilled. needed that after a long week!.
Amperimetre replied Unknown
Ecosse, thank you very much for your comment. If you are right, a bit of soundtrack has this track. This is one of the few tracks that I think of scenes. So I wish I wrote that scene or image comes to you (or you leave) at the head
67Ecosse 12th Jun 2011 16:39 - 13 years ago

on Relax by Dakotamoon666
drums r aweseom on this - listening to this with headphones on what a nice nice experience. mix is great good job dakota...
67Ecosse 12th Jun 2011 15:50 - 13 years ago

on The Roll by 1492TheLie
a very abrupt ending is what it is....this is a great sound and the build up is terrific would like to hear more of this - or what you do with it....very nice sounds and mixed well.
67Ecosse 10th Jun 2011 19:03 - 13 years ago

on Military Zone Feat Farisha by renofr
great track. - great mix it really compliments farisha's vox (one of the best here i reckon)....this is radio ready. not sure if I can find any fault nor does this need anything constructive...the sounds created are have a really great track here reno...nicely done
renofr replied Unknown
Many thanks for this kind comment!
67Ecosse 8th Jun 2011 15:17 - 13 years ago

on Wanna Change by Twanna1
seriously not sure how I have overlooked your tracks until now. This is an outstanding vocal. simple & pure. your voice on this is really top notch. I like the mix but there's something maybe about that drum beat I'd change which is just a personal thing - it kicks in nice at 1:58'sh or round abouts. solo is perfect for this one - I'm giving this 11 out of ten!!! such a great groove.

Twanna1 replied Unknown
Thank you so much for stopping by. It is always a pleasure to share that which is so meaningful with others who appreciate the effort.

This track was inspired by a lovely couple who loved each other, but had difficulty in expressing the changes they each needed to make withing themselves in order to maintain the relationship. I wanted to convey not only lyrically, but in the music, the struggle and the desire they both felt....a drastic "change".

Thank you again for stopping by.

67Ecosse 7th Jun 2011 01:33 - 13 years ago

on WakingTo A Dream by sinco2
really nice sound good use f those chords to create a wonderful atmosphere....nicely done sinco2
67Ecosse 4th Jun 2011 00:15 - 13 years ago

on Q-Raindrop by 3xq
you did a nice job here mr Q. very sweet sound the mix is even. tres chill!! I agree with JohnB - this would stand alone as instrum.

good job man.
3xq replied Unknown
thanks for comments
67Ecosse 24th May 2011 03:28 - 13 years ago

wow! what a fun and totally relaxing track man. You can;t be anything but upbeat listening to this would really defy all odds if you wern't at least tapping yer feet by the 2nd minute....well unless you were in a coffin....even then....

that panning rhode/EP gives this a huge lift man you used that loop great in the mix and it totally brings in the listener. nice beats....could almost hear birds singing as I listened to this....
67Ecosse 24th May 2011 03:15 - 13 years ago

on Do You Still Remember Me by Epip
man you are truly talented. Having listened to some of your tracks from R&B to this...really nice E. Please let me know when and if you do ever get vox on this. Charlie rich and bonnie rait impersonators...hahaha. good job well mapped.
Epip replied Unknown
Thanks glad you enjoyed it. Where I grew up I was lucky enough to be exposed to everything from R&B, Rock, Jazz, Country, and Reggae. That's why is easy for me to move around from one style to another.

67Ecosse 23rd May 2011 04:21 - 13 years ago

on Dont Let Love Slip Away by Epip
great mix - this is a nice production. wow nicely laid out man. I completely agree with all of the comments below. this has some nice mix from the bass and EP/rhodes? strings, sax everything is super nice beat the feel form this is intense - yeah baby! Late night special this one...some super soul...Marvin is getting down on this whereever he may be.
Epip replied Unknown
Yeah, I don't know.... a lot of my tunes seem to be late night endeavors. I guess because it's quite except for me and I can really get into the groove.
Thanks for stopping by.

67Ecosse 20th May 2011 03:15 - 13 years ago

on Somehow by EVRiM
this is a really nice track. I like the sounds and the mix you created here. Lyrics are awesome and some parts of the vocal are sublime. Couple notes need a little pitch correction...IMHO...but overall this truly has the makings of a great, great song. Nice.
EVRiM replied Unknown
Thanx 67. Yeah this is one of the first takes of the song I'm working off of for this mix, but I'm trying to get input and then will go in and record again. What part of the vocals was your favorite?
67Ecosse 15th May 2011 05:48 - 13 years ago

on Taffa Tiffi Acoustic by GB13
c'mon ya big daffodil...get this one finished! so not fair bringing such a brilliant piece of gweetar to the party and not finishing it...totally leaves lemmings like me in the lurch waiting with baited breath for the next installment. The wee tad of reverb almost gives this a harpsichord type of feel doesn't it?? Dude a melody, vocals, something added to this and you got yourself a really nice it is nice feel and nice mix to the sound......enjoy ibiza but make it a priority to finish this when you get back to taffy land.

67Ecosse 15th May 2011 05:30 - 13 years ago

on Day Stalker (Edited Version) by LynziStringer
really diggin this latin type feel you have going here...add a little clave possibly cornet or trumpet and you will have a song that would be played on every club corner from Habana to Beijing or as far as music can reach.
67Ecosse 14th May 2011 19:30 - 13 years ago

on MOONLIGHT by ThierryChoppin
great tune thierry - nice mix everything is really balanced this does create a very mellow atmosphere....favd for sure. thanks for this great track!
ThierryChoppin replied Unknown

A big thank you for your comments they make me happy inside.


67Ecosse 14th May 2011 18:50 - 13 years ago

on Dinosaur Devils by alividlife
phenom drums the abe. couldn;t quite here the bass either - but don;t have the headphones on at moment. I noticed the comment you made about the cymbals taking over a little bit...for me it was ok.. but can get why that could be an issue for some....overall really nice man. really nice would love to hear what this will be like finished notch
67Ecosse 5th May 2011 14:43 - 13 years ago

on Mars Blut (Blood of Mars) by SPO

This is excellent my friend....not quite sure how to say that in Deutche....I totally agree with lofthouse that this has a lot of emotion in! Doesn't matter if you can't understand the lyrics the music and feeling in this track is universal....

SPO replied Unknown
thanks a lot! man i didnt expect that u guys would like the german language :)
dont know, i thought it may sounds "disturbing" or something to ppl who are not familiar with

thx, peace
67Ecosse 5th May 2011 08:14 - 13 years ago

on The Chance of Life by zappo
your forays into this world of music are giving the rest of us a cornucopia of audial delights. I am, for one, very grateful for your expeditions and the treasures you have brought back to share with us.

zappo replied Unknown
thanks for your review Matey
67Ecosse 5th May 2011 07:41 - 13 years ago

absolutly outstanding job done on this track - you have really made that guitar sing in harmony with everything else going on in this. great mix, levels sitting nice and the different solos top notch Mr Bilbozo. Top Notch. This is a quality track. Hoodoo Men are done proud on this track. Fav'd.
67Ecosse 16th Apr 2011 06:53 - 13 years ago

on Sweet Music by djgraehulc
Keep'em movin is right. this is really a great track on a lot of levels. I'm pretty sure you're aware of that but this very sincerely could have a lot of commercial potential - but heh if was for shitz and grinz then you have done a fabulous job and got some great sounds going on with a terrific beat -

Keep 'em comin'
djgraehulc replied Unknown
Thank's fam. From a commercial stand point it is from a commercial, a chiquita banana commercial.
67Ecosse 14th Apr 2011 13:17 - 13 years ago

on HERE WE GO by Planetjazzbass
this is totally bad -azz Dope. The mix is brilliant everything is really well mixed and levelled on this trank - gweetars, bass, percussion, vocals everything....can imagine this was a beelast to make.Each sound comes out in it's own but nothing over-powers anything else....

who cares what you had or what you know this is out of control - it makes woolabra wonga sound like sheep dip.
Planetjazzbass replied Unknown
Thanks man!..glad you liked the vibes,upbeat tempos are a bass player's fun time...cheers mate Dave
67Ecosse 12th Apr 2011 03:48 - 13 years ago

on Sir Lass Lorn (Lounge) by MTalsi
wow....this by far one of the best female pellas I've heard on here. This is a great track but way too short! Would have been nice to hear the music start up after the spoken words then finishing after her pella just one more time....but as it stands this is nicely done. Artwork.
67Ecosse 12th Apr 2011 03:40 - 13 years ago

on Early Days by engomi
for your first time out there using ableton you did not too bad. Not too shabby at all there.....this had a great beat nice sounds going on around and it's sitting nice all round - good job.....look forward to more once you get the hang of things there......
67Ecosse 7th Apr 2011 04:11 - 13 years ago

on La Ultima Bala -Allen V Collab by Vicen
totally balls to the walls on this. lavish praise from all the top loopers on here and deservedly notch Vicen...
Vicen replied Unknown
Thank you very much for your words. All comments made ​​that I have wanted to continue making music ... and continue making music with colleagues how Allen.
67Ecosse 7th Apr 2011 03:31 - 13 years ago

on Hug The Bear To Sleep by DextDee
dext I must have been sleeping when you put this one across....really like what you did with Barry's loops...and have to say some vocals on here, especially if you could get Nuada to do some for you, would be the icing on the cake.
IMO..there's a couple of notes on here which left a funny "taste" in my ears....some oddities at about 1:24-1:26 which are repeated several more times throughout the song...sounds almost like a wrong note - but that could work for you - some people might really dig that....not being picky just something I thought as I heard it again (and again)...maybe you could remove/cut one or two bass notes there and stretch or add delay/reverb to the last note so it's more in sync with the piano??

Or you could leave it as is and I'll get over it as I listen to it some more....

great job!!
DextDee replied Unknown
hahahahaha, what was a funny one. leave it and i would get used to it. well these are some of the track, that i play from my heart, not by reading or memorizing it, so if asked to redo, not quite the same thing. thnx for the comment though. i think what u pointed out sounds fine to me though. i fully appreciate ur comment and input, and still feel free to drop a critique comment on my tunes, i love them, that is the way we improve.
67Ecosse 7th Apr 2011 03:19 - 13 years ago

on Deep Blue Sea PREVIEW by ChilloutBeatz
way too short! I know it's only a "preview" but for sure leaves the listener wanting more....totally diggin' the beat on this real chill.. I should draw some interesting comparisons to the soundtrack from Le Grand Bleu...if you haven't already heard it you should listen to some of the tracks and the different sounds used for that "underwater vibe" - which I think you captured well. Can't wait to hear the finished track....until then I'll have to loop this over and over and over and over and over and over !!!
Comments 1 - 25 of 36