

Derby, United Kingdom
Joined : 10th Feb 2011 - 14 years ago
WeakheartDrop comments on tracks

WeakheartDrop has posted 16 comments on other peoples tracks.

Comments (16)
WeakheartDrop 18th Apr 2011 16:05 - 13 years ago

on Adeus by Pillow
Again Pillow you've done it again... I was hooked within 30s... I hear a bit of Kruder and Dorfmeister in here which is always a good thing... Nice one

The Weakheart Drop
Pillow replied Unknown
Wow thank you so much for the compliment. Your words are a big motivation because K/D are my heros. So I appreciate it a lot and I'm glad you like this track. Thanks again.
WeakheartDrop 6th Apr 2011 16:24 - 13 years ago

on DFI - Imperfect by SGN
Hey SGN.. You were right... I love this track. Its spacious simplicity is something that always chimes with me. I find that the stripping away of the extraneous instrumentation, that is so easy to add to build up a track, is often the best way to find the 'heart' of a musical piece.... You really found the heart on this one.... Beautiful.

I note that you wrote this in FL9... you really found a way to humanize this track and it's a great testament to your skills as a writer/producer... You have a new fan.

The Weakheart Drop
SGN replied Unknown
"Spacious simplicity" is something I don't often strive for, but for some reason I did so on this track. Probably must've been the lack of sleep, but yeah I think it worked for the better here.

Thanks for the listen and the kind review. I'm glad you enjoyed it.
WeakheartDrop 3rd Apr 2011 18:16 - 13 years ago

on Snowday by Pillow
Again you've amazed me with the imagination that runs throughout all your tracks. I love this track as it stands but it'd be great to hear a vocalist moving around on top it.
Brilliant work in my opinion...

The Weakheart Drop
Pillow replied Unknown
Thank you for the kind words. I appreciate it a lot. Cheers
WeakheartDrop 19th Mar 2011 13:36 - 14 years ago

on Masterpiece by Twanna1
Hi Twanna1
I was surfing around this site when I stumbled on this... What can I say other than what a truly, truly beautiful voice you possess. I can only agree with sirrmineyez when he compares you with Chaka Khans of this world. You have a gift.
The Weakheart Drop
Twanna1 replied Unknown
Thank you Weakheart Drop for your encouraging words. The Lord has blessed me with the gift of music and I want to bless others with it.

God bless and have wonderful and blessed week.

WeakheartDrop 19th Mar 2011 12:27 - 14 years ago

on Time is an Illusion by DRUSTIV
Hey Drust ... Tis a track of sparse beauty and those tasty vocals really sit well on the backing track. I've listened to this one three times today ... it's contemplative 'sunny Sunday morning' vibe has really captured me. If i was to be pedantic I'd suggest that the title vocal refrain would benefit from instrumental support as the song progresses... that said, the track is a beautiful world to inhabit for 3:58mins... I like it.

The Weakheart Drop
WeakheartDrop 18th Mar 2011 17:58 - 14 years ago

on Je me souviendrai de toi by OtherIdeasProduction
Wow .. loved this track... those lazy drums are tight. Great guitar playing... The overall feel of this track put a smile on my face.... Wonderful...I will be checking out more of your stuff
OtherIdeasProduction replied Unknown
Heh,thanks for that,Weakheartdrops.I will check out your stuff too ;)

If you want,here is more of my stuff :

There are many styles in there,it´s a mess,lol.
WeakheartDrop 18th Mar 2011 17:49 - 14 years ago

on Frozen in Time by Dannii
This is a great pop track ... I should confess that this style is not something that normally crosses my radar but you have a great voice and supreme songwriting talent... your production skills are spot on to. Flawless... Well done
The Weakheart Drop
WeakheartDrop 18th Mar 2011 09:14 - 14 years ago

on Creaking by Sideman59
Hey Sideman59... The track is like nothing I've heard on this site... A dense layered sound that I can really see working when supported by visuals... Has the feeling of a surreal dream/nightmare slowed down and wrapped in on itself. I like it....
Sideman59 replied Unknown
you got it the feeling i had when I constructed it... i have it also as a backing to a film ive put up already on youtube... you can get to it via my website

thank you
WeakheartDrop 10th Mar 2011 19:07 - 14 years ago

on Mash Up by Pillow
This is some track.. Great mc's ... and a backing track of such playful inventiveness. This is a great piece of work.


The Weakheart Drop
WeakheartDrop 27th Feb 2011 12:34 - 14 years ago

on just another day by Jamscience
Another one for the collection jamscience... The consistently high level of work you post is astounding.... Thanks
WeakheartDrop 26th Feb 2011 22:26 - 14 years ago

on Ureshii by Pillow
Fantastic mind behind this track... Off kilter killer sensuous rhythm...

The Weakheart Drop
WeakheartDrop 25th Feb 2011 13:29 - 14 years ago

on Tijuana Nights by yeshintae
My My.... this is too beautiful. Another hit with me... Fav'd it in about 30 seconds. I absolutely love this. The perfect groove for wine, women and song summer evenings. That bass riff... sparse... just the right amount of notes to ride and swoon to. Brilliant! Reminds me of The Avalanches an underrated combo from a few years back... Peace The Weakheart Drop
yeshintae replied Unknown
yeah this track brings back some MEMORIES
for me ahahhaha

exactly tha kind of picture i was hopin'
people would get off this!

and i just checked out tha Avalanches,


Much Respect from LA
WeakheartDrop 24th Feb 2011 20:22 - 14 years ago

on Thanx by Jamscience
Great great track. The backing track and those vocals (mmmm) rushing headlong together... If this track doesn't grab you... well...
WeakheartDrop 23rd Feb 2011 16:45 - 14 years ago

on Can I Touch It by Looperman
My my my... you really are THE Looperman... This track is absolutely glorious. I drove home on an empty motorway listening to this... Life made sense for the duration of this track. A meisterwork... I need to do a lot of work!
WeakheartDrop 23rd Feb 2011 16:26 - 14 years ago

on 17 by minette
Great great vocals, and for all the instrumentation the space in this track is wonderful. First time I've played one of your tracks... will seek out your other work. Thanks
WeakheartDrop 19th Feb 2011 16:23 - 14 years ago

on intro by RitsLong
Nice idea...... Great lazy feel to the guitar and just the right amount of drive/distortion... love this
Comments (16)