Dope, needa work on your flow just a bit tho,it coulda been a little more fluid in the beginning. Sick writing tho man, if you wanna collab anytime hit me up
Nice flow later on, but the vocals need work, idk if it's your mic or the effects, but you need some work bro. And try to have more energy in your delivery
Made a track using this, it's called One More. Check it out, I hope you like it. I gave you credit in the description of course. Great instrumental man
Dirtyy track. I like the sample in the beginning. "Damnnn" The intro sounded like dubstep a little and then the d and b didn't dissapoint. Synth sound that fades in and out is really cool and original too. great job!
VERY odd beat, but you make it work. the hook got a little repetive, and i wish the beat was turned down a bit, maybe just while the vox are going. nice job, just try and level the audio levels a little bit. great job tho
Thanks for the review, the only reason it isn't properly finished is because this track was created a long time before we met RHYMYN RYGHT, thus meaning the track no longer existed on our hard drive so we couldn't edit it. The vocals were added after and not during creation ;)
yea the grime comment was made back before i updated the track and things sounded a lot different. Anyways thanks for the listen and glad you liked it!
Thank u!
Would love to hear some rap on this track.It's something I wanted on this but I'm really no good at rapping!
Would love to hear what u cum up with!g.x
I don't normally like fusion and other ambient music, but this is relaxing while still interesting. I like the layering of sounds. i tried to use ableton once and i go wicked confused haha. i just stick to audacity now
Ableton is wicked confusing! I really like it though, as I mostly mix "live" and for the approach I can't imagine a better DAW. Glad this one was better than your usual listens in the genre. Cheers.
i like the scratching sounds in the background and the cool synth that comes in, just add some nice wobble bass or some good bass samples and you got a solid dubstep haha.
You really nailed the sad vibe. I'm really sorry about your grandparents dying, I only have 1 left too, 2 were taken within a few months of each other... keep up the good varied work
Funny sample in the intro and a great chord guitar thing overlaying the drums. The vocals during 40 seconds were a bit overpowering and random for me, it kinda killed the vibe, bu then the wobble bass at 1:20ish saved it. Overall good track, just pick your vocal samples better
Love the chill vibe and great vocals :) Nice to hear a female making good RnB. The kick was a little overpowering I think, I would definitely rather hear more of your voice instead. Great job
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Would love to hear some rap on this track.It's something I wanted on this but I'm really no good at rapping!
Would love to hear what u cum up with!g.x
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