Aye man this shit aint bad! Im a big producer here in GA check some of my beats. I work with 2 Chainz and alot of people songs on the radio etc. But check out the new beat i uploaded today *In The Kitchen* If you want record something with that autotune and send it to me androidmuzik.ent@gmail.com lemme see what you got
man u needa teach me what u do please i cant figure how to get the fast snare and hats or slow it down can ya help i want that dirty south sound like this
Ok lil' tip on getting the dirty south rappid snare roll..I use Fl Studio 10 for my snare rolls. The trick is to find the snare you like and feel I use VD Snare its crisp sounding snare the pic the right note and smiply chop it ..then from there just tweak it about to the way you want it to sound..Everybodys hearing is diffrent ..well hope this helps you ah' lil' bit..Big ups on the review!!
I use Cubase for my software ..cant tell all my secrets ya know Lol..Florida is starting to produce some hard talent ..get ready for it..Big ups on the review!!!
on get that money by BigJoWezy
on End of the World by termin8tor22
on Jokes On Me by Varren
on Black Diamonds by TragicBeatzs
on Im So Official by TragicBeatzs
on Grind For My City Produced By Tragic by TragicBeatzs
on Instrumental 1 by UnDeAdSceneBUNCH
How are you going to send me the subs?? :P
on Wrong One by GASZEDUPBEATz
on off the hook final mix by jmcbeats
on String 2 by Cybertooth
best comment ever
on Believe by Jay2Deuce
on the dragon inside by Th3Coalition
on the dragon inside by Th3Coalition
on Loud Stupid by StatusL3gendary
Ok lil' tip on getting the dirty south rappid snare roll..I use Fl Studio 10 for my snare rolls. The trick is to find the snare you like and feel I use VD Snare its crisp sounding snare the pic the right note and smiply chop it ..then from there just tweak it about to the way you want it to sound..Everybodys hearing is diffrent ..well hope this helps you ah' lil' bit..Big ups on the review!!
on 4 am by StatusL3gendary
I use Cubase for my software ..cant tell all my secrets ya know Lol..Florida is starting to produce some hard talent ..get ready for it..Big ups on the review!!!