

Joined : 13th Aug 2022 - 2 years ago
Seelengold comments on tracks

Seelengold has posted 52 comments on other peoples tracks.

Comments 1 - 25 of 52
Seelengold 15th Feb 2024 16:51 - 1 year ago

on One Way by LANCEtheProducer
Hello Lance,

The technical realization of your song is good. In my opinion, there's nothing that needs to be changed.

But then a few suggestions: For me, your song is neither country nor pop. It's far too slow and practically uneventful for that. It just hums along... In this respect, the title ("It happened" ...but nothing actually happens at all...) doesn't fit the content either.
I often notice this lack of connection between content and title in songs anyway. My impression is always: song finished, now we need a title, we can't think of an adequate one, oh well, we'll take the next best one, the main thing is that it's finished.
Yes, and the first disharmony of a song is already out in the world.


For me, your song belongs in the "Trance" genre. Naturally, there would have to be another title and then it would basically fit. I still don't really like the form of the current Beats in the song, but of course there is no standard for their execution.

Finally (in the truest sense of the word): the final passage has a length of about 01:11 minutes. Even taking "Trance" into account, this is considerably too long for me. Please consider whether it might make sense to structure the song a little differently, more balanced in terms of time?

Kind regards

LANCEtheProducer replied 15th Feb 2024 - 1 year ago
Man I truly appreciate your feedback . I will definitely take them into consideration on my next release. I let my songs name themselves . I usually make one in about 30 minutes and I have words for them just having started singing on them yet . Thanks again
Seelengold 13th Feb 2024 14:47 - 1 year ago

on candy cane feat niteclef by luvroxu
The older I get, the more I become aware of the immense complexity of human beings (which was not nearly as clear to me when I was younger). In both directions, good and bad.

One of the wonderful, good qualities: being able to do stupid things, nonsense, completely without purpose, just for the fun of it, without sense or reason, "just" as an end in itself, just for the fun of being silly. Even if it's just to amuse yourself. And it's even more fun when others share the amusement...


Seelengold 7th Feb 2024 22:15 - 1 year ago

on New breed of gangster by BeatJazz

This piece is so expansive and space-consuming that it is not even remotely manageable with a single listen; at least not for me.

This can therefore only be a spontaneous, rather pitiful, inadequate attempt at an approximation (and if someone were to remark afterwards that even this attempt was hopelessly too much for me, I would have no objections) to do justice to the opulence, the density, the versatility of the instruments used, their mixture with and over/under each other, supplemented by the "dirty" voice that completes the integrity of the piece.

00:00 - ca. 01:05 > The "dirty" voice is particularly pleasing here

01:05 - ca. 02:35 > The "upright" guitar is simply wonderful!

02:58 - 04:11 > And again the "dirty, corrupting" voice...

You expressed "amazing artists" in your description: Yes, that is absolutely expressed!

It was a great pleasure for me!


P.S. Why didnt you choose "featured" for your song? Please make up for it! Then he'll get a lot more listeners, and he more than deserves them!

Steps: first setting "featured", then comment on a song and after that your song will be listed first under "featured".
Seelengold 7th Feb 2024 22:14 - 1 year ago

on New breed of gangster by BeatJazz

This piece is so expansive and space-consuming that it is not even remotely manageable with a single listen; at least not for me.

This can therefore only be a spontaneous, rather pitiful, inadequate attempt at an approximation (and if someone were to remark afterwards that even this attempt was hopelessly too much for me, I would have no objections) to do justice to the opulence, the density, the versatility of the instruments used, their mixture with and over/under each other, supplemented by the "dirty" voice that completes the integrity of the piece.

00:00 - ca. 01:05 > The "dirty" voice is particularly pleasing here

01:05 - ca. 02:35 > The "upright" guitar is simply wonderful!

02:58 - 04:11 > And again the "dirty, corrupting" voice...

You expressed "amazing artists" in your description: Yes, that is absolutely expressed!

It was a great pleasure for me!


P.S. Why didnt you choose "featured" for your song? Please make up for it! Then he'll get a lot more listeners, and he more than deserves them!

Steps: first setting "featured", then comment on a song and after that your song will be listed first under "featured".
BeatJazz replied 8th Feb 2024 - 1 year ago
Thank you very much for looking at the piece with care and detail. Thanks for your review and I'm glad you liked it. It is also an honor for us to hear comments and reviews from musicians like you. Thanks on behalf of everyone who helped make this piece happen. Chris.
Seelengold 23rd Dec 2023 01:07 - 1 year ago

on Daydream by Wooster27
Hello Wooster,

Every now and then I come across songs where I spontaneously think that they have been given too little attention in the commentary.

This is certainly the case with your song. It has a really "simple", very touching, endearing/lovable melody and... they are the hardest to get right, even if that seems contradictory at first.
I certainly didn't understand absolutely everything linguistically, but I understood so much that the content and emotion shine together and merge with the melody into a beautiful whole.

There are very few songs in which a person completely sheds all the worldly trappings, is absolutely with himself, completely human... Your song enriches the world! Thank you very much!

Merry Christmas and all the best for you!

Wooster27 replied 23rd Dec 2023 - 1 year ago
Thank you for the very generous comment, the lyrics are not a work of fiction, they do in fact reflect my own personal life. If you are interested I would be more than willing to explain. Blessed Be. Enjoy Yule or Christmas whichever you prefer.
Seelengold 21st Oct 2023 23:25 - 1 year ago

on Daft Punks Sound Keeps Eluding Me by NickyT3SLA

ob das nun die schoensten jemals geschriebenen Lyrics sind.. man kann ja drueber streiten... aber sie klingen herrlich schraeg! Schraeg POSITIV, nicht schraeg negativ.

Musikalische Schraegheiten hinzubekommen, ist – so vermute ich irgendwie – grundsaetzlich wahrscheinlich schwieriger als "glatte" Tracks zu gestalten. Und merkwuerdig ist ja auch, dass man/dass ich gar nicht dezidiert sagen kann, was mir eigentlich gefaellt. Es gefaellt mir einfach.

Wahrscheinlich muss man einfach eine Affinitaet dazu haben...

Ich bin ueber Dein Acappella "Artificial Maniac V2 II Daft Punk Vocoder II" zu Deinem Track hier gekommen. Das gefaellt mir ebenfalls ausserordentlich gut. So spontan war mein Gedanke, daraus etwas zu "basteln". Mal gucken, vielleicht, vielleicht auch nicht, mal sehen.

Gruss aus dem Norden in den Norden

NickyT3SLA replied 23rd Oct 2023 - 1 year ago
Hi Seelengold,

Danke für deinen netten Kommentar. Das Ziel war selbstverständlich nicht die schönsten Texte jemals zu erschaffen sondern einfach zum Ausdruck zu bringen was für eine Qual ein, sagen wir mal, überhaupt halbwegs gut klingender Vocoder sein kann. Ich hörte RAM von Daft Punk und dachte "Was ein Sound und was sind das bitte für schöne Lyrics?!" und und musste einfach ausprobieren wie das in absolut absurd klingt haha. Liebe Grüße und ich freue mich eventuell irgendwann mal zu hören was du aus Artificial Maniac gemacht hast!
Seelengold 13th Oct 2023 12:38 - 1 year ago

on Lucky by dlo40831
There is professionally styled music, where everything is "right", technically flawless to the point, smooth, without any edges, you hear it and... nothing happens, you say, nice, and that's it.

And there is music that "speaks" to you. It's a bit like being read a fairy tale - as a child, but also as an adult - and the verbally recited emotions of the fairy tale characters are physically transferred 1:1 authentically to you.

The term mirror neurons spontaneously comes to my mind.

This song also touches me. One can talk about the term "soul" for 100 years; does it exist at all? and if so, how does it show itself, how is it to be defined, etc.? I think there are things that are too big for man, make him speechless, he can only "grasp" them intuitively.

I don't know your father, but the way he knows how to communicate musically, he seems very familiar to me without a sense of strangeness.

Best regards

Seelengold 6th Oct 2023 19:05 - 1 year ago

on there are things below by Shaman77
"Can this be called a revolution?"

One could see it in such a way. Especially, of course, because a German, that is I (Karl Marx sends his regards), has delivered the mental - as in my previous basic contribution to it in written form elaborated - associated revolutionary programmatics.

Another German contribution to the political history of ideas and its contextuality to the human higher development/higher mendel, which cannot be estimated highly enough in its profound intellectual substance :-)
Shaman77 replied 6th Oct 2023 - 1 year ago
Karl Marx is a materialist, and completely alien to me, by the way, I am also a little German, like one of the wonderful German philosophers who had Slavic roots (Friedrich Nietzsche sends you his best wishes) Therefore, I mean a revolution in the spiritual field, and as for money, I think everyone's well-being is his own responsibility, and he deserves where he is now...
Seelengold 5th Oct 2023 12:02 - 1 year ago

on there are things below by Shaman77
Hello Shaman,

"But why does the music sound so noisy and overdriven?"

Yes, it sounds like that. Namely, like an old vinyl single dug up somewhere, which once fell into the mud ages ago, this adhered for weeks until bone-dry, then someone made an effort to get the record clean again, but this no longer succeeded completely to the original state and so an own "dirty" work with its own unique charm "remained".

Dont change anything at this track!

As ClickbaitCabaret put it in a nutshell:

"This track's kind of bizarre Noisy, trashy & over modulated. It's an art statement. I absolutely love this track. It's perfect just as it is."

I absolutely agree to ClickbaitCabaret!

Dont change anything at this track!

"It's perfect just as it is."

Shaman77 replied 6th Oct 2023 - 1 year ago
Thank you. Can this be called a revolution?)
Seelengold 3rd Oct 2023 15:35 - 1 year ago

on Somebody to Love by dlo40831

I had to think about the term "pull".

I then slowly came to the image of pleasantly flattering sounds, the intensity of which is barely noticeable at first, but increases over time and gradually draws the listener into a tender, warming cocoon.

The composition is wonderfully successful, especially the "edge" guitar with its impressively chiselled, delicate expression is great. To have these given completely equal status alongside the vocals, without neither vocals nor guitar losing their independence, neither being subject to the other, I repeat: great!

The term "integrity" also comes to my mind in your song - authentic, unadulterated, intact.

Since you are the son: Sons don't always have to listen to their fathers, but in some things - like here with music - it is certainly extremely valuable ;-)

Kind regards

dlo40831 replied 9th Oct 2023 - 1 year ago
Wow, powerful words! My father and I really became better friends during the Covid pandemic and started recording for fun. It became a passion for both of us, and I really feel blessed to still be able to spend this quality time with him and help share his talent with the world. Thanks much!
Seelengold 29th Sep 2023 02:26 - 1 year ago

on In Memory of the Holocaust by ClickbaitCabaret
As I said, I am from the post-war generation. I have no personal guilt. But I'm also German. And as that I stand in the German continuity, which I accept, have always accepted, and therefore also in the responsibility that follows from it, which arises for me personally. Of course I have something to do with all of this.

I'm truly sorry that all this happened to your grandmother. No one can undo all of this unimaginable suffering that began with one child and continues throughout life. Nobody can do that. But I assure you that I am absolutely intensely aware of what we did to your grandmother back then, what we did to people back then, what we did to humanity.

Thank you for your patience.

Seelengold 29th Sep 2023 02:25 - 1 year ago

on In Memory of the Holocaust by ClickbaitCabaret
Hello Clickbait,

I said that I would get in touch again about another track from you that I also have a connection to.

It's this song here. When I read your description of this song, it hit me suddenly and immediately, it hit me very emotionally, which is why I couldn't react immediately, but needed time. Even now, at this moment, it continues to move me extremely.

I am German, post-war generation, born in the early 1950s, grew up German, socialized German in every respect, positive, negative, the whole package, with all its highs, with all its lows, German is anchored in my genes down to the last bit. And not because I tried hard for it at all costs, but because it's just there, just like that. It is my absolute identity and I completely agree with it.

Son of a German who was in the war, in Russia, in Belarus, in your grandmother's country. My father died in 1992. We never talked about the war. The only statement ever made was that he could already see the towers of Moscow in the distance. I do not know more. Unfortunately! But I never asked any further questions myself. After the war, my father was consistently politically active, SPD, and within this classically left-wing party he was very much on the far left. Politically far left, warm-hearted, a thoroughly social person who has done an above-average effort for other people his whole life. The question of whether he was a Nazi or whether he was involved in war crimes never occurred to me in all my childhood, youth and adult years. It wasn't even remotely there, for me it was always so completely natural that such a question didn't even come even remotely close to becoming a thought or becoming an existence.

Why am I writing all this to you? Because changes gradually occurred to me in the years after my father's death. It bothers me immensely today that I don't know anything specifically, can't ask, can't ask anyone anymore. I think everyone who was a German soldier in Russia during World War II took part in a German national crime. But to what extent he was personally guilty beyond being a collective soldier, which was not his decision, of killing the human being within himself in order to be able to commit the most disgusting atrocities, to be able to exercise his most disgusting, base instincts on other people... a human being you have to be able to get along with yourself, at least to the extent that you don't ban all mirrors from the house, from the world!

My father was in Israel in the early 1960s, and later also several times in Yugoslavia and Poland during the Iron Curtain. That calms me down just a little bit. He certainly would not have traveled there if he had to expect to be recognized as a war criminal and executed there.
Seelengold 25th Sep 2023 11:36 - 1 year ago

on A world devoid by Zivonmusic
You simply have to have a talent, an intuition, a feeling for what sounds, fits together, belongs to each other. IT must live in you, IT must "simply" be there.

Technique can be learned, sometimes well, sometimes not so well.

The IT cannot be learned...

Sincere compliment.

Seelengold 18th Sep 2023 23:26 - 1 year ago

on We look for love - djoctx by crishacepis

I had already marked your track for a comment on September 6th and saved it accordingly because I really liked it straight away.

Now, upon closer inspection for the intended comment, I realized that you have given Djoctx's acapella the appropriate musical dress. Even though this is your first track on Looperman, it's certainly not your first track ever, right?

In my opinion, such a good implementation is unthinkable for an absolute beginner. Because this is both, musical as well as technically, really well done in my opinion. The whole track sounds all of a piece to me. The only time I feel it is louder than before is from ca. 2:33 to the end. Am I hearing incorrectly or is the increase in volume intentional?

Kind regards

crishacepis replied 20th Sep 2023 - 1 year ago
Thanks for the review! I love you liked it. Few years ago i started producing a lot, it isn't my first track! Now it's just a hobbie for me.

I appreciate your comments. I felt also it sound as a whole track, even with the many errors that you could find.

Seelengold 15th Sep 2023 16:52 - 1 year ago

on Black Peter by Zootman
Doors... I will not allow Manuela to make a foreign generational appropriation here! My generation! And the music of this generation is unique, in my opinion not matched by any of the following generations to this day.

But in the matter itself, Manuela is right! It reminds of the Doors - including me, and also immediately. I also don't remember anyone ever coming close to this absolutely unique selling point sound of the Doors in the long run.

Yes, great song, without any reservation!

Zootman replied 17th Sep 2023 - 1 year ago
Greetings Seelengold, thanks for listening and commenting. Cheers Zoot.
Seelengold 15th Sep 2023 12:46 - 1 year ago

on Mes Nuits sans Toi by DivadyAlbum3
When did music succeed? By the originality of the composition? No! Due to the excellent craftsmanship? No! By the complexity of the arrangement? No!

Music is only successful when it triggers immediate, spontaneous emotion against which one is defenseless, to which one is helplessly at the mercy. This applies to the destructive (unfortunately!), this applies to the positive, constructive, uplifting emotion, giving him splendor and beauty.

And it's really like this: Everyone is beautiful... That's not true? But it is true that whenever a person smiles, even if it is only a slight smile, he is always beautiful. Even if nature has disadvantaged a person in appearance, let him smile... and at the same moment magical beauty shines out of him in an unfathomable way...

When I hear your song, I smile softly... And that's nice!


Seelengold 15th Sep 2023 12:26 - 1 year ago

on Mes Nuits sans Toi by DivadyAlbum3
When did music succeed? By the originality of the composition? No! Due to the excellent craftsmanship? No! By the complexity of the arrangement? No!

Music is only successful when it triggers immediate, spontaneous emotion against which one is defenseless, to which one is helplessly at the mercy. This applies to the destructive (unfortunately!), this applies to the positive, constructive, uplifting emotion, giving him splendor and beauty.

And it's really like this: Everyone is beautiful... That's not true? But it is true that whenever a person smiles, even if it is only a slight smile, he is always beautiful. Even if nature has disadvantaged a person in appearance, let him smile... and at the same moment magical beauty shines out of him in an unfathomable way...

When I hear your song, I smile softly... And that's nice!


Seelengold 14th Sep 2023 21:40 - 1 year ago

on Warbound by PatrickFox
...and frozen by the ominous sound man sits motionless in the cinema seat, stares at the screen with foreboding knowledge as if controlled by a stranger and knows that terrible, unspeakable things are creeping out of existence and time is racing backwards into nothingness...

I now decided to go to cinema not anymore!

That's what you get now!


Seelengold 13th Sep 2023 14:03 - 1 year ago

on The Christmas Rose by cellardoor
Some moods cannot be articulated with language.

With your song, however, you have captured exactly this unique Christmas mood.


Seelengold 9th Sep 2023 21:50 - 1 year ago

on Quand je te regarde par Yahwelle remix eLpAy0 by Yahwelle
Hi Yahwelle,

I'm always happy when I "see" you here and basically click on each of your songs, eager to see what's in the grab bag today.

"Grab bag" because it never gets boring, since you are pretty much in all genres on the road and it is therefore really fun to listen to your music. I think that this one is significantly underrated, both in click numbers and comments.

I can not really explain this to myself and therefore I just want to tell you that you are a real enrichment for this community with your music!

Thank you!

Yahwelle replied 10th Sep 2023 - 1 year ago
Thank you Seelengold, your comment makes me very happy.
Many here have a special talent and you are one of them, for example
"Trio Musica" which I really like, "German Melancholy" which is magnificent... Music is an extraordinary gift which unites men...
Seelengold 5th Sep 2023 01:43 - 1 year ago

on Quentin P - Maverick Tonca by QuentinP17

HipHop is really not my cup of tea, I always think that the mixture of monotonous babbling with lined music is a rather annoying and distracting affair.

In this respect, I practically never listen to it. Now and then, but really very rarely, I click on a track, probably just to assure myself of the self-assurance/confirmation of my aversion.

There I was now surprised today. I surely will not become a fanatic for HipHop, but your track is really worth listening to. From my point of view by the fact that your song is so to speak no pure HipHop, but a hybrid, namely HipHop and Ambient combined. Since I generally tend to rather harmonic, melodic, soft sounds, I can approach here then actually times HipHop without the danger of an immediate nervous breakdown.

I liked it!

Salutations en France
Viele Gruesse nach Frankreich
Greetings to France


P.S. Maybe the French song description has also corrupted me a bit. With my French language mutilations (to speak here of knowledge would be really an impertinence...) I could guess the first half at least roughly, but the second half "jai donne ma vie, pour ma patrie" I could actually understand it straight away. And even in the song lyrics themselves, I wasn't a complete non comprehender.
French native speaker I will probably no longer in this life, but still... ;)
QuentinP17 replied 5th Sep 2023 - 1 year ago

Thank you a lot for this beautiful comment !

As you say, I an hybrid song maker, between hip hop, pop, ambient and some times electronic or synthpop.

I'm glad to see that people like you and your different musical experience can approuve my songs.

Actualy, when you listen the lyrics, you can beleive that I speak about a soldier funerail, but there is a twist at the last phrase, you enderstand that it's a dog funeral that serve into the army as dog soldier.

My english like your french, not perfect. I hope you understand my reply.

Thank's a lot for your comment :)
Seelengold 24th Aug 2023 20:13 - 1 year ago

on Ultimo soldato by metaverso
Hello and welcome Italy!

Sometimes you only realize that something was missing, when it's suddenly there. Italian pop, great! There are languages that simply have a distinct musical charm of their own. Italian is definitely one of them!

Very, very gladly heard and I look forward to future further tracks!

Best regards from Germany

metaverso replied 25th Aug 2023 - 1 year ago
thank you very much for your words, you can find all our songs on spotify, amazon music, itunes, and all digital platforms, even a video on youtube.. we would be delighted to be able to take our music outside Italy. .it would be wonderful
Seelengold 22nd Aug 2023 21:07 - 1 year ago

on Late Night Drinkin by ShortaCashJohnny
Isn't it a wonder to what beauty man can lead himself?

Tears in my eyes.

Seelengold 22nd Aug 2023 02:09 - 1 year ago

on Summer Paradise - Vocals By PANE by Surniva
Hello Surniva,

I think BaoBao has given you accurate hints across the board in his last comment.

And the key phrase from my point of view is "A song has a melody (...)".

Listening to "Summer Paradise - Vocals By PANE" yesterday, my first thought was that the song is built from nothing but disjointed set pieces; without a halfway recognizable melody, without a line connecting the individual parts.
According to my impression, it was not a musical starting idea that determined the development of the song, but the other way around; individual snippets of music that were just available were pasted together in the expectation that a song would emerge from them.

I don't believe at all that someone has to master an instrument to be able to make beautiful music. If one can, so much the better, but that is certainly not mandatory.

But what is indispensable (completely independent of music-theoretical knowledge) is an ear, a feeling, a sense, a sensitivity for harmony, for sounds and sound sequences that are coherent with each other, that take each other by the hand, that deal sensitively with each other, that are friends with each other, in the very best case those that love each other.

Im convinced that one's own musical socialization always has the decisive influence here - of course not the absolutely sole one - but nevertheless. If someone grows up with soft, melodic music, then he will surely later have the talent to express himself musically in this way than someone who grows up with Rap and vice versa.

I grew up - thank God - primarily with soft music. If it had been Rap, today I would have zero ability, zero feeling to get a pleasant, nice to listen to sound sequence every now and then.
You still go to school, so you are young in years and I assume that your "music school" was and is certainly of the harder way than it was mine. Now tell yourself, where should a hand for melodies come from?

My advice to you is to get away from the music you normally listen to (you can always go back to it later). Lower your understandable ambition a bit. Listen to simple songs, songs that come without any pretense of who knows what complexity. Songs that are just songs. By the way, this can also include children's songs.
Yes, I know, it doesn't give such a cool feeling like the rapper in the last seen gangster video. But these are exactly the songs that give you access to concepts like sound, timbre, sound sequences, harmony, melody, etc.

And don't do too much! It doesn't have to be everything (instruments + vocals) at once. Just try to build a pleasant to listen instrumental track first. The vocals won't run away from you.

Good luck!

Seelengold 12th Aug 2023 18:18 - 1 year ago

on ID 04 by SonusOfficial
Hello SonusOfficial,

"Description : Searching for singers"

I have been working on this for the last 14 days.

I would be happy if you like it.

Many greetings to you

Comments 1 - 25 of 52