Thanks for taking the time to listen and post comments. Much appreciated. Glad you liked the track - the acapella was so interesting I felt drawn to it. Had fun putting the track together and so pleased it has been received so well.
Great intro!. Great choice of samples and beats, it's got a great feel and inovative everything seems to fit effortlessly together, was expecting another part to it , but that's just me , i'm greedy. Great work.
After all your comments i had to check your tracks out and man i'm glad i did ,loving the old syl johnson track you've got going here, so i guess all the compliments , right back at you mate!
Great house track , it's the bees knees as you say in england, or the real Mc Coy but that's probably in Scotland , anyway realy enjoyed it , nice feel and mood to it , flows nicely, excellent work
Thanx Vortex, really positive & kind review my friend. Appreciate you taking time to listen & review. How about the term "dogs boll***s" ha ha ? (means you think it is very good)
Not the biggest dubstep connaiseur around but it's sounds like the real thing to me,
Although i think bass wise you could add a bit more , my speakers didnt woble too much,but apart from that catchy stuff altogether
Great work
If i can jump in with in classification debate ,this sounds reminds me of Boz Scaggs , Steely Dan ect , Californian rock bands , anyway for all that's worth.
immaculate track again
Well done Bob
Many thanks for your review, I wondered how to classify it, maybe leave it as rock, If it ends up with different guitar, it might be worth reclassifying.
Had to check some of your tunes , and i have to say , well and truly impressed , great atmosphere throughout which seems to be reccurent amongst the tunes i've listened
Hopefully will get my grand children to dance to my tunes too
all the best
Oh what a great voice! , shame about the autotune , sorry it's just me , i'm allergique to it , otherwise love the track , the laid back feel , and the bucket load of emotions through out
Great stuff
wowwww that's excelent, best track i've heard on looop so far.
Great work all round , maybe a bit much rverb on the beat , but hey that's just me
love it and faved
Thanks for the responses Vortexsurfer and SeparateProductions! Im still learning how to recordand edit the songs...haven't really figured it out yet...not a producer by any means! Just messing around with this audacity!
"I think if all hip hop songs had a guitar solo the world would be a better place"
F... me if that's not the best quote i've read in a long time.
Pack full with energy, wont bore you with beasty stuff; bit too obvious, great track all round
Not sure about the dubstep bit , but your choice of sample is great love the piano and violin but they probably wants to be s'thing esle, unless you do a clean break in the middle a la shrielex , cant see the dubstep bit working ...
gd luck
on ghost fake by xwatt
on Party time by GENDROID
on Lies featuring Amelia June by RichieWinn
Thanks again.
on Moo lala by sharpdawg
on Freedom writes - feat Syl Johnson and K19- by Lvino
on Oh James by simmerdown
on Alef Bet Gimmel by MonsieurMoustache
Right must dash
on Killa K Ft K-19 by Mnballer2000
on Made of Stone by eshar
and faved of course
on Geodesic Dome by visionarysoundsystem
on G Step by ShowGunProductions
Although i think bass wise you could add a bit more , my speakers didnt woble too much,but apart from that catchy stuff altogether
Great work
on Prattin by bbedford48
immaculate track again
Well done Bob
on Drive by LuckyFlaush
on pensivBreeze by bbedford48
nice one!
on bermondsey raga by quays
Hopefully will get my grand children to dance to my tunes too
all the best
on A Whole New Future by MeganONeill
Great stuff
on Gonna start on my own by Phyruis
on Alize by ScatterForm
on Terminal 1 by FelixMillar
on Black Remix BY FELIXMILLAR by FelixMillar
Thanks Felix , brilliante stuff , does needs more work though.
on If Only I Could by BonusG521
Great work all round , maybe a bit much rverb on the beat , but hey that's just me
love it and faved
on Step Up by ShowGunProductions
F... me if that's not the best quote i've read in a long time.
Pack full with energy, wont bore you with beasty stuff; bit too obvious, great track all round
on Neo-Dub by Effluence
gd luck