..maybe i shoulda read ur reply comment to CLOCKSandCOLOURS i jst blew my headphones again:(all good tho they were already blown):P made the bass on this song shat.. but rest is a fkn sick beat:P
Yeah man this is a very chill dubstep... i can still c maself crip'n to this tho:P good flo beets... u do have a wierd way of puttn music tho... verry.. unique..
sounds like a song id put into "castle crashers" sounds a little dark but still sickXD... friend had a comment.. "it would sound better with a guitar in the backdrop.. cut the wierd fx sound" man i wanted to download this song 4 ma phone as a ringtone:P my most favorite track i found on this page
on TranceMission by Nequissimus
btw what i do is what i do:P
Glad, you like, it, dude ;)
on none by laranjo
on Love pain and sorrow by Undeaddawn
on Log Out by typeMARS
buuut you coulda added more here n there.. still iight
on A Glimmer Of Hope Feat Nuada by Crypt
on Glowing After Dark Parametricks Automation Trance by CalifKen
on Ear Canal NIghtmare by AuroraFlux
on LAZY PEOPLE by lostcause25
on Dont stop beliving by lostcause25
on say my name by lostcause25
on Candy by StephanieKay