

Lower Rhine Region, Germany
Joined : 19th Apr 2011 - 13 years ago
7thHouse comments on tracks

7thHouse has posted 14 comments on other peoples tracks.

Comments (14)
7thHouse 7th Jul 2012 19:50 - 12 years ago

on My Hallucinations - Ft Megan ONeill by ggarris
At first excuse me, if I write nonsense, but sometimes I´m looking for the correct English words.
As I told you before I love that song. The beginning is mysterious and it should go on after the drums started. So you definitely need to make an extended mix. Maybe you can use some loops.
You tell me, you´ve got difficulties making tracks more than 4 minutes. But don’t consider time. A song needs some kind of structure. Introduction, bridge, main part, end. I know that it isn´t easy to plan a song in parts, but I can tell you what I do.
After I planned the mood and the basic idea some tracks seem to come to me at once, they appear and then the precision work begins. I try different sounds and options. I burn the song on a cd and listen to it in my car while I drive to work. So I hear what is missing or what I´ve got to change.
I hope this was helpful for you. Next thing I´ve gotta do is to listen to your soundcloud stuff.
Maybe you can take a look at my video clips, because if one of my songs has been done I do a second thing: the video clip.
Have a good time and cheers from the Lower Rhine Region, Germany
PS: visit me at facebook: and Soundcloud:
7thHouse 5th Jul 2012 18:08 - 12 years ago

on My Hallucinations - Ft Megan ONeill by ggarris
This song makes me nod my head, my right foot starts moving, what happens? When the drums started, I was gone in the rhythm. I could hear a lot more of that tune.
ggarris replied 5th Jul 2012 - 12 years ago
Yes, it does build quite nicely, then kind of shuts off. I see what you mean. Which makes me wonder if I should make an extended mix or something. What would you recommend? I've had difficulties making tracks more than 4 minutes as far as cohesion...just started doing this. Thanks for any feedback. You can message me here if you'd like. Greatly appreciated!

PS. I'm also on SoundCloud if you want to check out my beginner tracks. They're kinda fun too.

Peace, love, n all that.

7thHouse 4th Dec 2011 10:45 - 13 years ago

on Natural Thing by Spivkurl
Sounds like a combination of funny opera and circus. I love the rhythm of the drums.
Spivkurl replied 4th May 2012 - 12 years ago
That's kind of the vibe I was going for with this one. Glad you liked it! Sorry for the late reply! Thanks for listening!
7thHouse 12th Nov 2011 14:13 - 13 years ago

on Hirogenium Feat PatriciaEdwards VS ProLyfik - YSM by Hirogenium
Auch wenn RnB nicht so ganz meine Richtung ist: du hast wieder mal einen hervorragenden Job gemacht. Habe mich sogar dabei erwischt, dass mein Bein wippt. Hilfe, es hört gar nicht mehr auf zu wippen!
Hirogenium replied 13th Nov 2011 - 13 years ago
Hehe, danke mann!
Ja, meine Richtung isses auch nicht unbedingt, aber ich mußte mal was anderes machen, die ausgetrampelten Pfade verlassen. =)
7thHouse 19th Jul 2011 18:58 - 13 years ago

on My Lady Music (feat-Angela Sheik) by WeaverBard
Fragile and powerful at the same time. I imagine watching a film, film location in Venice, Italy, shadows appearing and vanishing. What happend to the girl that you can´t see, only guess that she lived here and something happened to her love.

One of the best works I ever listened to heard here at looperman. Great Work! Excellent.

Cheers from Germany.
7thHouse 25th Jun 2011 18:29 - 13 years ago

on Sad Days by zappo
What? Not realy my style of play?
This is one of MY prefered styles. Pretty cool and fresh. Oh just a moment please ... I see a girl coming into the room. She walks in my direction. Sorry, guys, I guess she wants to talk to me. I don´t call that a sad day.
zappo replied Unknown
THX 7thHouse
for your Pretty Cool and Fresh review
7thHouse 25th Jun 2011 18:05 - 13 years ago

on Hirogenium Feat StephanieKay - Love Me Leave Me by Hirogenium
Another great song. I love the sound, the arrangement and it makes me step back into a time when I was much younger than today. Must have been yesterday at ten o`clock.
Why don´t you give us more of that terrific sound? What are you waiting for, fella?
Hirogenium replied 12th Nov 2011 - 13 years ago
Thank you for your kind words! cheers
7thHouse 28th May 2011 19:02 - 13 years ago

on Alone by BearAustin
What can I say what has not been said here. Your song is so deep and so good, that we can hope you will have more downs to write more songs like this one.
BearAustin replied Unknown
Thank you for the wonderful comment. We have to do the downs before we can do the ups. Have a fantastic weekend :))
7thHouse 28th May 2011 18:40 - 13 years ago

on Promise that you wont fall Updated Version by KaunaRiddle
What I like is what you express with your voice. Even if I do not understand every word (sorry I´m German)I understand the mood, the feeling between the lines. You have to tell something and everybody has to listen. Please go on and tell us more.
KaunaRiddle replied Unknown
Thank you! I'm hoping to go back into the studio to get a better mix of the song! :)
7thHouse 22nd May 2011 19:44 - 13 years ago

on No Time to lose by zappo
Swingt unheimlich gut! Kann mich den Vorrednern nur anschließen. Ich sollte mir in den nächsten Tagen noch mehr von dir anhören. Freue mich drauf.

Nochmals LG nach MG.
Ich glaube wir am Niederrhein habens wirklich drauf.
zappo replied Unknown
Ja einige schon ( Alte Herrn Manschaft )
danke schön für dein Review
7thHouse 29th Apr 2011 15:30 - 13 years ago

on Skye Blues Bar by Silaphot
Hey, groovy. I like the horns at the end of the song. You keep them in the background, very good. The whole thing swings, my feet begin to swing too. Eric Clapton and J.J.Cale - watch out! Here is an upcoming guy who´s got the blues. Respect!
Silaphot replied Unknown
Thank you 7thHouse, don't know if your in to chill out but check out my other tracks if you are. I'm trying to figure out acid pro at the moment, then will make a blues track with it :)
PS: I'm really flattered with a comparison to Eric Clapton and JJ Cale but I know I'm still far from that. Thank you!
7thHouse 27th Apr 2011 17:21 - 13 years ago

on ease the pain by matthew8755
Its short - but it sounds great. Looks like a clear sign of recovery. Get well soon!
matthew8755 replied Unknown
Thanks for the praise on the song and the get "well soon"
Appreciate it greatly :)
7thHouse 27th Apr 2011 16:49 - 13 years ago

on Hirogenium Feat NikyMcHugh - Totally Twisted by Hirogenium
Another terrific song. I love your dark sound, a second tender synthesizer melody, a woman with a voice, that kills me. I´m not a good singer and you know that problem, but the way you combine your modified voice with her voice is a perfect match.

Writing these lines I listen to the song again and again - please give me the long version. Give me a remixed version or something else. Do what you want, but give me more of that stuff.
Hirogenium replied Unknown
Yes, really great voice of Niky! Hopefully she'll upload more stuff.
Many, many thanks for your words. One day I'll make a longer version.
7thHouse 25th Apr 2011 10:19 - 13 years ago

on Hirogenium Feat Effluence - Turn by Hirogenium
Wow, von deinem "Turn" bekomme ich Gänsehaut. That gives me the creeps. Cooles Stück, old-fashioned somehow, inspirierend. Could be the soundtrack for a tv-production: the killer is already in the house, we can see him, but the victim is unsuspecting.
Werde mir unbedingt mehr von deinen tracks anhören. I have to listen more of your tracks.
Hirogenium replied Unknown
Thank you for the compliment! Hehe, I like that idea about the movie scene, movie title: "Killa in the Villa" xD.
Comments (14)