How much I love Carole King. I like it that you zig where she zags, while keeping true to the original. You also pick up the pop, blues, and "girl group" rhythms hidden in the song.
Thank You-all my tracks all tend to be cinematic. You are very perceptive. Its amazing what a few sound effects can do for a track. I always tend to use too much reverb!!Thanks again.
Your tracks are so enjoyable to listen to, and I really like the piano and flute. Looperman is where I go to escape and be someone else, and your music lets me do this.
I liked this a lot so I played my Native American style flute to it. Best I could do cuz I can't sing. I had a blast! Makes me want to listen to your other tracks and see what comes up. Check out my profile tracks to hear it. Thanks!
Glad you enjoyed it...I gave your track a listen last night and when I went back to comment today it was gone. Sounded like you had a good time though. Glad I got to hear it. Thanks for the kind words of support.
Candelaria, I hope you do not mind that I played my instrument to your track. I also made the track longer. I do not collaborate outside of Looperman. I play only for fun, and I allow only members to download. If there is a problem I will remove my track. I enjoyed playing with it a lot. Check out my profile to find the track. Thank you!
This confession may date me, but I heard Stephane Grappelli play live at a concert hall in Madison WI decades ago. The hall was not large but it was full. Wonderful effects here, and the Big Band and vocal moments are inventive and wild. I could comment on so many tracks on your page. . . but I chose this one.
No Worries, UChris. I have a few miles on me, too. Glad you appreciate my style. I love the older stuff, but like to give it a modern feel and add lots of drums! I appreciate your comment.
The flute part is perfect on Long Ago. I would have little to add. As long as you keep posting tho I will look for opportunities to play along, if only for my own enjoyment. Thanks for the thought. . . UChris
Soluna, it doesn't matter when you compose it, I will always listen and enjoy. The flute part came in at the moment I went to get my Gm flute to play to this delightful piano piece. . . I guess I won't have to now. A perfect pairing, pefectly paired.
I nearly regret having recorded the flute part, since I remember some of my song you accomponied with your flute. I would have been curious about your ideas about this song. Give me some time and I'll try to upload a version that leaves some space for your flute (if you like to ...).
Hi my genial flutist friend , & obviously your idea about flute is a special comment for me,& I'm glad if u think my flute lines was good.
thnx about your attention & coment & spending time to listen to my music trial man.
This is a sweet piece. It's not easy to find acoustic tunes that fit with my flutes, so even though it's a couple of years old now, it's new to me. I have posted an accompaniment for it on my profile if you'd like to hear it. Thanks Daniel for letting me play along.
I am humbled UChris! I have downloaded it and will be playing it on repeat in my car. You just took it far up in the sky that emotionally it is now floating on clouds. Much love and respect
Old, shmold. Who cares? Your music invites a conversation, a meandering around strange and familiar themes. To hear my response, go to my profile. Thanks for posting this track, Soluna!
Redgold, I finally got into the groove and posted a flute collab. Great fun! Hope you don't mind I edited the track a bit (I can only concentrate for 3 minutes 45 seconds at a time), and I took some bass out so I can hear it on my bass-heavy old boombox. I loved the chord change--perfect for Native Flute, and it basically inspired the melody. Thanks so much for the WAV and the encouragement! If you want the mixed WAV or a flute WAV let me know.
Thnx UChris! sorry for the loud bass, is not realy mastered yet. i will put up a link to your page, if you want sent me the flute WAV, so i can play with it in the mix a little.
Oh, so nice! Beautiful lyrics, laid-back finger picking, and a voice unashamed of hitting the high notes. This is in the true singer-songwriter tradition.
Hey, I think we have an acoustic group going on here, given the other commentators. Good company.
Hey, Redgold, I got the City Riddim track and I just haven't had time to play to it. I have a flute all picked out in F minor pentatonic (G#Ab major). This track seems to invite a smooth running topline, not quite as hard driving as Ocean Riddim. Gotta get into the groove, as well! I'll try to do something with it soon.
You're right, not much flute in any kind of music, but with this track there could be more to come. Nice recipe, Fila, and all of it's right there on the plate!
Hey man thanks for the comments and listening to this tune! Appreciated!! Time for me to put this plate aside and get another one! Got a new recipe for the next plate on the table!! LOL !!
I like it too. I like the switch into double time (or is it cut time? I don't remember.) Suggestions? Longer of course, and more experimentation with timing. Cool background.
Remarkable rhythmic texture. I love the way it picks up internal beats from one rhythm and moves on to the next using those beats. Modern, minimal but not heartless, not at all.
See my version of the wedding at my profile page. I hope you like what I did with it. I am not a technician, so there might be a few loose bits lying around.
I really loved playing with this track. Thank you soluna.
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thnx about your attention & coment & spending time to listen to my music trial man.
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How cool! This track made me feel happy.
Thanks, Vuduchylde!
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Hey, I think we have an acoustic group going on here, given the other commentators. Good company.
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Thanks again Fila!!
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See my version of the wedding at my profile page. I hope you like what I did with it. I am not a technician, so there might be a few loose bits lying around.
I really loved playing with this track. Thank you soluna.