Ooh, wasn't expecting that vocal, instantly got Tool vibes, nice, real nice.
This is happy Tool, I like it.
Oh the guitar comes in.
If you'd like a less midi-sounding guitar sound let me know, I'd record it for you.
That was a very well put together track. Great freakin' job!
Thanks a lot, glad you liked it....and also that you've mentioned Tool, one of my favourite bands! I'll be ok for now with the guitar but thanks a lot for the offer :)
Arrangement wise, I felt very confused when the first bar hit, consider taking away some instrumental elements, similar to how you did with the second bar.
The rest is decent, but the start of the song is jarring.
Hi Metabolic, thank you for your listen and feedback. I like your ideas and I'll mess around with it some more. New genre? It's just stuff I like to do, and then I wonder if anyone else will like it or just think it's weird, or even think it's music, so I'm very glad to hear that you like it. I'll let you know when I post a new draft. Thanks again.
Sounding good mate, although you should be making your own basses. This sounds like MONXX not you. Or at least f***ing the loops up beyond recognition.
I hate naming my tracks, I usually look at my hardware or something from within my DAW. Slimebolt = My guitar, DRB-60 = A DI box and my new tune... Black tape XD XD.
My first thought is to take the lead with the violin, I googled some violin brands.. Mendini sounds cool.
I appreciate the kind words.
I am working on a track with vocals at the moment. Finishing a lead guitar solo at the end and it should be ready for critique. Thanks for giving this a listen. Not used to doing vocals, but I'm trying to be a jack of all trades. Thanks again!
Sounds like drum and bass from an innocent, if that makes sense, no feeling of hatred or discontent, something rare in the genre. That's not a negative impression mind, it has a chirpy/happiness to it.
Not a fan of Dubstep anymore, it became very generic but I can pass on some things I've learned. Your bass (synth) is weak, here's how you fix that. I don't know what software you use so I can't say for sure on how but you want to separate the audio into three, one with only the low freqs, one for the mids, one for the highs, then apply different effects, experiment here, but with the lows I would treat it like you would sub bass.
On sub bass, if you want to make dubstep sub bass is the key, firstly use it and secondly learn how to get the biggest sound. Sidechaining is your friend when the kick drum fights the same freqs.
Do some youtubing on classic Dubstep, UK stuff, an example would be Loefah - Disko Rekah. That shit be slippery af... Thanks to the sub freqs.
Very interesting track dude.
Be sure to take the advice already here.
I would use a different bass growl, doesn't really fit to me. Something smoother would work better I think.
Try hiding some of the elements in the back of the mix, like the guitar and vocals at different points, bringing them forward when you can here and there.
It's got some great potential.
on Upside Down by AlanMcLarenProject
This is happy Tool, I like it.
Oh the guitar comes in.
If you'd like a less midi-sounding guitar sound let me know, I'd record it for you.
That was a very well put together track. Great freakin' job!
on Between Love And Paxion by SubtilRecords10
The rest is decent, but the start of the song is jarring.
on Deep breath by FatalDecline
on 15 Syllables by iloveslayer
Guitars down, drums up. Bass is overpowering everything.
on Not Even Music by Xanever
Yeah, you aren't too bad my dude.
More... bass... doe... bro.. Lead bass I mean.. We like bass.
Automate more things in your bass sound's synth!
Good start, I'd say refine it more.
Still... Fuck you Dave.
on Circle Story by Heralbjon
This is really great my dude.
I could imagine finding this on a movie soundtrack.
It's strange that this hasn't more interactions.
Fav'd for sure... This really is something else, I'll be looking out for more \m/
on Fade through the Echo by FatalDecline
This is great.
Well done guys \m/
on Melancholy Pattern ft Esoreni by BLEEP
The singer gives this a similar vibe as Cigarettes After Sex (They're great).
I can't think of any ways to improve this so I'll leave you with big well done!
thank you for taking time to listen to this and of course, your feedback is really appreciate :)
have a good day
on NOTHING by CitizenMofo
on NOTHING by CitizenMofo
I don't know what to think of this.
I like it.
"Nothing, nothing, nothing" I would add some fx as is fades.
"I've lost nothing" I'd add a big single kick/boom just after that, i'd fit somewhere around 2:00, in my head it sounds reverberated.
I think a few "cinematic" addition would make this much more.
on Riddim Monster by Flawx
on Grime Instrumental by OdotZED
My first thought is to take the lead with the violin, I googled some violin brands.. Mendini sounds cool.
Top production as always.
on Labyrinth Of The Absurd by ValveDriver
Why not..
Great flow and atmosphere, I'm looking forward to hearing on some speakers.
We've got a similar style, I encourage you to verify that.
Good dubstep is hard to find these days.
Take care.
on art belly by arkeyetexture
on The Waves Between Ship And Shore by Evisma
Why I've not clicked one of your tracks before I don't know.
This is great.
I'm getting a Tool vibe. This is crying out for vocals.
I'll certainly be clicking the next.
I am working on a track with vocals at the moment. Finishing a lead guitar solo at the end and it should be ready for critique. Thanks for giving this a listen. Not used to doing vocals, but I'm trying to be a jack of all trades. Thanks again!
on 30dec2017 by OdotZED
on L0FI HiP HoP by kiuiTheVibes
It's got potential but even if I was stoned I would call it boring.
Like I said though it's got potential, give it more variation and oddities and it could be a cool track.
on Smashed by Nodog
I'd comment more but I hate techno.
Out here bamboozling people :D
on Degenerates Breakfast by thephilosofist
Soft. Unusual.
Not sure what I think of it.
on Crimson by BradoSanz
Great work dude.
on Trippy Hippy Crew - Memory GO by TrippyHippyCrew
On sub bass, if you want to make dubstep sub bass is the key, firstly use it and secondly learn how to get the biggest sound. Sidechaining is your friend when the kick drum fights the same freqs.
Do some youtubing on classic Dubstep, UK stuff, an example would be Loefah - Disko Rekah. That shit be slippery af... Thanks to the sub freqs.
on Closure by bitronix
If I was in a lighter mood I would enjoy this more, I'll come back when I am.
My mind is imagining a sidechained sub (quiet to loud kinda effect) kind of similar to what you have but a littler more slippery if that makes sense.
I'm enjoying the progression of the melodies, rare in electronic music.
I'll be keeping my eye out for more of your tracks.
Keep it up dude
And that sidechained sub, is it the pads or the bass on the super saw part on the drop? I'll just check it out
on Under the Waves by theHumps
A great display of your musicianship :)
on lolage by GoshaSmith
Be sure to take the advice already here.
I would use a different bass growl, doesn't really fit to me. Something smoother would work better I think.
Try hiding some of the elements in the back of the mix, like the guitar and vocals at different points, bringing them forward when you can here and there.
It's got some great potential.
on Fearless by swindla007