I never heard the original, but this version was an interesting take. My only criticism is that there were no claps/snares in the entire track. I feel the track would have been even better with the addition of it, but that is just my preference. Regardless, good tune.
Appreciate that!! There are claps but they are stuttered and chopped. If you are up to it remix and a put what you feel in there and send it to me. I would honestly appreciate it. And I will credit of course "free Crack 314 at Gmail dot com"
Great track here, Shatner. Always bringing the heat with the bars, and amazing flow. This type of rap is what the industry needs to convert back to. I'm sick of the mumble-jumble.
This one is definitely ready for vocals. I might give it a try and see what I can come up with. Do you have an email or somewhere I can contact you if I do come up with something?
Your tracks have so many details scattered in them. I can tell how passionate you are just by listening to your tunes. The funk, structure, and implementation of each instrument tell an individual story that speaks to my core. Most struggle to make songs even 3 minutes long without them becoming repetitive and boring (I suffer from this) but you make 7 min + songs with complete ease and every second is enjoyable. I don't know how you do it, but keep up the fantastic work!
Modnex, your stop, listen, feedback, and fave is appreciated. This version actually had about another minute before editing. The mix here, I couldn’t cut anything else out. So I did a shorter remixed version that’s in my list of tracks here on LM. I’m strongly drawn to detail and I enjoy burying nuggets in my tracks. Thanks also for letting me know that you made it through the length of this track ok. Be safe.
This song is a mix of so many things that I would have never thought worked together. Not only did you make it work but you did it in the greatest way possible, smooth like a criminal. It's like rock, jazz, and a little sprinkle of hip hop all bundled into one. Great work here!
I was impressed with this one, Orlando! I could see this being in a movie that takes place in the 17th to 18th century. The beginning has a dark feel to it while the middle feels more mysterious/dramatic. Great work.
Another enjoyable piece from you, Steve. I honestly wish this song would have made it to the TV. It deserved the recognition and hard work you put into it. The chill smooth vibes from this could've even made it to the video game industry if you ask me. I get Nintendo-64 vibes from this for some reason. Are you still in contact with that drummer? Who knows maybe something else will come along if you want it that is. Regardless great work as usual.
Thanks, mate. So the story behind this is that A session bassist had the idea to cull some talent and produce for TV and places where licensed music was needed. He recruited a drummer from Vancouver, but I never met him nor spoke with him. the project fell to the wayside. This demo was my contribution and is entirely my composition. I forgot that it was never released 5 years ago and I thought it would be cool to share it now. I do not actively seek new projects as I am cool with this being a semi-pro hobby.
I never heard the original but this sounds great and makes me want to hit the dance floor. My only critique would be the time. I wish this was longer, but that could be easily fixed. Nice one.
Great track Emoytle! I don't normally listen to metal, but I think this sounds awesome and makes me want to smash stuff lol. The vocals switches are really nice. I especially like the soft vox that comes in at 1:07. Great work!
This instrumental almost has a reggae feel to it and I really like that. I think this would fit great for a children's television series, like a wiggles or blues clues type television show. Great work.
I know but I recently noticed my free beats floating around with no credit. Usually I don't care but I intend to sell this one. You can listen/purchase the full thing on beatstars (321 Mafia)Next one will probably be a full free beat on here.
Hey Spiv, long time no hear. Your sounds are always interesting to listen to. It's like being transported to a different planet and watching a concert light years away from earth while submerged in water. Let's just say unique would be an understatement, to say the least. The intensity of this made it enjoyable for me. I like the whirly sounds that come in around 1:40. It's unfortunate to hear the backstory of this track, with you hearing voices and all (which I hope is all better now), but I'm happy you got this out of it. Nice work.
Yeah buddy, it's been a while! Didn't mean to make you take a bath during the concert... LOL. Don't worry about me, I'm clean except for the doctor's meds now. No voices to be heard. I appreciate you hitting up my newer works for a listen!
This was interesting to listen to right off the bat. The chill, relaxation sound you created mixed with the deep spoken word vox made for a great combination. The second vox that came in at 2:00 was a nice change-up. Nice work!
I hate it when that happens, and you forget to save and lose everything. I feel bad for you, but I'm happy you at least have the mp3 for it even if it's not the finished version. The track itself is great as is. The vocals are high quality and top-notch stuff, quite impressive, and the instrumentation around it only adds to that. Is that you singing? Regardless, great work.
Nice upbeat dance track you created here. The switch at :31 was a nice little switch. The only issue I saw was at :56 seconds the transition was abrupt and it sounded like it was mistakenly left in there. Other than that nice one.
I enjoyed the groove on this one. I'm curious to see what you'll add to this. Thus far it sounds great as is. The live instrumentation always does it for me. I'm so used to hearing fake/synth sounds, so it's always nice to hear the usage of real instruments or synths that come close to the real thing. Nice work per usual.
Modnex, greetings and happy new year to you and yours. Thanks for stopping by. We could go for hours on the subject of live instruments. I’m adding guitar and maybe a lead vocal. I appreciate your feedback as always. Be safe.
I like what you got thus far. Personally I would have liked to hear a little more going on. Adding some additional instruments and synths could help move this one along, but that's just personal preference.
Ominous cinematic track you made here. It sounds nice and mysterious as is, but it would be interesting to hear this one with actual instrumentals on it. I look forward to it.
Yeah, I picture some adlibds on here, kind of like the band M83. Guitars and real drums would be killer. Thanks for listening, I'm glad you enjoyed it. Regards.
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With appreciation,
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i'm currently working on finishing this track and i will update it here with the full version when it's done.
thanks for commenting by and stay safe :)
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