Hey friend! Noticed you were on the forums not long ago, and here you are to listen to one of my songs! Thanks! Your words are always enjoyable to read and thought provoking. There's nothing wrong with a bit of hedonistic regres/expres-sion. Was some of the best spontaneous guitar stuff I've done I think, as it sounds looped but it's not. Baby oil and metal spikes, that sounds really comforting like 20 years ago comfortable. I need a metal bead with spikes for my dreads now. Thank you for your listen and comment as always, it's really good to have you here!
Thanks Chris. This track seems to be relatively "popular" dare i say so i must have done something right. The first bit seems to be the one i'm getting the most comments about.
Are you seriously in the S.A.S. now? One minute your watching the skies then the next it's Andy McNab time. Your life takes you to some strange places huh?
Anyway, cheers for dropping in and leaving your thoughts.
I have this philosophy that statements that we say do not mean anything actually mean something in our subconscious. So I like to flip our idioms or allow you see how the statements actually pay a part in our lifestyles and personalities. Thanks for the feedback.
After about 30 secs i felt like i wanted to belly dance,but i dont really have a belly,si i just laid back and let this track do the dancing with Eastern promiss.!
Good chilled track and i would leave it just as it is.!
thanks for all the support here my friend.
this range is small, not to be too cloying.
the bpm it is not too slow in this composition.
this was also one of the reasons it is so short.
Sorry for the slow reply. I wanted to make it a good one.
I do try to be in my own league and always do something that feels like it was made by me and no one else. I think that's mainly why almost the only samples I ever use are drum loops (and hits). They almost don't count, if you know what I mean.
If I play and/or program all the riffs and parts I just have better control over them and can make them do a lot more and change them as necessary and feel like they're mine even though I use some fairly standard hardware and software.
I guess it is quite smooth.
There's a lot more guitar playing to come in this one. I'm just struggling with the end mega guitar solo right now. The track's up to 14 mins so I really hope it doesn't feel too long or self indulgent or boring.
I try to play guitar with both close control (of the timing and the bend I put on each string) and also some slapdash laziness to give it some character and make it a little messy and sort of free flowing at times. I often don't get it right.
Fortunately, detailed audio editing eventually fixes most of that!
"your ever expanding productions"
Yes, I have so many. Some I can hardly even remember and many I can't remember all the sections in them even if I try hard.
I really hope I don't run out of ideas and do the same repetitive stuff I've done before in 10, 20, 30, 40 years' time.
Must keep innovating, getting new sounds, learning new instruments etc in order to prevent that from happening.
Glad you enjoyed it. I have a better version but the site is being a wanker and wont let me upload it.
Ah well i'm glad you enjoyed this version of it and i'll be over to check out more of your work soon.
Thanks much for your support my friend! I must admit that for the first half of production on this song I was a bit high, and for the second half I was still high. Wasn't going for perfection, just progression. I enjoyed making it, so it's good to hear that anyone can listen to it with some enjoyment. Appreciate the review!
As the Genie of the Lamp? Simply rub disappointed, asking for and grants you 3 wishes? ....
Hum! not quite it ....
I'm just like you: From the passion, work, overflowing imagination, persistence and a certain knack for the harmonies .... That is the secret, is not it.
Yes the vocals are awesome and they fit perfectly in this track. That was more of a coincedence because her progression fitted exactly in my progression...
You right about the synths etc... I want to use some different synths... it's still Trance but with a big impact... it worked all well!
"You bring something unique to the table every time"
Yes - that's always my aim. Got to give everything distinctive character. It's OK to reuse the same sounds and instruments but, for me, they need to be combined in new ways. And every new track is a fun opportunity to use a synth sound I haven't yet used (I have thousands I've never used).
I'd like to get more varied guitar sounds into my stuff so really need to get round to getting a quality software amp/effects package such as Amplitube or Guitar Rig.
Thanks for checking it out. I like to think anyone into far out and/or electronic music would get into this.
I think I'm going to put it as the first track on my alternative, far out hip hop-leaning album when it's ready. But it would be a suitable track 1 on most of my albums.
Special stuff that I'm sometimes amazed I actually created.
Hey BB, thanks for stopping by to listen! It was one of those things that had to be done, and it was very cathartic. I'm just happy some people enjoyed it, and I'm hoping I got some people into Oghr. Hope all is well! Thanks again!
on July Third by TMDrums
Love this softer type of Rock.!
Beautiful guitars,awesome beats n effects.!
The way this builds up is superb too.!
Yeah man...damn great track.!
Thank you so much for sharing.!
Fav'd n DL,d with thanks
peace man!
on Technical Time Ft FarM by Spivkurl
This has so many vibs running through it,from oldschool electronic 80's music to modern industrial.!
What ever you did..it rock me rocking in a hedonistic kind of way lol
Real nice electronic forplay all covered in baby oil and metal spikes.!
Yep... count me in lol
on Skylarking by Silverpaw and Salook by Salook
I just love Dub.!
Theres nothing better that just siting here chillin away in the cool evening sunset listening to Dub.!
This is so good i faved n DL'd (thank you) coz its so worth playing again and again!
Great track man!
on In My Eyes ft JJWeekz by srbrown7
Beautiful vocals from jj and superb use of them.!
I really love the deep sensual feel to this,as it so reminds me of Conjour One.!
Superb Atmosphere,awesome placement of keys with rich guitar.
This is a superb track.!
Hints of yesturday with colours of tomorrow!
Beautiful work man!
Massive thanks for DL.
So pleased i could get in and grab me some of this!
peace man!
on instru mental by FreeRadical
Great bit of oldschool man!
The first part played as i was rollin
The rest i just layed back and let it take me, after a hard month of being in the world of what i call Life lol.
Thank you fore 10 mins of tripped bliss.!
Loved it all,the spoken parts are superb along with the whole concept.!
Damn good work mate!
DL n fav'd to get me back in the swing of things!
cheers mate!
Are you seriously in the S.A.S. now? One minute your watching the skies then the next it's Andy McNab time. Your life takes you to some strange places huh?
Anyway, cheers for dropping in and leaving your thoughts.
on Who Cares by terrancet
Love the beats n strings,powerful lyrics that blend real good with the atmos of your track!!
As for who gives a fuck,well i do lol
Deep track man.
on regret buss by ElenaSatine
I enjoyed this and it's rock for sure.!
The main thing is to enjoy what you try to create,and dont worry too much if it's not to everyones tastes.!
thank you much much for the kind words.
i'm happy you've enjoyed this.
Elena :)
on Eyesand by Cyberliam
After about 30 secs i felt like i wanted to belly dance,but i dont really have a belly,si i just laid back and let this track do the dancing with Eastern promiss.!
Good chilled track and i would leave it just as it is.!
peace man!
on Night rain by Anubis
Title and music work superb,my only sorrow is that i could have listened to this for many more mins.!
love it all the same!
good work man!
thanks for all the support here my friend.
this range is small, not to be too cloying.
the bpm it is not too slow in this composition.
this was also one of the reasons it is so short.
thanks fot listening to this song .
have a nice day
on Random Acts Of Human Kindness by StaticNomad
Blissed,trippy and as smooth as silk.!
Your musical ability inspires,as there's nothing more moving than real playing ability.!
Beautiful guitar playing,man you make them guitars sound priceless.!
Superb and always fresh and unique and another great Track to add to your ever expanding productions.!
very nice!
I do try to be in my own league and always do something that feels like it was made by me and no one else. I think that's mainly why almost the only samples I ever use are drum loops (and hits). They almost don't count, if you know what I mean.
If I play and/or program all the riffs and parts I just have better control over them and can make them do a lot more and change them as necessary and feel like they're mine even though I use some fairly standard hardware and software.
I guess it is quite smooth.
There's a lot more guitar playing to come in this one. I'm just struggling with the end mega guitar solo right now. The track's up to 14 mins so I really hope it doesn't feel too long or self indulgent or boring.
I try to play guitar with both close control (of the timing and the bend I put on each string) and also some slapdash laziness to give it some character and make it a little messy and sort of free flowing at times. I often don't get it right.
Fortunately, detailed audio editing eventually fixes most of that!
"your ever expanding productions"
Yes, I have so many. Some I can hardly even remember and many I can't remember all the sections in them even if I try hard.
I really hope I don't run out of ideas and do the same repetitive stuff I've done before in 10, 20, 30, 40 years' time.
Must keep innovating, getting new sounds, learning new instruments etc in order to prevent that from happening.
Thanks for the appreciation.
on Dancing To The War Drums by crucethus
You put alot of work in to this and it tell's
very nice track,shame War's are like Cancer that just keeps spreading.!
Good work man!
on Track 50 by FreeRadical
This is ideal for listening to on way to night out.!
Good mix man,parts remind me of Basement Jaxx...Awesome.!
Damn good stuff.!
on Bad Boy Sound by FreeRadical
Straight off the bat you got them heavy DnB beats kicking off.!
Love the sub levels,awesome ragga type vocals.!
Man this packs a punch,as it has that superb Prodigy Try vibe.!
Awesome Deep DnB with your own hints of BDSM lol!
Great u did this coz now i got it thanks to DL..cheers!
You nailed this and the best part is i always get to hear music loud as i got my own pad in the stix lol
Bring it on large lol
Ah well i'm glad you enjoyed this version of it and i'll be over to check out more of your work soon.
on CQ Remix -Feedback Wanted- by MTGMusik
Them beats and that bass is superb!
Vocals and vocal arangement are sounding awesome,love the effects too.!
This is a damn good trippy track man.!
Appreciate the comment and listen :)
on Guitar Love by DESTERO
Cheers for now making me want to make a rock track lol
awesome Feedback, never expected that much praise for it.
Looking forward to listen to your new Rock Track.
keep on Bro*
on Guitar Love by DESTERO
It's so cumfortably numbish like the great oldschool rock,yet feels so fresh too.!
The Vocals are Superb!
The guitars are bloody wicked and i loved that chilled bending note substained lushness.!
I just had to DL this,as i think this is some of the best Rock i've heard in years.!
I know it's real good as im getting out my Dark Side Of Moon Album lol,then maybe later i will fire up my strat
Superb Track!
peace all the way!
on Psychogenic Sammich by Spivkurl
The best stuff sometimes comes from experimenting.!
and it never has to be perfect to be enjoyable Spiv!
You know we all got stuff we've created when we could have been drunk or stoned,that we would keep just for them personal memories in a file called
(WTF Did I Create Last Night)
Just enjoy what ya do man,that's the only advice i would give.!
on Memories by MagneticRecords
Love the way it just carries me along!
Have you thought about maybe putting some soft female vocals or spoken word in it,or even some choir sounds.!
If i had created this then that's the only thing i would try out,as it could give this ruff diamond it's full sparkle!
Just an idea mate,but i love it anyway so good work!
on One Way by VickyDan
Again you find beautiful talented singer's and you create around them the most breath taking beautiful music!
This is so damn good it just needs to be played again,so massive thanks for the DL.!
Your a true genious when it comes to making music that can stand on it's own for it's pure majestic beauty.!
Superb work Dan!
As the Genie of the Lamp? Simply rub disappointed, asking for and grants you 3 wishes? ....
Hum! not quite it ....
I'm just like you: From the passion, work, overflowing imagination, persistence and a certain knack for the harmonies .... That is the secret, is not it.
A thousand times thank you for your support.
on Synergy - Feat Sanna Hartfield by TCAS
love that kick in at 1.10
Awesome vocals...she sounds superb!
Love the synths,pads,arps,beats n bass...awesome pace too.!
This is a damn good Trance Track man.
Sounds lush banging out my surround sound.!
Nice work.!
Thanks for the DL.!
Yes the vocals are awesome and they fit perfectly in this track. That was more of a coincedence because her progression fitted exactly in my progression...
You right about the synths etc... I want to use some different synths... it's still Trance but with a big impact... it worked all well!
Thanx for your comments!
on Progress The Lethal Weapon diss track by hanginghighguy
Love that deep bass,awesome vocals n lyrics.
Superb beats n lovely piano too.!
This is damn good man!
Fave from me!
I love it.!
on Circular Motion by StaticNomad
I was hooked from start to finish.!
Superb choreography in the way your pull everything together making it sound so refine and stylish.
I'm not a great one for words,when the complexity in what you create cannot be sum'd up with a few words of admiration.
You bring something unique to the table every time.!
Superb quality Track!
Yes - that's always my aim. Got to give everything distinctive character. It's OK to reuse the same sounds and instruments but, for me, they need to be combined in new ways. And every new track is a fun opportunity to use a synth sound I haven't yet used (I have thousands I've never used).
I'd like to get more varied guitar sounds into my stuff so really need to get round to getting a quality software amp/effects package such as Amplitube or Guitar Rig.
Thanks for checking it out. I like to think anyone into far out and/or electronic music would get into this.
I think I'm going to put it as the first track on my alternative, far out hip hop-leaning album when it's ready. But it would be a suitable track 1 on most of my albums.
Special stuff that I'm sometimes amazed I actually created.
on Minus - Ohgr Cover by Spivkurl
I really enjoyed this,love that edgy metal vibe.!
I found myself rockin by the end.!
yeah man......good stuff!
on NO to child labour Behnam ZanDi deciBel by deciBel
This is powerful!
You play with the anger that this music reaches out.!
I hear your music,i read your words and i can only hope that one day people wake up.!
Our world was for all mankind,not just the socalled elite.!
Children deserve Love Life and Unity.!
My heart cries for the way our 1 world and it's people are being abused both young and old and regardless of race creed or color.!...
Your message is felt by me.!
Thank you dear friend!
on Dont let me go - Larry Wiggles aka Mark Jeffries by larrywiggles1
Loved the vocals
Great beats n strings n keys.!
Yeah mate bloody nice track!
Best wishes,