Thanks ,glad you liked them.just have a request, I know what you’re thinking….he’s a pain in the butt…I am struggling with the guitar that you added to my track for me, is there any chance that you could do it with a little less guitar as I am finding the original melody buried. If you don’t have any time or you’re not interested I understand. Regards Wooster.
Hey 1992g, added a couple of guitar tracks to your Second Chance, just for fun. If it's okay I'll upload it on my page crediting you and you can check it out, if you don't like it I can delete it....just having some fun playing around...if you would rather I didn't that's cool to I understand...
Really nice track, stylish and well done...don't know if you want anything added to it or not but thought I might download it and play around with it...add a little guitar lead, just what I hear in my head.... I'm old school, play most of my instruments...haven't explored AI as yet, but I can see the potential...good work
Hey, Morph
Really like your sound and the feel, thought I would download it and maybe play around with it and see if I could add a little guitar somewhere in there if that's okay. Again sweet track....thanks for sharing.
on No Time by Wooster27
on No Time by Wooster27
on Second Chance by 1992g
on Second Chance by 1992g
on Sunrise by morpheusd
Really like your sound and the feel, thought I would download it and maybe play around with it and see if I could add a little guitar somewhere in there if that's okay. Again sweet track....thanks for sharing.