

Cause I cant fly I make music
NO country, Switzerland
Joined : 29th Mar 2012 - 13 years ago
deciBel comments on tracks

deciBel has posted 688 comments on other peoples tracks.

Comments 1 - 25 of 688
deciBel 18th Dec 2014 01:44 - 10 years ago

on A lullaby by Ratsouk
extraordinary expressive & nice .
a memorable theme , beyond the language of your lyrix .
by the way what a nice language is Russian ..I didn't think so about this language .
thnx for sharing .
Ratsouk replied 18th Dec 2014 - 10 years ago
Thank you!
deciBel 18th Dec 2014 01:24 - 10 years ago

on Sunday Morning by Musicante
franco quardini's memorable guitar sound ...he's a master about what he does .
..& fluid mentality of ScottB's drum ..
& an innovative mentality of imagery composition , groovy & creative . + meditatively words in lyrix & a sweet voice .
no matter about the genre , it's Art what U've done .
respects,all the best.
Musicante replied 18th Dec 2014 - 10 years ago
Thank you so much, Behnam. We appreciate you taking the time to leave your kind words.

Franco and Scott speak kindly of you and your wonderful talents.

deciBel 18th Dec 2014 01:09 - 10 years ago

on Radio Illuminati - Beyond Time by radioilluminati
a colorfull , measured & innovative arrangement.
healthy scence of a sane subjective trip .
thnx for sharing this imsgery creativeness .
radioilluminati replied 18th Dec 2014 - 10 years ago
Thank you deciBel!
deciBel 18th Dec 2014 01:00 - 10 years ago

on Instant Reaction - Featuring - Sanna Hartfield by midiman007
a prof track midiman ,as I expected before playing ..
naturally , whenever your music gets a rock vibe your tallents are more sensible & shown ..
& as usual , Scott's drum is the best drum here ...
no matter who is more famous be fair , instrumental version of track was better than S.Hartfield's short & repeatetive lyrix .
thnx for sharing James & Scott .
midiman007 replied 25th Dec 2014 - 10 years ago
deciBel, Thank you for the kind words. It really is appreciated. Hope your Holidays are good and safe.
deciBel 6th Dec 2014 03:12 - 10 years ago

on The spring rain by Ratsouk
very good ,
what U've sung has been so hard especially due to altration which happens at 32th second .
& a bravo to your daughter who has underestood the concept of classical piano-forte & that's why her simple playing sounds suitable & perfect for this acapella.
respects & regards.
Ratsouk replied 6th Dec 2014 - 10 years ago
Thank you very much!
deciBel 6th Dec 2014 02:56 - 10 years ago

on Marrow E by Ishimizu
Simone & hardcore ..
oh oh ! hahah Mein Kopf explodiert , aber dieses Genre ist die gleiche und Sie es sehr gut gemacht haben .
schön, dich nach einer Weile wieder hier zu sehen .
Ishimizu replied 6th Dec 2014 - 10 years ago
yeah, me and hardcore . . . made it once, done it time and time again. XD
yeah... problably the most wrong track to listen to when having a headache of sorts, but happy you like it^^ Am still rather happy with it myself.

and, yeah, I'll try to be more active here again.^^
deciBel 6th Dec 2014 02:46 - 10 years ago

on 03 Ring On by Eighteen
dream pop,chill out,cinematic matter what genre we categorize it ,beyond the categories & the word it was catchy & innovative .a better mix can make this even more impressive.
a colorfull rainbow .. imagery .
Eighteen replied 6th Dec 2014 - 10 years ago
Thank you for your kind words ^^
yes I am kinda bummed about the sound quality myself, I wish I had a little more knowledge about mixing back then
deciBel 5th Dec 2014 23:10 - 10 years ago

on Update3 Dance With You Ft Noemi by SeriouslyJoking
pleasurable tune , dolce & sweet .
haha! surprise ending is the smartest way to make listener repat the track & U've done it measured & smart .
hope everything goes fine with U ,beyond that monitor SJ .
SeriouslyJoking replied 8th Dec 2014 - 10 years ago
Hello Behnam, long time no..hear. =D

Yes, I'm fine, thanks for asking. I'm really hoping everything is okey with you over there as well, so much horror in the world these dayes.

Take good care of you my friend/ SJ =)
deciBel 5th Dec 2014 22:55 - 10 years ago

on ShortBusMusic Proximal Vicinity Ft Mark Ratcliffe by Spivkurl
...verywelldone as I expected befor pushing play button beside this ...well , due to the cast of this tune , we almost can say this was '' United States men's national looperman musicians team '' ..I really enjoyed the coperative tune of 3 of my best american friends ...
I knew Mark is very good in such genres & sings fine & Barry is a maestro ,but I've wondered to find U such proff in such tunes & genres ..
beyond everythings , Pat this is so god to find a new track of yours after awhile I've not had this chance to listen a new track of creative Sprivkurl .how U've been ,man..? hope all is well there beyond that monitor ..
merci for sharing this Pat , Mark & Barry .
take care.___B
Spivkurl replied 20th Dec 2014 - 10 years ago
Hey my friend, it's been quite a while! I must admit to having had you in mind recently, and part of the mind was worrying about you. Hope you are well! I can't claim much credit for this track or it's success, as all parts were composed and performed by Bear and Mark. Once I was chosen as one of the winners for Bear's competition, Mark wanted a copy of the track to record his parts to... it seemed only natural that I would put the finishing touches on the mix once he was done. It was a sincere pleasure to be a part of it, especially with the quality of the audio involved. Mark wrote a good song to compliment the original. Thank you for the kind comment! Very good to hear from you again! I've been doing well, feeling ultra creative and productive... I usually end up doing so much in a day that I am just a mess by the evening, and still I find that there are so many things that I didn't get to do. I suppose that is part of life. Our new cat is pretty well integrated into our strange lifestyle now. Have smoked a couple holes in my head in recent months, but that's a different story. Please let me know you are okay!
deciBel 28th Nov 2014 04:09 - 10 years ago

on lullaby by Prelude
better than what I expected ...
a true classical harmonY ..just a bit long I think ..
equlizing & some simple effects (like a better reverB) can help your lullaby sounds more real & impressive ..
take care Cindy the way merci , I'm fine .___B
Prelude replied 29th Dec 2014 - 10 years ago
you honourd me by your f mark Behnam .
you're absolutely the best cinematic musician I've ever known
and your comment means alot to me .
please answer my emails and do not let me feel you're lost again .
i like you as a very very good friend .
Cindy :)
deciBel 28th Nov 2014 03:35 - 10 years ago

on Midnight In Ibiza-Unmastered Version by 15ludwicke
variation which happens around 1:45 shows we're listening to a skillfull composer who has designed & arranged this track quite measured .
interesting it's a happy energY sharing :)
15ludwicke replied 28th Nov 2014 - 10 years ago
Thanks Decibel! Really digging your cinematic tracks. Thanks for the support!
deciBel 28th Nov 2014 01:53 - 10 years ago

on When You by VickyDan
impressive , sane & sage , a healthy music .
& measured by every respects ..
catchy voice ... prof execution & a thoughtful lyrix...
and ...Ed...the old man never ends ...
Ed was right to be more famous in this unfair world ..
to be fair , U too ...
respects ... here , insomnia appreciates captain for sharing these moments ...
deciBel 16th Nov 2014 04:18 - 10 years ago

on Slamander by Geophase
...long time hadn't found such an adorable trap track ...
well designed , imagery & catchy ..
deciBel 15th Nov 2014 21:27 - 10 years ago

on But It Wasnt Love So by ade1980
nicely done ...a good music text for a bored sunday ...
& a voice which has potential & hisown character ...
all in what an interesting scale ....!
best wishes.
deciBel 10th Nov 2014 22:35 - 10 years ago

on NobodysPerfect2006 by Cinas
well I know U ain't answer but I'm writing this just cause I see noone else hasn't mentioned these criticisms ...

....look >>
if we paint the musical form of thisd track & take it as

it starts groovy & U sing well in part A buT since part B begins @ 1:09 then U don't sing good enough in some moments & this variation & changed accord doesn't sound such groovy .
B' & B'' are the same ( instrumentally) B & tottaly we\ve repeated A & B & also even C too much .

+ I don't know about your band & I'm not a rocker , but I've been a serious heavy metal composer & player & think a rock band needs a serious guitar player ...someone who can do something wonderfull or special , unique or technical with guitar ...who was absent in this track ...

tottaly this was not a serious or prof rock track , but it was an idea which had potential ...

Cinas replied 14th Nov 2014 - 10 years ago
I most definitely agree with your assessment re: guitars. We went through a lot of guitarists in that band before we split. Never really found "the one".

Vocally, the track could definitely have been more solid but I try not to beat myself up too bad about it. It was a long time ago when I was angsty fledgling with little experience recording or mixing. There's some sour notes in the second half of the song and some odd noises I attribute to bad breathing technique but a lot changes in almost 10 years. Hopefully my next project won't suffer from the same issues.

Thanks for taking the time to comment! Cheers!
deciBel 10th Nov 2014 22:11 - 10 years ago

on umek remix by FreeRadical
yeah solid grooves & energizer ! nicely done ..
despite U know I'm not into such genres but this was good enough to convince me to download it I should appreciate your innovation & download premission both ..
best wishes FR .
FreeRadical replied 13th Nov 2014 - 10 years ago
Thanks. The fact that you downloaded it when it's not even your favorite genre makes it that little bit better that you stopped by.
Cheers as always for your support.
deciBel 10th Nov 2014 19:18 - 10 years ago

on I Wish I Could Fly by crucethus
yes an avantgard track from one of few avant gard musicians here ..
piano movemenT which begins the track is dolce & gentle & in the same time melancholich & imagery (especially with those haunting sounds )..a serious parT for pianO ..
smart & interesting transition around 1:39 which says :
'' U're listening to a Crucethus track , so U usualy can expect a variation or modulation ...''
wished I was born as the wind ...Steve ...
wished I wass born as a sound , a voice , a memory or a thought which has no physical & solid existance...which can fly away from here ...
...this one was talking without the words ....conceptual & also expressive & impressive ...
merci for sharing this ...
hope everything goes fine with U beyond that monitor ...
crucethus replied 18th Feb 2015 - 10 years ago
Sorry for the late reply my friend, such nice words and i hope all is well in your world.
deciBel 14th Oct 2014 07:38 - 10 years ago

on Mononoke Hime-Journey To The West-Rework by Aviat- by AviatOfficial
....-saynothing of raw quality of your midi pianO-I really enjoyed your instrumental words by piano notes...
thoughtfull & impressive ...
what U've written needs an adorable comprehension about the living legends & skillfull mentality of expression ...
greates respects...
thnx for sharing...
AviatOfficial replied 21st Oct 2014 - 10 years ago
Thanks for listening and for the awesome kind feedback.

Actually my midi keyboard is really old and Ableton really did the magic of sounding the track like really good.

Movies of Studio Ghibli and Miyazaki really changed my life.These movies are sooo inspiring and filled with soo much good positive vibes.Just can't describe them.

And the Music score of by Joe Hisaishi is beyond perfection.I'm in real love with his classical pieces.

Once again thanks for listening and really hope you would watch Hayao Miyazaki movies and Hisaishi's music.

Here's some quick links which would really take you to breath-taking classical music exp-

Wonderful video tribute for Miyazaki-
deciBel 14th Oct 2014 06:27 - 10 years ago

on Over and Out by Cestevens1783
:) this is it ...
a thoughtfull composition , gentle & rational & in the same time creative ..
imagery it sounds & I think Cinematic is the better category for this instrumental story teller hymonography .
respects Charlene .
Cestevens1783 replied 14th Oct 2014 - 10 years ago
Thank you! :) Yeah I think you may be right with the genre.
deciBel 14th Oct 2014 02:43 - 10 years ago

on Mosso demo - W Torley by Diese
...this is not bad & chillout is not my genre...but,respectfully,I'v heared many chillout traX here that have been more beautifull than this ...
as a suggestion ,take a look to ''Tumbleweed'' , '' Shortbusmusic'' , ''VickyDan'' , ''Danke'' , ''Dinapourpre'' , ''Orlando51'' , ''Staticnomad'' ,also''rei4real'' & ''planetjazzbass'' various chillout traX here...
anyway this ios respectfull too...
Diese replied 12th Jan 2015 - 10 years ago
Hello deciBel .

we're sorry to see you haven't liked this one .

we respect your idea and those artists you've mentioned and
we appreciate your time to listen and the honesty of criticism in comment .

deciBel 19th Sep 2014 23:26 - 10 years ago

on No Mans Land ft Janis71 by promenade2239
nice , thoughtfull , gentle & a pleasure for my insomnia ..
Alex this considered & skillfull usage of those loops + Carole's hearty voice ( it means one of the most technichal singers of looperman's lyrix & voice ) has made an adorable package the way what a nice backvocal ..ja...dreamy ..
respects & regards Alex ..& thnx for sharing ...
promenade2239 replied 19th Sep 2014 - 10 years ago
deciBel 16th Sep 2014 15:37 - 10 years ago

on The forgotten symphony by johnnyproducing
ofcourse U have several god piano worx Jean ..but this is so artistic , imporessive & thoughtfull ...and also a hard notation for playing ..
gentle & soothing , catchy and memorable but in the same time gray ...
seems someone is talking with a gray afternoon in his loneliness while sky -silent-is just looking at him...
take care my super tallented friend...
my waving hands.__B
johnnyproducing replied 17th Sep 2014 - 10 years ago
Hey Behnam, that's a really big compliment and it means a lot for me!
It is an interesting way of looking at how this music translates itself into a story, It intrigues me.

Hope you received the mail on your yahoo account,
Not sure as of yet ;d

Take care too ;)
deciBel 16th Sep 2014 15:03 - 10 years ago

on while not asleep increment sheep by doudei
Savino ..wish everything goes fine with U beyond that
mon itor ...again such a hard orchestration ..innovative colourfull sounds & as Bear has told with a bit of Jaz/fusion vibe ..amazing as usual of yours & I'm sue finished version will surprise me (more ) ...Steve is right about Bass mov..
nice to find a new track of yours....your creative brain about selecting various color of the sounds is amazing ...
nice to find a new track of yours & as usual an imagery track ...take wishes.__B
doudei replied 17th Sep 2014 - 10 years ago
hello my brother.
it is a delight as always to read your descriptive notes - thank you! but above all i am happy to see you are still around here and among us.
email me if you have any new tracks i didn't check out so far, i'd love to listen so some unheard compositions.
and of course as always, if you could use some input or output for anything in the works: you know where to find me.
so long, all the best and take care!
deciBel 13th Sep 2014 14:17 - 10 years ago

on Acid De La Playa by SerialChiller
an original chillouT ..a real one ..
deciBel 3rd Sep 2014 07:00 - 10 years ago

on No One Like You by Cestevens1783
...U know....?..
uumm...Franco's awesome guitar - also piano , sax & other loops - are always usefull , technichal & absoloutley so nice & yes worth of repeating severl times ..U,charlene's heartfull voice & remarkable mentality of lyrix too is what makes me check out your musix here ... buT , to be honest , and to be a better loopermate/listener/fan/colleague or ... who likes to hear Cestevens 1783's instrumentation & composition more thoughtfull , more inteligenT & worth of hearing more than one time , I want to say :
1_ this musical form of vocal melody & vocal notes composition in which we start with the lyrix ( as part A ) , then we go to a humming or skit part (take it as part B ) then we'll back to the same melody & noes of part A ( & we can call it as A' )then again we're going to B' = totally >> A + B + A' + B' = the form & the structure of the piece
is nice , good & U've found a skillfull mind for composing in that form , but we can't forget this form is so repeatetive & soon changes to a guassable structure for audiance & this is not what will surprise or attract listener ..

2_ there was no a calculated equilibrium , or a logical/mathematical balance between instrumentation ( instrumental music without singer ) toward the lyrix weight & lyrix & singer were power point in this track in which a simple repeatetive loop was all what the composer had designed for us to accompaniment those serious thoughts of the yricist/singer fact musically(instrumentaly) this was weak , or in fact undone ( not rough cause there was nothing but only and only one loop as main theme of platform )if U won't be annoyed by this point of view of mine ...
& I think this lyrix , heart & brain & voice of singer deserved more ..deserved better composition to be respected by composer ...

I relly do hope , I really do wish , U'll underestand me tried to be honest & frank if I wrote thiese words in this anguage which is not such simple for me ...despite writing the words like woww & compliments & fake admirations were much easier for this foreigner of looperman who comes from Asia ...but I did believe U & your open minded perception underestands my great respects makes me to write this critical point of view...
respects ms.Charlene , and as a fan I'll looking forward to hear better instrumentation & composition as accompanimnting of this nice lyrix & impressive hearty singing & real sensations behind.. ...
excuse me for long comment.___B
Cestevens1783 replied 14th Sep 2014 - 10 years ago
Hey! No I appreciate the input, and welcome it, so by all means I am always interested in what you have to say!
I suppose though in all honesty, I am not really looking to make full out mastered tracks or completed songs, and I do admit sometimes I have a formula that I might stick with but really it's an idea/thought that I want to get down really fast and maybe eventually down the road I might get back to it but there is a good chance I won't ha.
This is just a fun thing for me to do that I really enjoy but I don't pay too much attention to the details maybe...actually I know I don't!
So again needless to say nothing I do is ever really finished, just a bunch of on the spot ideas.
No worries about the long comment ha, like I said, I am always interested in what people have to say here. That is what I like about looperman so much! Hope all is well on your end :)
Comments 1 - 25 of 688