Nice song I can imagine some drums coming in,but not heavy drums, and I thinks that's the only advice I can give you other than that the song is near perfect.
Damn both of you got crazy talent and Gorgeous mad talent too, and I downloaded most of your songs, except for two that's because I thought you guys could have went a different beat for those two songs, anyway you guys have a fan, do all three of a separate accounts? P.S. check out my beats and see if you guys can spit something over it something real not like those other guys on here you know heartbreak songs. Peace, a new fan.
Thanks fam we appreciate it that your a supporter and we appreciate the honest feedback it helps us strive to improve every single day. We don't have separate accounts on here but you can reach us on facebook. I'll put the links in a message for both of our personal pages and also our music page. As for Gorgeous, she is just a friend and doesn't really put out much music but we're definitely going to do more stuff with her in the future.
Wow your early stuff was really raw (the sound I mean) and now it's pick up like crazy and both songs sound great and you should try and fix the sound on your old stuff and re-post it because the lyrics are there but the sound isn't. Anyway great songs.
on PRESS PLAY by bboles
Thanks for the feedback!
on Believe and Achieve by avasuzanne
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on Thank you by SavaliDalisu
on I am me by SavaliDalisu
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