This is incredible, I love the glitchy sound to the drums, that's something I really need to start learning to be able to add to my pieces as well. How you made the piano progression is super interesting when it comes to the timing, it pans perfectly and keeps things interesting regardless of the repetition. Really cool piece, brother.
Hey Eric, thought I would pop by and return the favor. What you have arranged here is brilliant, the instruments you chose are great, I think the articulation of the vsti's you're using could be tweaked some to produce a much more organic sound and give you that really "sad" flow I think you might have been looking for. I think one of the biggest flaws with 99% of string vsti's is how they sound when played in close repetition without sounding synthy, that can be covered a little bit by reducing the amount of attack when each note is played, possibly quieting the strings down and layering the theme of your track with some horns with added reverb to give you that dreamy feel.
Okay that might be true.
I sometime tend to keep the mid sections Simple just because of that eerie creepy feeling but then again maybe some other sounds could keep it creepy and yet improve it. Not sure on what tho. Thanks for your comment.
Overall after the updated version I think it fits a whole lot better!
There are still a few bobs and ends, and what I usually will try to do is even with that guitar "loop" you have as the main theme of the song is rebuild in just the parts that need it, so if you hear that dissonance in a bridge to another verse, you'd rework just that small transition to fit with the key of her voice. You know what I'm getting at? Keep what you've got, and do small adjustments from there.
This is really cool, I think your track on its own is enough, but I just don't know, something about it doesn't quite fit the part with her vocals for me. I don't know if it's the off key notes that Jani is insane at integrating to her vocals or what.
But either way, I really enjoyed this. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for taking the time to listen/comment! It could come down to my lack of having a trained ear or being sensitive to "sour" notes (in vocals and or instruments) and putting things together, but there were a few times where something seemed a little "off" to me but I couldn't quite place it or know what to do about it. Working with vocals has been something a little more new to me and for me at least has proven to be a lot more difficult. Thanks again!
Man, I can get down on this. Wish I knew how to make good sounding 808's. This is really sick though, even your voice fits right where it needs to be. Good stuff.
Yep, learning metal riffs right now since I put my toes into learning more about metal creation, you have that authentic sound that will be impossible to achieve from a vst. 6+ minutes definitely my favorite part.
Centrist, Hello. Thanks for the kind words. But I can absolutely guarantee you that it's not impossible to achieve authentic sounding riffs with VST's. That's all this track is. Not a single live instrument was used. 100% software.
All the riffs were built, by me, one note at a time in my FL piano roll. All of the drums were mixed and built one hit at a time to go with each riff. Same with the bass and acoustic guitars.
It can be done!
Thanks again, for taking time to listen and comment.
I'd like to see more work from you. If you have any accapellas let me know, I'd like to use my style to mess with some of this sometime. It's refreshing to hear something unique. Well done.
Means a lot, I appreciate you. I posted this acapella earlier today under my acapellas. I'll post up 2-4 more, today. Then I'm probably going to hit some your work, for I dig ambient feel beats. I like going outside my box.
After hearing the electric piano in the beginning, I was really hoping that those bright drums would be able to push through all the sound being made, and you did a great job with it. Well done!
on Distraction by DijamMusic
Sorry for the delay.
Thank you very much, mate.
I am really glad you like it,
Thanks again.
on Return of the Dead King by EricMilligan
You did a great job though, brother. Keep at it!!
on Destruction by ripzore9191
I sometime tend to keep the mid sections Simple just because of that eerie creepy feeling but then again maybe some other sounds could keep it creepy and yet improve it. Not sure on what tho. Thanks for your comment.
on Heavy Metal Mollie by WARRIORDANIKA
Peace ~Warrior Danika
on Wolf Ship - Checkpoint by GeeHan
on When I am With You Feat JaniMilfsson by toddlove
There are still a few bobs and ends, and what I usually will try to do is even with that guitar "loop" you have as the main theme of the song is rebuild in just the parts that need it, so if you hear that dissonance in a bridge to another verse, you'd rework just that small transition to fit with the key of her voice. You know what I'm getting at? Keep what you've got, and do small adjustments from there.
on When I am With You Feat JaniMilfsson by toddlove
But either way, I really enjoyed this. Thanks for sharing.
on Sweet Space by lalopro
on LIVIN ONA PRAYA by ShawnDonJovi
on ANY WAY YOU WANT IT featuring Patricia Edwards by laurentwirz
on Moss Mother Part 1 - Sun by ValveDriver
All the riffs were built, by me, one note at a time in my FL piano roll. All of the drums were mixed and built one hit at a time to go with each riff. Same with the bass and acoustic guitars.
It can be done!
Thanks again, for taking time to listen and comment.
Take care.
on Off-World by EXANofficial
on Last Summer Remix by TheFemiFactor
on Lockdown by BCVProductions
on Get up Soon by K1Clean
on Profits by EXANofficial
on Feelings by Lonelyawxy
on Tripudium Ad Solem by Orlando51
With much appreciation____Orlando
on Feelings by Lonelyawxy
on Halloween - 40 years Later by JodyJames
on AACK OCHESTRA BEAT by starpyro
on Monsters by dannerz
on Haze from blue album by HTkany
No, It's not a loop . It's mine.
on Echoes From Private Spaces by Orlando51
liked it !:)