i like this, but its almost like ther's too much going on. the melodies are sik. this could be a great track with the right mix. good job. keep em comin
5 dl's and no reviews? this joint right here is hot. just needs some more kick and crack, other than that and a 3rd verse, this is the best track i heard this week.
this is stuck in my head now (not an easy feat considering the voices and all,lol) sik track, the imma mega man set this joint off. gave it that extra added addictive ingredient that'll have ever the most conservative looperuser back for another dose.
i love $hit like this. i remember rappin to video game beats, 6 kids in the room standin in a circle freestylin. and u know a mofuka had the duck hunt pistol tucked, lol
good job man. i like how this turned out. i like how u mixed this joint, u and ur dawg remix both got a mean flow. that hook'll stay with ya too. hit me up 4 whatever
yeah man. yo grab ur copy off here. i cant send files thru my email. my internet explorer is fukd up. my comp just dropped. i lost 400 of my beats and about a good 30 suttin of my songs. lmao
fvck an opinion. u got flow man thats a fact. we all need criticism to help find flaws and solutions that will make us better at what we love to do. u all ready know the levels are off, hell listen to a couple of my first uploads. mic quality sucked. i don;t know jack about mixing or mastering so cant help u there. coney's pretty good with that so my advice is find a few people on here and colab with them, don't waste too much time mixing and mastering if ur talent lies in writing songs.
thanks BOLO yeah i am currently working on collabs with conan of coney isl. and spit shine i definatley agree with you.....without formal training i dont think i will ever learn to master tracks in accordance with aesthetic appeal.so i am already on the collab ish and recently purchaced a new mic to improve sound quality.....as far as haters there will always be them\i know what i am and what aspects of my music need improvement
yup, you got the drums down to a science homie. seems like ur tracks are getting bigger. with every one i listen to impresses me. i couldnt really find anything to criticize on this 1. great track overall man. becoming one of the best producers on looperman (i really dont listen to much from elsewhere so u might verywell be becoming one of the best out there) anyhow, keep jackin them keys man, u got talent.
Thanks for the review..i really enjoyed doin this collab ...yea Slap is wonderfull on this as usual..but the track was done with Slaps sax on it when i got it..so i worked my voice around it..came out nicely i beleive..peace Dvibe
this is more than just luck. you have a serious talent. your music will be played well after you and i are gone. keep it up slap. think ill draw the girlfriend a bath and put this one on when she comes home.
p.s. the sheet music was exactly what he needed. he will soon be a member of looperman
this reminds me of something i would here downtown live at a music festival. i would stop, fill my cup and enjoy. the music is just contagious. every instrument just builds on the others until blam, ur hooked. great job slap and jersey definitely gave it that live off the top of his head feel. lovin this 1, fav this 1.
Yo the verse is siiick I work with that no problem!!! But I was gonna ask if u could also record a small amount of dubz over it too... U know what I mean?? Lemme know...
u allready know im down. bout to dodge out to detroit for a week or so, ill take my laptop and mic, so hit me up. do my thang when u send it to me (or soon there after). got any chorus ideas?
Oh snap!!! Thank god for the porstable studio ;) lol, have a good trip to rock city! wadaya doin' there, music business trip!?!? Im sending that beat within next hour im just bouncing now, yhea i got idea for hook recorded half, and let the rest open do ure thang thang on it... plus i recorded a rough version of my verse too!!!
on brighter day!!!!!!!!!! by Punch21
on can't fade dopro by dopro
on If You Didn't Know by dolawhite
on pop like me by camilletianna
on Reach for the Sky by COStly
on Standard Issue Instrumental by CONEYISLANDRECORDS
on NinTenDough by YourzTruLee
on Barney Rubbles by jamahdburse2
on She move like a Pro by HulkSmash
on Electrifying Ft. Faceless Bolo & Remix Man by Pwnone
on This Ol' Block_Q-Tizzle Looperman Competition by Pwnone
on No Way Out by Ciko
on IM BACK by stephen123
on MoNolith (N18th) collaboration by COStly
keep doin what u do, u got potential
good lookin out on the review
continue to do you
on People Talk by Pwnone
on Hang Me With These Strings (Wash Away My Pain) by YourzTruLee
on hey baby Ft. EpicSounds & Slap Johnson by Dvibe
on Intensive charming by SLAPJOHNSON
p.s. the sheet music was exactly what he needed. he will soon be a member of looperman
on Black Bandana by Pwnone
on We got sax for days feat Jersey by SLAPJOHNSON
on Elevation by HulkSmash
on If You Want It Back by YourzTruLee
on If You Want It Back by YourzTruLee
on What Do You Feel FT.HOLLY by YourzTruLee
on Run Away FT.HOLLY by YourzTruLee