

Hampton, United States
Joined : 11th Aug 2012 - 12 years ago
Enzotic comments on tracks

Enzotic has posted 102 comments on other peoples tracks.

Comments 1 - 25 of 102
Enzotic 15th Aug 2017 14:57 - 7 years ago

on In the still of the night by andreve1
This is a spectacular piece! From the large orchestral sound to the quality of the vocalist, I'm impressed with every aspect of this! (This is coming from someone who has consistently fallen asleep at every orchestra I've listened to live)
andreve1 replied 16th Aug 2017 - 7 years ago
Thank you for the nice compliment, Enzotic. I appreciate it so much.
Enzotic 13th Aug 2017 18:46 - 7 years ago

on Lucky by Sticky37
Not bad for your first! It sounds like a mix between trap and an EDM genre. If you wanted to make it more EDM-like, I think its just missing some basic build-ups and drops.
Enzotic 13th Aug 2017 18:24 - 7 years ago

on ZUB Bass EDM Demo Ver 3 by NateJMusic
This sounds like a really good demo. I may have to try it out soon.
NateJMusic replied 14th Aug 2017 - 7 years ago
Thank you and please do. The light version is a fully functioning version of my Sub Bass Library.
Enzotic 12th Aug 2017 18:11 - 7 years ago

on Whispers by neuromancer56
This is a very catchy way to bring a bunch of loops together. The only thing I can think of to improve this might be to add something to break up the repetition at some point throughout the track!
neuromancer56 replied 19th Aug 2017 - 7 years ago
I agree. What instrument would you add? Or would you completely mix it up by introducing a whole group of new instruments?
Enzotic 12th Aug 2017 01:59 - 7 years ago

on DarkSide by GoTyBeaTs
Really good beat. I like how it's fairly simple, but doesn't get boring towards the end.
GoTyBeaTs replied 14th Aug 2017 - 7 years ago
Thanks Enzo...! I'm Glad you Like it & also for stop by and listen...! Keep on PLAY!!!
Enzotic 4th Aug 2017 18:49 - 7 years ago

on Trap Kid - Eestbound Type Beat -Snippet- by MadLabz
I like how you arranged this!
Enzotic 12th Jan 2016 17:11 - 9 years ago

on C R X V I N G by sharkkitchen
Nice track! It's very interesting. Some things I'd work on to make this sound better are setting better levels and using EQ. While the 808 is interesting, the amount of distortion is a little too much for how loud it is in the mix. It also clashes a lot with the lead you have.
sharkkitchen replied 12th Feb 2016 - 9 years ago
thank you for the honest feedback!
And you are right im still amateur when it comes to mixing and stuff and educational comments are really appreciated!
Enzotic 16th Dec 2015 19:47 - 9 years ago

on Rock This The Philosofist Ft Tre P by TreP
This is a really nice track. I'm used to hearing only a good instrumental and mediocre lyrics when I listen to rappers tracks over the internet, but I like that both are good on this track. I also like the overall mix. Everything sounds like a quality old school records. Nice work!
Enzotic 15th Dec 2015 16:05 - 9 years ago

on Carry On Remastered by HertzFidelity
I liked to piano and overall atmosphere of this. It's very relaxing. I do think the bass on the pad is too loud for being in stereo. It made my head feel like it was twirling a bit. Interesting effect if that is what you were going for!
HertzFidelity replied 16th Dec 2015 - 9 years ago
Thanks for the comment Enzotic. As for the bass unfortunately due to Cod2pac's location some of his loops dwindle in audio quality as the analogue signals dissipate much more over the longer distances in a digital data stream.

I just loved the bass pad too much however so I gave it a shot anyway. It was a pain to try and master it and this was simply the best I could do.
Enzotic 15th Dec 2015 07:19 - 9 years ago

on strange things instrumental by larrybarrow31
I like what you've got so far. The piano really sets the mood and is the star of the track in my opinion. Two things that I didn't like as much were the choir and the ending. For the choir, I'd trying increasing the attack on it a little bit. Every time it comes in it sounds somewhat abrupt, but my ear wants to hear something a little more smooth. The ending wasn't bad, I just think that it might sound more interesting if you add another chord to the very end of it. Nice work though!
larrybarrow31 replied 30th Dec 2015 - 9 years ago
Thanks my friend, ill try your advice and see how it sounds, thanks. Larry
Enzotic 15th Dec 2015 07:11 - 9 years ago

on Dawn of the legend by DijamMusic
I love the rhythm of this and the variation of sounds! There aren't to many songs that make me want to dance at 2 in the morning. Nice work!
DijamMusic replied 15th Dec 2015 - 9 years ago
Hello mate
Thank you for your wonderful feedback mate.
I am really glad you liked it.
Thanks again.
Enzotic 24th Nov 2015 03:37 - 9 years ago

on Just Let It Go - Instrumental - Vocal Ready by BradoSanz
Your guitar recording always sound nice! I'll be looking forward to a version with vocals.
BradoSanz replied 24th Nov 2015 - 9 years ago
Thanks Enzotic :)
Enzotic 30th Oct 2015 03:44 - 9 years ago

on half emotion problem by adamms
I like this. It's simple, relaxing, and lends itself well to meaningful lyrics. I do, however, feel as if something is missing for the majority of the track. I think that some sort of effect or sound (like what was used around the 2 minute mark) would fill up some space and make the track even more interesting. I think that simply using that little section occasionally in the background wouldn't be a bad idea.
adamms replied 30th Oct 2015 - 9 years ago
glad you like the track. I thought of adding more to the sound but every time it just did not sound right. It's one those tracks I stared I just wanted get done.
Enzotic 12th Oct 2015 04:31 - 9 years ago

on Drums In Your Face by kennydjctxmckenzie
Very exciting track! I love the glitchy & dubstep style that you used with the synths & the vocals chops.
Enzotic 11th Oct 2015 05:05 - 9 years ago

on Give Me A Chance - Opinions Needed by BradoSanz
This is a great track. Didn't hear anything needing improvement as far a the production and mix are concerned. For genre, I'd just call it pop (I'm not big on sub-genres :) ).

I liked this better than the majority of the content that I hear on the radio. Good job & keep up the good work. I always hear good stuff when I press play on your music & loops.
BradoSanz replied 11th Oct 2015 - 9 years ago
Thanks for droppin' in Enzotic. I think the only issue right now is that the bass is a little bit overwhelming, making it hard to raise the overall volume without hitting the limiter hard and muddling the sound. Also, the snare is a little sharp within the verses. I appreciate your comments on the radio issue, that's something I've been working hard to achieve. :)

Enzotic 12th Aug 2015 00:05 - 9 years ago

on LOOPERMAN EXCLUSIVE - Need Opinions by BradoSanz
This is amazing! I don't like trap music that much (with the exception of 808 drums and bass), so this surprised me. Love the synths, the bass and the mix of this. I've been thinking of doing a track with solely Looperman content and this has definitely inspired me to work on that.

Nice work!
BradoSanz replied 12th Aug 2015 - 9 years ago
go for it! :)
Enzotic 1st Aug 2015 00:23 - 9 years ago

on SMILE by soundhound
This is really good. I feel like the sound selection and overall production make this a great candidate for what's popular today. As far as radio goes, I think this could easily fit (or be shaped into) a pop or urban hit. Good luck with this one!
soundhound replied 5th Aug 2015 - 9 years ago
Thanks...We are both glad you enjoyed the track...
As you know it's just a rough, for now and I think
today is as it can get... Who knows about Tomorow
or the day after...
Sometimes it only takes a bit of luck, to get anything
done these days...Finger Crossed...Hahahaha...

Thanks again for stopping in...

Enzotic 30th Jul 2015 14:43 - 9 years ago

on Hip Hop Instrumental 1 - 90bpm by Tomzovic
Creative. I like the vibe of this and the sound selection. I think the improving the mix (mostly the volume, panning, and working on the snare) would make this beat sound better.
Enzotic 30th Jul 2015 14:35 - 9 years ago

on Never Got To Live by dxDennis
I like the originality of this piece. My only criticism is that I dislike something about the kick (not specifically sure what I dislike about it). Also, I think this track could sound even better with improving the mix on the busy parts. Everything seemed to by fighting for my attention and it was a little difficult to enjoy each sound. Maybe some volume automation might help. Overall, nice track!
dxDennis replied 3rd Aug 2015 - 9 years ago
Thank you Enzotic for your critcs. I got to admit them tracks really battle for attention. I'll try to have more balance on them.

I don't really like them drums too, maybe I rather should use percussions or simply no drums at all. Need to figure it out somehow ;)
Enzotic 29th Jul 2015 05:00 - 9 years ago

on Legacy of the dark mind by DijamMusic
Loved the sound from the guitars! That eerie sound effect was pretty neat too. It's giving me some ides for the next time I go make some weird effects.
DijamMusic replied 29th Jul 2015 - 9 years ago
Hello mate,
Thank you for your kind feedback.
I am glad you liked it.
Thanks again
Enzotic 26th Jul 2015 03:51 - 9 years ago

on Love Is A Verb by Twanna1
Very interesting track. I wasn't expecting this at all, but I like it! The only thing I'd fix in this is the sibilance (mostly in the beginning). Nothing a few volume automations or a de-esser can't fix!
Twanna1 replied 19th Aug 2015 - 9 years ago
Thank you Enzotic for your appreciation of the song. I am working on the sibilance issue. My brother made a suggestion that I include a "male's " perspective to the song. So on the next upload, the sibilance issue will be addressed.

Have a great one.
Enzotic 26th Jul 2015 03:40 - 9 years ago

on Xyilent - Juno by XyIlent
Love the vibe of this track. I like how it stays simple even with its progression.
XyIlent replied 26th Jul 2015 - 9 years ago
Thanks for the comment Enzotic! :)
Enzotic 10th Jun 2015 16:29 - 9 years ago

on Rum Scum by TheParadigms
From what I am hearing, the guitars are taking up too much room in the mix. They drown out the drums to the point where I barely notice them. They also make it difficult to focus in on the vocals. As mentioned, subtractive EQ is your friend. A neat trick with subtractive EQ to make something stand out (the vocals in this case) would be to make a somewhat narrow EQ curve to boost & sweep through the frequency range of the guitars. Pay close attention to what frequencies are masking the vocals the most and cut them until you can clearly hear the vocals. Also, if you are using any kind of stereo or phase delay on the guitars, try toning it down a bit. In comparison to the rest of the track, the guitars sound really wide. In addition to this, your track might benefit from widening the higher frequencies of your drum kit.

Finally, if you aren't using a reference track, try pulling one into your session and use that for comparison and making informed decisions about the frequency range of each sound. If you'd like, you can send me a copy of your files and I'll make a rough mix for you to use as a reference!
TheParadigms replied 11th Jun 2015 - 9 years ago
I would really appreciate if you would like to take a stab at the mix. Ive worked on mostly hip hop and electronic based music so the guitar/rock production is new to me and my partner doesnt mess with anything on the mixing aspect so having another set of producers ears would be most excellent.

What is your email?
Enzotic 8th Jun 2015 21:16 - 9 years ago

on God Shall Rule by BradoSanz
This is a fantastic record! From recording to mastering it, sounds great. I just recently finished mixing a song from a Christian band and went through a ton of tracks to use as a reference for my mix. I honestly think that this sounds better than most of the tracks I listened to.

Nice work and I hope to hear more tracks like this!
BradoSanz replied 12th Jun 2015 - 9 years ago
Thanks Enzotic! It took a lot of work but it came together fairly quickly. I'm surprised I finished it in 13 hours haha.

Enzotic 16th May 2015 01:44 - 9 years ago

on JAweGuy - Numbers Station by JAweGuy
Sounds good! I really like the ambiance and the movement of the entire piece. Was this made for video?
JAweGuy replied 16th May 2015 - 9 years ago
Hi Enzotic,

Thank you for listening and taking the time to comment!

Yes I compose a lot of these tracks for my friends who are studying game design, video production & animation. This track was composed for a scene in which the protagonists are approaching a military installation, the title "Numbers Station" is for that reason, the scene is silent, this track is all the viewer will hear.

I hope you enjoyed!

Comments 1 - 25 of 102