Damn fine job there. Mixdown was on point and the melody was superb. Imma follow you on soundcloud. i hope you also enjoy my tracks as i have yours. Maybe we can collab sometime
Thanks mate!
You're tracks are good aswell, just needs a little more work on mixing! I'm sure you'll get there. Maybe we can sometime, when I'm done with college! :) Cheers.
good job dude. i really liked the vocals. just a thought maybe try adding some reverb or a little delay to the lead after the drop. it seemed a little dry but other than that good job
this is solid...really good and goes hard luv it....but the only problem is the mastering....its just too quiet...raise up the decibels without any distortion and ur good....still really great dude
i can tell u use fl studio because i use the same percussion lol....i would like to collab with u but theres alot to fix with the song and with all the changes i would do it would practically be by me. but if u dont mind send me the flp and i can do a remix
the wobbles are really good but you just need your percussion much louder....i would suggest a punchier kick, a loud reverb snare and a hi hat in between but very spaced and in a pattern(not random)
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You're tracks are good aswell, just needs a little more work on mixing! I'm sure you'll get there. Maybe we can sometime, when I'm done with college! :) Cheers.
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Thank you for the awesome comment! :)
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