Hi Billy,
This is a beautiful song, rich of energy and positiveness.
Life is really too short for us to indulge in any "negative" thought. We owe it to the ones we love and we will always love, regardless if they are with us or not.
God bless you.
Hi there brother Wolf.
Well said, like a man of vision and I do concur with you.
The world would be such an awesome place without negativity.
A wise man once said 'That we will never live long enough to make all the mistakes we need to make, so we must learn not only from ours but also from others mistakes."
Hi Epic,
This is a "perfect" track.
First of all: it's well played. Damn good!
The band works well and the playing is tight and "convincing".
The sounds are all very good: I cannot point out any weak point. Maybe you could do "more" on the drums (with a live kit) but they are already convincing. Very convincing.
Outstanding delivery of the singers: you and your brother have good intonation and interesting voices. Liked.
Ciao, Domenico
Thanks, Domenico! Yeah, I agree that the drums are the weakest point of the mix, but they're entirely acceptable for me considering what I had to work with haha. I can only go up from here! WOOOOOO
Hi MrAneema,
Cool track. I like the harp part and the sax melody works very nicely with it.
I would maybe use a different sound for the melody: it is very hard to get a convincing sax out of a VST, and on the other hand is quite easy to get impressive synth sounds with them.
Regarding the "messy part".
Nothing terribly wrong with your track.
My only thought is that your harp line is "approx" on 90bpm while most likely the drum loop is "exactly" at 90bpm.
I don't know how familiar you are with midi editing, but the main idea is to bring the midi part on the exact tempo. As Epic suggested (he warned me I shouldn't call him MrEpic) quantization is one possible approach. Personally I am not a big fan of this method, because if not applied properly is easy to make the part sound too "machine-like". Everything you need to do is to go in the "piano roll" editor (not sure which DAW are you using but most programs offer such feature) and select/move all the notes "bar for bar" so that the first note of the bar is exactly on the 1.beat.
Not so clear I know... but trial and error is what you need!
Ciao, Domenico
DISCLAIMER: I can't call myself an "expert" and all my recommendations should be taken for what they are... just ideas! Feel free to experiment and contradict what I have suggested! I am the first one to not-follow my own advises!
Yes, the beat and the harp is slightly different in tempo (I use tempo coz I dont know what exactly bpm means, ahaha). Thanks for your advice.
Btw, what is DAW?
As usual, your track defines a landscape and an atmosphere in a special way.
The melodic idea that builds the ground for this track is very good; nice touch with the little vocal parts.
Pristine production and clear mix.
Liked it!
Ciao, Domenico
hey Dominico! glad you were spellbound by the princess! LOL. still some mixing and touches here and there, and a blessing from Stohgs needed. but these musical paintings for visual paintings are fun to do. thanks again for stopping by. regards. Dan
Hi MrE,
I am one of those people who came here after MrNomad pointing your song as one "of the best".
I have already listened to this once but didn't leave a comment, so I am doing it right now.
The vocal flow is "perfect". You have an interesting voice.
I like the rhythm of the rap. The singing parts are working well as well.
Nice touch the ending "acapella".
I have liked a lot this song.
Ciao, Domenico
Hi MrRico,
Very good production. I am probably one of the very few here not knowing the original song from MrGuetta (I don't like his music) but I can appreciate the skills you show in creating this track.
Well done.
Ciao, Domenico
PS: I don't fully understand your " the song isn't perfect yet but that is to show less experienced producers that first drafts of songs can sound like that" ... I really don't see the point in this.
Probably it would be more instructive if you could upload "draft" vs "final" version and maybe explain what you have done to achieve the wonderful sound of the final version. Just a thought...
Hi MrEpic,
As already written many times... you know how to put together a good pop track.
Looking forward to hearing this with a vocal part.
Guitar sound is "superb".
Ciao, Domenico
Good track: groovy at the right point. Mark's voice is always a big plus in a track: this time it has a "tribal vibe" which works very well.
Well done!
Ciao, Domenico
I have to quote MrSkinny: awesome!
Your vocals flow very nicely, liked the short "doubling" parts (again, I have to quote MrSkinny).
The drum-beat is powerful at the right point: liked.
Very "dreamy" piano part which sits very well in the mix. My only suggestion: try to use the piano only for the parts where you are not singing (or at least use it only for some of the parts). While I generally like the idea of a "sad melody" going on in the background the whole time, I think in this case it is not strictly needed: your flow alone can for sure bring enough energy and interest to this song (please, consider that this is my-very-humble-opinion).
Overall: great track!
Ciao, Domenico
Thanks a lot, Domenico. i appreciate all input, good and bad. i totally agree with you on the over use of the piano loop, but after trying different ways to use the manipulate the sample (cut it and delay shorter peices of it, texture it with reverb for a more faded stretch, etc...) i just decided to run with it and put my best lyrical foot forward. i'm so happy that people are hearing the vision and enjoying it. thanks again for the great compliments and constructive criticism!
Hi MrA,
Good track: you have a nice touch for soft atmospheres.
We see some elements of MrNomad here, but you really need to go for the full 17 minutes :-)
I like a lot this "make a track in the style of another" thing: when a great musician like you joins this type of games, very interesting results come out.
We can clearly see the aspects of the "reference" musician's style which resonate best for you and how they get "digested" and "processed" by the musical side of your brain.
Beside the "game" comments: this is a superb rock track.
Ciao, Domenico
Hi Spiv,
Liked this track: this could be a "single" from your new album. I think it has lot of potential as a "commercial" song... even if maybe this is not what you were aiming for :-)
Your voice in this track reminds me a bit (a lot?) of Jhonny Lydon's one: interesting tone with a little amount of crazyness.
Ciao, Domenico
Hey Domenico, thank you for taking a listen and being the first to comment! While you are right that "commercial" is not what I was aiming for, at the same time I feel that I did end up with a fairly listenable pop style. Comparison to John Lydon is quite acceptable to me, thank you! It was a big challenge to get the timing right when recording the vocals, both in relation to the instrumental, and in relation to actually recording it in real life. My voice was shot for most of the early takes, but this one ended up with a good dirty feel to my ears. You got the crazy part right! Thank you so much!
Outstanding track.
The spoken words from Shamoozee work very well in this context. The short part from Farisha builds a nice contrast.
As usual, wonderful job from the whole team, but this time my special compliments go to the man on the bass: the bass line is "floating" over the song in a pleasant way, the right pauses are there and the notes are very "tastefully" chosen.
Thanks for sharing your music with us.
Ciao, Domenico
Many thanks, Domenico. We all really appreciate your fine compliments, and coming from a wonderful musician as yourself. I agree...Mario did a great job. We were happy to have him work with us and am sure you will hear more from him in the future.
Interesting track: the vocal part is very well done (Magix? they have quality stuff I see...).
The arrangement of the song works well: the 3 minutes flow quick and the result is an enjoyable listen.
Maybe the final fade out is a bit too fast, but the overall result is very good.
Ciao, Domenico
THis is "more than rock" …. I would call it "heavy metal" (but I suck at music genres … so rock is probably a good definition).
Very heavy guitars. Not sure where this track could go with a vocal part… could become a real killer track.
Hi MrEvan,
Good intro: very well played (& programmed).
We have to wait for the bass, but when it comes it is "mighty" and "powerful" … exactly what the song needs at this point. Very good.
The (high bass) guitar riff around 2:00 is a killer one: this alone is worth more than 4 minutes listening. Liked,
Good work with the guitar in the last section: the guitar is more a "guest" in this song, but it does the job.
Thoughtful and well arranged track.
Ciao, Domenico
I really enjoyed doing this one. I felt like it kept coming out like I was hearing in my head. I spent a lot more time with the VI's in this. Several lines of automation, which I almost never use. 1 in 10 tracks may have automation.
"The (high bass) guitar riff around 2:00 is a killer one"
Thanks. It was an odd one to play. A and D strings, up around 10 and 12, but I tune Drop C#, so it would be a half step higher.
Thank you for the kind words, consistent presence and appreciation of that sweet, sweet thang we call Bass Guitar.
Good One MrClindsay,
I am not familiar with what MrFunktastic provided as starting point, but I enjoyed a lot your interpretation.
Section starting at 1:10 is a nice touch of modernity on something otherwise very "funky". Lot of different elements making this track a success.
Ciao, Domenico
Hi Rico,
Not my usual genre of music, but I could still enjoy the track and appreciate the good quality of the sounds you are using.
I think this track has several good ideas: not bad at all!
….and it sounds pretty "finished" for being a rough mix. Well done!
Ciao, Domenico
Hi MrZank,
Interesting track...the vocal singing(?) reminds a bit of the strange voices on Vai's Flexable (which brings us someway back to your nickname...)
Ciao, Domenico
PS: Thanks for sharing Alex
(I did more than reading that ... I wrote it)
beautiful piano in the intro (I don't know the judas priest song mentioned by cru).
The cinematic part starting immediately after is very good.
My personal highlight the "calm" part starting ~1:40: superb arrangement.
Brasses and strings are "credible" (not an easy thing to achieve in a DAW).
Overall: good song.
Ciao, Domenico
PS: I like a lot the sound of the piano...may I ask you what are you using?
Very good MrBenjizo!
Liked it a lot... only thing I would tame a bit the kick drum in some parts (e.g. the intro, more evident in the section starting at 2:45) and maybe (not sure here) soften a bit the hi-hat.
Liked (...and I am going to download this immediately for my personal collection...I will then fadeout the end and I will probably put it in the RnD folder...I know: I am very bad at this music genres thing).
Ciao, Domenico
Intro with some vocals...not so common on your tracks. Classy.
Then at 1:25 the synth arpeggio comes in: superb sound and the contrast with the "noises" (whip?) works very well.
I really admire your ability to build "moving carpets" with these pads. Good.
What is not "on-par" (according to my humble opinion) is the sound you chose for the synth melody at 3:33
(exactly half of the number-of-the-beast ... wow! firs the witches ...now this...what are you doing to me Cru?)
The slaps come in ... and I love the lead synth sound at 4:22 ... simply beautiful. You are the master!
Also the scales you are playing create little dissonances which prepare perfectly the chords in the next section.
The end "closes the circle"...
What can I say?
This is a thing of beauty.
Ciao, Domenico
PS: have you noticed that you are dangerously moving into the zone of MrNomad track's duration? ;-)
Monsieur Loup.
Merci for the nice comments. "Whip" drum was my attempt at something new.
"Moving carpets" is a cool expression for the Pads.
"exactly half of the number-of-the-beast ... wow! firs the witches ...now this...what are you doing to me Cru?)"
As someone who doesn't believe in fairy tales, I assure you the 3:33 is just a coincidence. (Or is it Muoooohhhhhaaaaaahhhaaaaa.sic evil laughter fades out into a seriously dark reverb panned hall)
"Also the scales you are playing create little dissonances which prepare perfectly the chords in the next section."
Good Catch, I solo'ed in Fm over a Cm scale.
"PS: have you noticed that you are dangerously moving into the zone of MrNomad track's duration? ;-)"
Ahh no fears as most of his works are twenty minutes long chopped into segments. Myself I wrote this long before I listened to his work and I think I have only recorded one tune that exceeds the twenty minute mark.
ood to hear from you
Cru..(666...illuminati....redrum...) Sorry bout that...don't know what came over me....oh yes I do...irrationality...good day. ;-)
Very good track MrTopVega!
Liked a lot the guitar here: killer sound for the lead guitar.
Drums are good as well.
I find the end a bit "incomplete".
Overall: Great Song!
Ciao, Domenico
Wonderful track... this is an instant classic.
This is so sweet and sad at the same time: a beautiful tribute to your parents.
We should never forget the ones we love, they will always stays with us.
The arrangement is really perfect: you have a lot of layers of sound working perfectly all together. I imagine this was not easy to mix and you did a wonderful job.
really fitting: I am in the middle of a foggy afternoon... unfortunately I am surrounded by concrete buildings and not by a forest, but your track worked as well.
Once more, your track serves perfectly the picture.
Ciao, Domenico
hey Domenico. it would be interesting to express a fog shrouded concrete buildings as opposed to a forest. trying to think what would be different. I'm happy if you felt some connections between music and art. will continue to refine this one for a while. best regards - Dan
on Days Of Glory by Billydragon1
This is a beautiful song, rich of energy and positiveness.
Life is really too short for us to indulge in any "negative" thought. We owe it to the ones we love and we will always love, regardless if they are with us or not.
God bless you.
Well said, like a man of vision and I do concur with you.
The world would be such an awesome place without negativity.
A wise man once said 'That we will never live long enough to make all the mistakes we need to make, so we must learn not only from ours but also from others mistakes."
Live long and prosper my brother. - Mr.Dragon
on My Newest Creation - Fight Another Day by BradoSanz
This is a "perfect" track.
First of all: it's well played. Damn good!
The band works well and the playing is tight and "convincing".
The sounds are all very good: I cannot point out any weak point. Maybe you could do "more" on the drums (with a live kit) but they are already convincing. Very convincing.
Outstanding delivery of the singers: you and your brother have good intonation and interesting voices. Liked.
Ciao, Domenico
on Midnight Blue by AneemA
Cool track. I like the harp part and the sax melody works very nicely with it.
I would maybe use a different sound for the melody: it is very hard to get a convincing sax out of a VST, and on the other hand is quite easy to get impressive synth sounds with them.
Regarding the "messy part".
Nothing terribly wrong with your track.
My only thought is that your harp line is "approx" on 90bpm while most likely the drum loop is "exactly" at 90bpm.
I don't know how familiar you are with midi editing, but the main idea is to bring the midi part on the exact tempo. As Epic suggested (he warned me I shouldn't call him MrEpic) quantization is one possible approach. Personally I am not a big fan of this method, because if not applied properly is easy to make the part sound too "machine-like". Everything you need to do is to go in the "piano roll" editor (not sure which DAW are you using but most programs offer such feature) and select/move all the notes "bar for bar" so that the first note of the bar is exactly on the 1.beat.
Not so clear I know... but trial and error is what you need!
Ciao, Domenico
DISCLAIMER: I can't call myself an "expert" and all my recommendations should be taken for what they are... just ideas! Feel free to experiment and contradict what I have suggested! I am the first one to not-follow my own advises!
Btw, what is DAW?
on princess in white lace COLLAB with STOHGS by DanGoldstein
The melodic idea that builds the ground for this track is very good; nice touch with the little vocal parts.
Pristine production and clear mix.
Liked it!
Ciao, Domenico
on The Love Alchemist - CD Quality by PaNeGyRiZe
I am one of those people who came here after MrNomad pointing your song as one "of the best".
I have already listened to this once but didn't leave a comment, so I am doing it right now.
The vocal flow is "perfect". You have an interesting voice.
I like the rhythm of the rap. The singing parts are working well as well.
Nice touch the ending "acapella".
I have liked a lot this song.
Ciao, Domenico
on Titanium Cover-Tropical Edit-Raw Mix by 15ludwicke
Very good production. I am probably one of the very few here not knowing the original song from MrGuetta (I don't like his music) but I can appreciate the skills you show in creating this track.
Well done.
Ciao, Domenico
PS: I don't fully understand your " the song isn't perfect yet but that is to show less experienced producers that first drafts of songs can sound like that" ... I really don't see the point in this.
Probably it would be more instructive if you could upload "draft" vs "final" version and maybe explain what you have done to achieve the wonderful sound of the final version. Just a thought...
on Unfinished Track by BradoSanz
As already written many times... you know how to put together a good pop track.
Looking forward to hearing this with a vocal part.
Guitar sound is "superb".
Ciao, Domenico
And please, call me Epic! Makes me feel old! :D haha. Only 5 months till I'm no longer a teenager. WHERE HAS IT ALL GONE?!?!
on -MWRatridge Collab - Days of Decided by teamrufeless
Well done!
Ciao, Domenico
on Open Says me by wordybum
Your vocals flow very nicely, liked the short "doubling" parts (again, I have to quote MrSkinny).
The drum-beat is powerful at the right point: liked.
Very "dreamy" piano part which sits very well in the mix. My only suggestion: try to use the piano only for the parts where you are not singing (or at least use it only for some of the parts). While I generally like the idea of a "sad melody" going on in the background the whole time, I think in this case it is not strictly needed: your flow alone can for sure bring enough energy and interest to this song (please, consider that this is my-very-humble-opinion).
Overall: great track!
Ciao, Domenico
on do nothing by promenade2239
Good track: you have a nice touch for soft atmospheres.
We see some elements of MrNomad here, but you really need to go for the full 17 minutes :-)
I like a lot this "make a track in the style of another" thing: when a great musician like you joins this type of games, very interesting results come out.
We can clearly see the aspects of the "reference" musician's style which resonate best for you and how they get "digested" and "processed" by the musical side of your brain.
Beside the "game" comments: this is a superb rock track.
Ciao, Domenico
on Lovin It by Spivkurl
Liked this track: this could be a "single" from your new album. I think it has lot of potential as a "commercial" song... even if maybe this is not what you were aiming for :-)
Your voice in this track reminds me a bit (a lot?) of Jhonny Lydon's one: interesting tone with a little amount of crazyness.
Ciao, Domenico
on Sign Here Please - Feat Farisha and Shamoozee by Musicante
The spoken words from Shamoozee work very well in this context. The short part from Farisha builds a nice contrast.
As usual, wonderful job from the whole team, but this time my special compliments go to the man on the bass: the bass line is "floating" over the song in a pleasant way, the right pauses are there and the notes are very "tastefully" chosen.
Thanks for sharing your music with us.
Ciao, Domenico
on A new life by OrdinaryDude
The arrangement of the song works well: the 3 minutes flow quick and the result is an enjoyable listen.
Maybe the final fade out is a bit too fast, but the overall result is very good.
Ciao, Domenico
on babys by domr30
The arrangement is good and everything flows beautifully.
Superb track.
Ciao, Domenico
Very heavy guitars. Not sure where this track could go with a vocal part… could become a real killer track.
on Hunting For Gatherers by Evisma
Good intro: very well played (& programmed).
We have to wait for the bass, but when it comes it is "mighty" and "powerful" … exactly what the song needs at this point. Very good.
The (high bass) guitar riff around 2:00 is a killer one: this alone is worth more than 4 minutes listening. Liked,
Good work with the guitar in the last section: the guitar is more a "guest" in this song, but it does the job.
Thoughtful and well arranged track.
Ciao, Domenico
I really enjoyed doing this one. I felt like it kept coming out like I was hearing in my head. I spent a lot more time with the VI's in this. Several lines of automation, which I almost never use. 1 in 10 tracks may have automation.
"The (high bass) guitar riff around 2:00 is a killer one"
Thanks. It was an odd one to play. A and D strings, up around 10 and 12, but I tune Drop C#, so it would be a half step higher.
Thank you for the kind words, consistent presence and appreciation of that sweet, sweet thang we call Bass Guitar.
Take care.
on Gonna Make You Feel It - Funkiest Remix by clindsay
I am not familiar with what MrFunktastic provided as starting point, but I enjoyed a lot your interpretation.
Section starting at 1:10 is a nice touch of modernity on something otherwise very "funky". Lot of different elements making this track a success.
Ciao, Domenico
on Untitled Track-Raw Mix by 15ludwicke
Not my usual genre of music, but I could still enjoy the track and appreciate the good quality of the sounds you are using.
I think this track has several good ideas: not bad at all!
….and it sounds pretty "finished" for being a rough mix. Well done!
Ciao, Domenico
on Consensus feat jediswift by ZankFrappa
Interesting track...the vocal singing(?) reminds a bit of the strange voices on Vai's Flexable (which brings us someway back to your nickname...)
Ciao, Domenico
PS: Thanks for sharing Alex
(I did more than reading that ... I wrote it)
on Tension by DouglasS
The cinematic part starting immediately after is very good.
My personal highlight the "calm" part starting ~1:40: superb arrangement.
Brasses and strings are "credible" (not an easy thing to achieve in a DAW).
Overall: good song.
Ciao, Domenico
PS: I like a lot the sound of the piano...may I ask you what are you using?
on Angel by benjizo
Liked it a lot... only thing I would tame a bit the kick drum in some parts (e.g. the intro, more evident in the section starting at 2:45) and maybe (not sure here) soften a bit the hi-hat.
Liked (...and I am going to download this immediately for my personal collection...I will then fadeout the end and I will probably put it in the RnD folder...I know: I am very bad at this music genres thing).
Ciao, Domenico
on I Wish I Could Fly by crucethus
Then at 1:25 the synth arpeggio comes in: superb sound and the contrast with the "noises" (whip?) works very well.
I really admire your ability to build "moving carpets" with these pads. Good.
What is not "on-par" (according to my humble opinion) is the sound you chose for the synth melody at 3:33
(exactly half of the number-of-the-beast ... wow! firs the witches ...now this...what are you doing to me Cru?)
The slaps come in ... and I love the lead synth sound at 4:22 ... simply beautiful. You are the master!
Also the scales you are playing create little dissonances which prepare perfectly the chords in the next section.
The end "closes the circle"...
What can I say?
This is a thing of beauty.
Ciao, Domenico
PS: have you noticed that you are dangerously moving into the zone of MrNomad track's duration? ;-)
Merci for the nice comments. "Whip" drum was my attempt at something new.
"Moving carpets" is a cool expression for the Pads.
"exactly half of the number-of-the-beast ... wow! firs the witches ...now this...what are you doing to me Cru?)"
As someone who doesn't believe in fairy tales, I assure you the 3:33 is just a coincidence. (Or is it Muoooohhhhhaaaaaahhhaaaaa.sic evil laughter fades out into a seriously dark reverb panned hall)
"Also the scales you are playing create little dissonances which prepare perfectly the chords in the next section."
Good Catch, I solo'ed in Fm over a Cm scale.
"PS: have you noticed that you are dangerously moving into the zone of MrNomad track's duration? ;-)"
Ahh no fears as most of his works are twenty minutes long chopped into segments. Myself I wrote this long before I listened to his work and I think I have only recorded one tune that exceeds the twenty minute mark.
ood to hear from you
Cru..(666...illuminati....redrum...) Sorry bout that...don't know what came over me....oh yes I do...irrationality...good day. ;-)
on Through the Clearing by topvega
Liked a lot the guitar here: killer sound for the lead guitar.
Drums are good as well.
I find the end a bit "incomplete".
Overall: Great Song!
Ciao, Domenico
Thanks for taking the time to listen and for leaving feedback.
on Moon River Remix by PDMuzak
This is so sweet and sad at the same time: a beautiful tribute to your parents.
We should never forget the ones we love, they will always stays with us.
The arrangement is really perfect: you have a lot of layers of sound working perfectly all together. I imagine this was not easy to mix and you did a wonderful job.
Thanks for sharing this with us.
Ciao, Domenico
on foggy forest by DanGoldstein
Once more, your track serves perfectly the picture.
Ciao, Domenico