Not talking about your almost inhuman virtuosity here, this track cracks the heart with its incredible power .
It gets me in the guts and resonates inside my every cell ...
You know metal is my favourite genre for its unique way of expressing deep sensations with an unparalleled intensity _ and you also know how much my heart is full of love for kids _ so I've waited before coming here and say a few words cause I needed time to tame the chaos of emotions your track infused in me : a mixture of a deep upsetting sorrow and disturbing cold anger towards those who allow themselves to harm the most sacred gift of life .
To put it in a nutshell, this, along with "Vacuum", is what make me say you're a genius, Beni . Music's a miracle when it makes you love others more . Not only do you play the guitar as naturally and easily as you breathe, but above all, you make it speak to the souls and hearts even more clearly than words would do . You don't know it, but I sometimes mentally nickname you "my database tornado", haha ... ;)
When I sometimes feel my heart's sleepy in the chloroform of daily routine and the unbearable presented as a standard, I am so lucky you gave me a special medicine, i.e these tracks of yours, that wake up the human in me straight away . Merci for that Doc, and for all the other things you offered me .
Btw, how come I was not invited to that video chat ?! lol ;)
I'll end with a quotation by my favourite French writer . It says : "Good music does not make any mistake and goes right to the bottom of the soul to search for the sorrow that is eating us up" . Stendhal ( in letters about Mozart and Haydn ) .
That's what your track did to me .
As I told you on SC, I dig your track . It's really neatly produced, powerful, emotional and you did an awesome job with my little pellas .
Thx a lot for the wink, Sir and welcome to the fam !
Carole ;)
"Sir" makes me feel old i'm just 22 really :D
You really have a great voice range. My pals falling in love with you i'll say lol
Got a bunch of your pellas at the ready & will definately let you know if im able to use any. Dont be a stranger. I'll be in touch, M'aam
You know I'm a great fan of yours, Clindsay .
I dig this new track of yours . Love the way you manage to trigger the listener's mind and always give food for thought through your music . You're a real good musician and producer to me . Thx for sharing,
omg ... ! Never have I heard something like this ... So "fantasy-like", somptuous, spiritual and goose-bumping ... You took me to travel so far outside of myself ... Felt like walking along with elves through a fairy forest at dawn . I would write pages about what and how I feel while listening to this absolute jewel of elegance and sensitivity .
I bow in front of you, fancying you as the queen of that ferric realm you showed me here .
I thank you from the bottom of my heart for this pure moment of bliss you've just offered me .
Be sure I'll be your most sedulous follower here .
Bonjour Carole,madam !
i'm honoured for having this warm feedback from you .
i know you are one of the best singers here and have worked with many great artists and you are a poet too .
Carole hope you don't mind for this amateur request but may i please you to let's have a cooperation together ?
as I see you're closest friend of best and wonderfull composers here .
composers and real artists who i just can be their fan.
i want to please you select some track from some composer and then let's work together,if you are interested too .
i'm looking for cinematic works and you have a real cinematic voice .
be sure i'm already your most sedulous follower here .
* Cindy *
This is a true hit ! Got trapped in right away . I love the aerial atmosphere which then develops in a uncontrollable head-nodding thing (and this is a true compliment Sir, as I'm not really into house music, hehe !) .
As Cestevens said, I didn't want it to stop .
'Really dig your track !
Thanks a lot for making me like such house ;)
Hi Farid, my dear friend .
I "jumped" on this when I saw its name ;)
Though I'm not used to listen to / and don't know much about setar, I can figure out how difficult it is to play this beautiful instrument . I love these harmonies I'm discovering through your track which "breathes" a lot through pauses and more impetuous moments . My spirit travelled far away while listening and I thank you for that trip .
Hope you're doing well,
Mibousamat to you and your closest ones,
Take care, my friend .
Hi dear Carole.
"Jumped" such a kindness from you ;)
Happy to see you like it.
I believe all of instrumentals are difficult to play, u know? we play "Setar" just by one finger's nail.
It is full of pauses and impetuous moments as you said, actually I was too depressed when I played it and just wanna to record and don't care anything at those moment.
oh nOoo the same golf finger ( even goal finger!!) was true if it was about me Carole .but take it easy haha U know what I want to write instead of dinger(fingers whuch plays & sound ding ding ding !) finger ? ..23,1 & ginger beer ! haha !
wink my cool crazy friend.__B
So good to see you back and listen to a new track of yours, deary !!
I'm starting my day with this little jewel of sensitivity and honest simplicity ...
Not only Miss Brandon Michelle's voice is very emotional and sincere, but her lyrics impress me and move me a lot with their authenticity . It's one of the hardest thing to be able to express depth in feelings through short and genuine lyrics as she did . Obeisance to you, Lady Brandy . Your words and voice go straight to the listener's heart and mine was much affected .
You both are surely not anybody ...
As to you, Mr Golf-fingers, your guitar here is a cradle of tenderness which perfectly welcomes and wraps Brandy's vocals . I can hear softness, peace of mind, hope and a rejoicing heart which has, at last, found a reason to smile.
(6th listening, I'm falling in love with this song) .
This is a great collab, as you both followed the same path : you stuck to authentic emotion and trueness of feelings, and that makes this track so moving .
Thanks to you both for this precious moment of quiet, refinement and purity ...
Carole dear , your comment is beyond what my music deserves .
for sure BrandY has animated that dueT & I should reallY appreciate BrandY's composed lyriX & Vocal for thaT .
my specil friend , It's so greaT to see someone whose name is below track has commented for this ..have U paid attention there's onlY Janis71 still active & on in looperman(I mean between singers in list in description ..unfortunatelY almost all these tallented friends of ours have left looperman since 2014 has began...I really should appreciate U for still being here .& heyy...6 time listening to anything makes anyone get headache ham baraye khodet divoone hastia Carole..hahaha...translation usualy is not needed for U .a friendly huge & best wishes.___Behnam
I love this very emotional piano line and the beat in "syncopated measures" .
Had a very nice moment listening to your track, thx a lot for it .
Thank you. I tried to reproduce the pulsation of the processes taking place within us. When we look forward to something or someone come. Happy to do. If you managed to pass, then I reached my goal. Best regards SH@M3N
Your tracks are still amongst the most powerful ones here to me, my dear N !! I'm so glad you're back !
Laughed at your words about Robbie, your descriptions also are inimitable !
I'm not a techno fan but listening to your track was a pleasure as you constantly titillate the listener's interest.
Very nice listening . Perfect to start the week with .
Thanks a lot my friend,
Do take care,
Yeah i'm going to move away from techno as i probably make far too much of it. It some how means that little bit more when someone goes out of their comfort zone to listen to a track.
Thanks for stopping by Carole and leaving your thougts as always.
Very nice job you did with Franco's guitar . I like your track very much for its subtle sweetness .
Thanks a lot for this soft and tender moment,
Aw ... what a subtle beauty ! ...
Your track made me think of Yann Tiersen's and I'm a great fan of that composer . So much delicacy and tenderness in this ... Thx so much ...
So tender and sensitive . You're right, music speaks better than words sometimes .
You paid a gorgeous tribute to your mom . I'm sending you my warmest thoughts and a big hug to try to cheer you up a little .
Thanks a lot for this beautiful humane moment .
It's funny when music takes a certain form, meaning and expression all from the state of your mind. Thank you so much for your thoughts and hug :-) the response I've gotten on this track FAR exeeds my expectations. People here at LM are just so kind it warms my heart. :)
Took a peek at "your place" and damn you sing fine! Hopefully we could make a collab sometime! I love the french language, even though I don't understand a word. (only had six month of french in school before I quit because of the insane grammar). So maybe in english?? :-P
Tu es un maître dans l'art du "cinematic" . A part les oeuvres de Atticus Ross, je n'ai jamais entendu quoi que ce soit d'aussi puissant et bouleversant que tes oeuvres, Dan .
Je te dis ça sans flagornerie, et tu le sais bien .
Encore un morceau qui frôle l'âme et nous rappelle l'essentiel de ce que nous sommes malgré l'acier et le béton autour : des êtres dotés d'un coeur auréolé de sentiments .
Tu as toute mon admiration, mon amitié et ma gratitude pour ces moments de pure communion humaine .
Je t'embrasse
Je ne connaissais pas ce compositeur/concepteur que je viens d'écouter, et qui est exactement de vingt ans mon cadet. Si je pouvais revenir en arrière et avoir ses moyens techniques, certain que je m'éclaterais encore plus. Mais restons modeste, c'est aussi bien ainsi .... Chacun son temps. Le mien avance comme "un long fleuve tranquil" ce qui me permet encore de réaliser et de composer ce que j'ai au fond du coeur .... Merci de t'être arrété ici, et de ton intérêt ....
Particularly charming and bewitching from 1:30 ! ... I love this part you added along with these those little taps on the guitar that sound like heartbeats .
This longer version sounds more joyful and smiling . It left an optimistic impression on me and the end is gorgeous .
Your mastership and virtuosity are fascinating, Behnam.
Not only a guitarist's masterpiece, but also a jewel of sensitivity .
Thx for sharing such a beauty .
Do take care, deary
first of all excuse me for latency in replY , althoughT I had put this in hidden traX when I felt busy to can answer comments.first an exclusive appreciation for U my dear good friend Carole for beautifull sense of always artisitic anaysis , and then I should mention if U & the others keep these compliments & generous comments about my tallents & such things , soon U'll find me a saucebox who feels so proud because of this great worthy action that strikes his guitars and his guitars say ding ding ding ding..!
a smie Carole . meanwhile Miss Carole I'm about 18 years old and so young to can deserve to be called master . master has white hair,and is a grandpapa ...alhought I really don't wish to stay a musician if someday I become a grandpa & I don't feel belonging to professional,half professiona , and even amateur world of music these days Carole & think an entertainer good bye would be best way to leave playing and making stuffs.take a good , better,and U know the rest a wink .___Behnam
Delicate, tender, nostalgic and poetical . I loved listening to your track that sort of drives the heart back to the essential and the genuine .
Thank you very much for this peaceful and very pleasant moment, Wayne .
on NO to child labour Behnam ZanDi deciBel by deciBel
It gets me in the guts and resonates inside my every cell ...
You know metal is my favourite genre for its unique way of expressing deep sensations with an unparalleled intensity _ and you also know how much my heart is full of love for kids _ so I've waited before coming here and say a few words cause I needed time to tame the chaos of emotions your track infused in me : a mixture of a deep upsetting sorrow and disturbing cold anger towards those who allow themselves to harm the most sacred gift of life .
To put it in a nutshell, this, along with "Vacuum", is what make me say you're a genius, Beni . Music's a miracle when it makes you love others more . Not only do you play the guitar as naturally and easily as you breathe, but above all, you make it speak to the souls and hearts even more clearly than words would do . You don't know it, but I sometimes mentally nickname you "my database tornado", haha ... ;)
When I sometimes feel my heart's sleepy in the chloroform of daily routine and the unbearable presented as a standard, I am so lucky you gave me a special medicine, i.e these tracks of yours, that wake up the human in me straight away . Merci for that Doc, and for all the other things you offered me .
Btw, how come I was not invited to that video chat ?! lol ;)
I'll end with a quotation by my favourite French writer . It says : "Good music does not make any mistake and goes right to the bottom of the soul to search for the sorrow that is eating us up" . Stendhal ( in letters about Mozart and Haydn ) .
That's what your track did to me .
Take care honey, please .
on Feel Alive When I Die by dboiYuno
Thx a lot for the wink, Sir and welcome to the fam !
Carole ;)
You really have a great voice range. My pals falling in love with you i'll say lol
Got a bunch of your pellas at the ready & will definately let you know if im able to use any. Dont be a stranger. I'll be in touch, M'aam
Derek :P
on calling on you demo by larrybarrow31
Awesome track, I love everything in it .
Wow, thx for this beauty !
Bless u
on Indiantechno14 by clindsay
I dig this new track of yours . Love the way you manage to trigger the listener's mind and always give food for thought through your music . You're a real good musician and producer to me . Thx for sharing,
Thanks - coming from you that is high praise indeed. This one is kind of a trifle - fun to do to find unique combinations.
on French Dip ft Janis71 by Buddahmann
Thx for sharing, Mr Groovemaster ;)
on sang av ensomhet by Prelude
I bow in front of you, fancying you as the queen of that ferric realm you showed me here .
I thank you from the bottom of my heart for this pure moment of bliss you've just offered me .
Be sure I'll be your most sedulous follower here .
i'm honoured for having this warm feedback from you .
i know you are one of the best singers here and have worked with many great artists and you are a poet too .
Carole hope you don't mind for this amateur request but may i please you to let's have a cooperation together ?
as I see you're closest friend of best and wonderfull composers here .
composers and real artists who i just can be their fan.
i want to please you select some track from some composer and then let's work together,if you are interested too .
i'm looking for cinematic works and you have a real cinematic voice .
be sure i'm already your most sedulous follower here .
* Cindy *
on Modnex - Sunny Life by Modnex
As Cestevens said, I didn't want it to stop .
'Really dig your track !
Thanks a lot for making me like such house ;)
on Elahe by FaridHumanoid
I "jumped" on this when I saw its name ;)
Though I'm not used to listen to / and don't know much about setar, I can figure out how difficult it is to play this beautiful instrument . I love these harmonies I'm discovering through your track which "breathes" a lot through pauses and more impetuous moments . My spirit travelled far away while listening and I thank you for that trip .
Hope you're doing well,
Mibousamat to you and your closest ones,
Take care, my friend .
"Jumped" such a kindness from you ;)
Happy to see you like it.
I believe all of instrumentals are difficult to play, u know? we play "Setar" just by one finger's nail.
It is full of pauses and impetuous moments as you said, actually I was too depressed when I played it and just wanna to record and don't care anything at those moment.
on SOFTLY by mackit
Thx a lot for this soft beauty .
on Starting todaY- Brandon Michelle ft Behnam Zandi by deciBel
wink my cool crazy friend.__B
on Starting todaY- Brandon Michelle ft Behnam Zandi by deciBel
I'm starting my day with this little jewel of sensitivity and honest simplicity ...
Not only Miss Brandon Michelle's voice is very emotional and sincere, but her lyrics impress me and move me a lot with their authenticity . It's one of the hardest thing to be able to express depth in feelings through short and genuine lyrics as she did . Obeisance to you, Lady Brandy . Your words and voice go straight to the listener's heart and mine was much affected .
You both are surely not anybody ...
As to you, Mr Golf-fingers, your guitar here is a cradle of tenderness which perfectly welcomes and wraps Brandy's vocals . I can hear softness, peace of mind, hope and a rejoicing heart which has, at last, found a reason to smile.
(6th listening, I'm falling in love with this song) .
This is a great collab, as you both followed the same path : you stuck to authentic emotion and trueness of feelings, and that makes this track so moving .
Thanks to you both for this precious moment of quiet, refinement and purity ...
ps : Take the best care, sweetie :D
for sure BrandY has animated that dueT & I should reallY appreciate BrandY's composed lyriX & Vocal for thaT .
my specil friend , It's so greaT to see someone whose name is below track has commented for this ..have U paid attention there's onlY Janis71 still active & on in looperman(I mean between singers in list in description ..unfortunatelY almost all these tallented friends of ours have left looperman since 2014 has began...I really should appreciate U for still being here .& heyy...6 time listening to anything makes anyone get headache ham baraye khodet divoone hastia Carole..hahaha...translation usualy is not needed for U .a friendly huge & best wishes.___Behnam
on Waiting for a Miracle 2013 ChillOut by Shamen
Had a very nice moment listening to your track, thx a lot for it .
on DownwardSpiral by FreeRadical
Laughed at your words about Robbie, your descriptions also are inimitable !
I'm not a techno fan but listening to your track was a pleasure as you constantly titillate the listener's interest.
Very nice listening . Perfect to start the week with .
Thanks a lot my friend,
Do take care,
Thanks for stopping by Carole and leaving your thougts as always.
on Unopened Envelope by gomagn
Thanks a lot for this soft and tender moment,
on loneliness by AMILAD
mæm nu:næm !
Danke's right, your voice is beautiful and I like the emotion you put in your track .
to irani hasti ?
dear carol
you have really beautiful tracks and amazing voice .
I think you're a perfect singer .
on Happy Happy Merry Merry by JacVanBee
Nice to meet u,
Congrats !
on Siblings by jussi_huhtala
Your track made me think of Yann Tiersen's and I'm a great fan of that composer . So much delicacy and tenderness in this ... Thx so much ...
on Ode to my mom by musiclover38
Bless you,
on Ode to my mom by musiclover38
You paid a gorgeous tribute to your mom . I'm sending you my warmest thoughts and a big hug to try to cheer you up a little .
Thanks a lot for this beautiful humane moment .
Took a peek at "your place" and damn you sing fine! Hopefully we could make a collab sometime! I love the french language, even though I don't understand a word. (only had six month of french in school before I quit because of the insane grammar). So maybe in english?? :-P
on Tribute by VickyDan
Je te dis ça sans flagornerie, et tu le sais bien .
Encore un morceau qui frôle l'âme et nous rappelle l'essentiel de ce que nous sommes malgré l'acier et le béton autour : des êtres dotés d'un coeur auréolé de sentiments .
Tu as toute mon admiration, mon amitié et ma gratitude pour ces moments de pure communion humaine .
Je t'embrasse
Je ne connaissais pas ce compositeur/concepteur que je viens d'écouter, et qui est exactement de vingt ans mon cadet. Si je pouvais revenir en arrière et avoir ses moyens techniques, certain que je m'éclaterais encore plus. Mais restons modeste, c'est aussi bien ainsi .... Chacun son temps. Le mien avance comme "un long fleuve tranquil" ce qui me permet encore de réaliser et de composer ce que j'ai au fond du coeur .... Merci de t'être arrété ici, et de ton intérêt ....
Bises ....
on Clarify by XelaPlus
on I Know You Well by CoffeBreak1
I like everything in this song . Congrats to you both .
on Blessing Descends by CoffeBreak1
Thanks for sharing
on 100 Seconds spanish guitar dueT of Me ft Mysef by deciBel
This longer version sounds more joyful and smiling . It left an optimistic impression on me and the end is gorgeous .
Your mastership and virtuosity are fascinating, Behnam.
Not only a guitarist's masterpiece, but also a jewel of sensitivity .
Thx for sharing such a beauty .
Do take care, deary
a smie Carole . meanwhile Miss Carole I'm about 18 years old and so young to can deserve to be called master . master has white hair,and is a grandpapa ...alhought I really don't wish to stay a musician if someday I become a grandpa & I don't feel belonging to professional,half professiona , and even amateur world of music these days Carole & think an entertainer good bye would be best way to leave playing and making stuffs.take a good , better,and U know the rest a wink .___Behnam
on The Fool by theHumps
Thank you very much for this peaceful and very pleasant moment, Wayne .