ur beatz dope, good inlay!!! workin dat hot vibe of urs, iz good, btw i got some freestyle here i posted n its also called life is a movie so its funny bro, hit me bach if ya get the chance to hear it!! get at ur boi flesh
keep it crunkin in there, it's gold mine!
One Blood
this song is off the hook, so full of melancholy n the voice is so... words cannot describe such a tight feeling!!! lovely, is it u on the vocals, wow, great comp!
stay safe sweety!!!
One Luv
This is hot!! Assassin i luv this track it's so how i like it, listen to what i do n u'll have an idea of what i'm talking about, keep those good sounds coming!!!
One Blood
i luv this one, it's down in my favourites... inspires me to work on one of my own tracks and your lil sister jen is so talented and i'm so into her voice, this is all so banging!!!
kp up the good work
Cheers from Jack
i like this track but id suggest ud lower down ur mic level n phase it down to tha beat, that's in addition to the reverb... btw what stuff r u using? anywayz u got a banging flow, kp it up!!
on Raar by CancerousRhythm
One Blood
on Im alive ( by Bones records) by BigJoWezy
One Blood
on tight by DannyBOLO
one blood
on L and L by MCHN
on A first Step to my World ( Battle Begins ) verse 2 by Omega85
One Blood
Thank you very much!!!
on High Roller by juan1
One Blood
on In Ethereal Space by toddj
good work!
on bad news by JaketheKilla
peace n blessings!!
One Blood
on Barney Rubbles by jamahdburse2
kp up the good work!
One Blood
on Punk Rawk Chick by PaulFranke
kp it up!
on Lifes A movie by DUCE132
keep it crunkin in there, it's gold mine!
One Blood
on out me by DUCE132
One blood
on Stay by Jeffierenee
kp up the good work
on Cry of Despair by Jeffierenee
stay safe sweety!!!
One Luv
on Parsons Productions - Trigger Happy Dub by SuspektNumber1
keep up the good work! take care
One Blood
Cheers again
on BioRhythum2 by FreshAyer
on sound of glory by AssassinBeats
One Blood
P.S Check ma space www.myspace.com/asassin755
on Eternity by sena
on Finding Heaven by sena
on THE HEAT by RockJones
One Blood
on Believe (feat Lil Sister Jen) by Psyrok
kp up the good work
Cheers from Jack
on Grumpey ft Jeru da damaga - PuRay by PuRay
Holla at yo boy flesh!
One Blood
on Practiser- PuRay by PuRay
One Blood
and...spit it dude, get inspired and let me hear the result!
on Master piece by RayMiX
on i dont wanna act right by DannyBOLO
just got some new gear, gonna record somethin else soon