

Better Than You Since 82
Middle America, United States
Joined : 1st Apr 2013 - 11 years ago
Last Online : 12th Oct 2024 - 4 months ago
Evisma comments on tracks

Evisma has posted 352 comments on other peoples tracks.

Comments 1 - 25 of 352
Evisma 12th Oct 2024 05:43 - 4 months ago

on Moss Mother II- Reality Is The Tolling Of The Bell by ValveDriver
Very tasty intro there, Mr. V. Could have gone anywhere from there and it went to an unexpectedly awesome place. Wasnt expecting all the guitars from you. Thought for sure the synths would come in and dominate after the intro. Nope, instead channeling the great Dirty B. Hinds and pretty well. You and I both know 2:20 is Mastodon-istic as all get-out. The kick assault leading up is pretty badass. Bridge section is really well done with the vocal samples. 4:54 we get the title which I was not expecting and was neat to discover without it being previously disclosed in the description. Final heavy section and the outro are very fitting, leaving this with zero things to critique. You've improved since I last listened to your stuff.
Solid "Nice Track Bro!", bro. Heavier and more guitar driven and badass than I was expecting. I expected badass, just not so guitary and was pleasantly surprised by it.

Great track man, thanks for sharing!
ValveDriver replied 12th Oct 2024 - 4 months ago
(condensed for space limit):
Mr. E.
"Thought for sure the synths would come in"
Metal is what I know best. The synth driven stuff was a pacifier until I figured out the metal. I still dick with synths, but not as much. "

2:20. I may have went a tad Mastodoniacal. It wasn't intentional, but as you well know, influences happen.
Vocals are Alan Watts. If you haven't, you should look into him. He's quite profound.
Originally, this was about life, but when I heard his speech, I had to use it. Not sure if he meant it the way I took it, or if he was using the bell to illustrate that...all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration, that we are all one know the rest
"You've improved since I last listened to your stuff."

That's good to hear, and thank you for saying so.
I hope to hear some new work from you soon, man. It's been far too long. Just dive the fuck in, and start swimmin'. Let the current carry you to a well earned NTB.
Take care, Mr. E.
Mr. V.
Evisma 23rd Aug 2024 14:51 - 6 months ago

on LIFETIME by glennwhite6504
This was a very pleasant listen. Beautiful phrasing at times and a constantly wandering melody.
I did not hear a recurring theme or repeated section. I believe a tiny bit of compression would be beneficial and a few initial notes seem to have their transient cut off and begin with a kind of swell. Sounds like an editing issue and not including the first pluck of a phrase. Sounds really good and I enjoyed it!
glennwhite6504 replied 23rd Aug 2024 - 6 months ago
Hi Evisma....appreciate the listen and comment. I think your comments are spot on my friend......I will say I agree so much with this because of the fact I recorded this entire track once. I improvised from start to finish playing along side a loop. My intention was not to even upload it but decided it was decent enough to do so. My other track uploaded was done the same way. Of course future uploads will be mastered a bit better but these 2 I let it fly. I again appreciate your thoughts....very valuable and I thank you.
Evisma 1st Nov 2019 17:42 - 5 years ago

on Ancient Rage by StaticNomad
Greetings, great and powerful Nomad.

It's nice to hear this on the loop! Really enjoyed the few additions you've made since I last heard it. I believe I contributed the least out of the three of us. Listening again, I hear that your early lead guitar parts are in phrygian mode and now I can noodle with your riff a bit and know what I'm doing. Didn't know how to get that eastern feel till learning the modes.

As for the mix, I listened through a stereo system and it seems a bit compressed and there is some slight unintended ducking, fluctuating volume in spots. Nothing major, and I definitely enjoyed it. Especially the bass playing. Tasty shiznit there. I'll try to find Parallax, but I may have lost it when my recording setup died last year. New stuff from me soon, with vocals.

Evan, innumerating all that he's to do.
StaticNomad replied 3rd Nov 2019 - 5 years ago
Salutations, small and pitiful gonad.

Yes, nice to hear it on the Loop. It's only taken three years for me to upload it.

"I believe I contributed the least out of the three of us."

I believe you did but those bass parts are very useful, especially the tone, which I'm not able to get.

But you know that it's the bass player's job to shut up and sit in the background, merely providing some low end and rhythm, never anything fancy. In most bands, the bass player will be immediately unplugged if he's seen or heard fingering a chord. And then made to leave the band immediately. Even if it's mid-song during a massive stadium gig.

I know very little about modes so don't know the phrygian though I have heard of it. Early lead guitar parts? There aren't any until the middle breakdown. Unless you mean The Valve's chugging early distortion.

Unintended ducking is certainly unintended. Shame about that and the apparently sub standard mix.

"Tasty shiznit there."

Yes. Whoever you got to do those bass parts can definitely play!

Yes, please find Parallax. Would be good to complete it.

As you've already worked out, there's a whole new album of Maynard lyrics to use for signoffs. So I give you:

Great And Powerful Nomad,

Calculating steps away from you
Evisma 14th Jan 2018 06:02 - 7 years ago

on Stairway to Heaven by CalifKen
Gotta say, this sounds more like you were covering "Riding The Storm Out" from REO Speedwagon. Some pretty decent lines going on here, but I don't hear Stairway at all,... which is fine. Tired of that song. Stairway and Eagles' Hotel California can both be buried in a deep place for a good 25 years and be revisited then and probably still feel like they're overplayed.
Again, nice playing and done well, especially if you're playing the keys by hand.
Evisma 10th Jan 2018 22:40 - 7 years ago

on Un-Become by Xenicbeatz

Intro vocals definitely have an Ozzy feel. Kudos on having the balls to put it out there. I like the writing here and everything seems to work in the structure. The only issue is the low end is way too loud and crushes everything else. When your waveform is a solid block like it is here, you are too compressed and it sounds pretty bad. Again, your writing is really good and I don't want to dissuade you from continuing, just need to make a small adjustment. I hope this helps a bit.

Evisma 25th Dec 2017 22:11 - 7 years ago

on The Sky by TheParadigms

Dave said it well. Pretty impressed with the vocal effects and they're effectiveness. Drums tone and writing fit the music really well, which can be hard to do. Swelling, atmospheric throbbing under ballsy vocals.
Good stuff, I dig it.

Take care.

Evisma 7th Nov 2017 16:24 - 7 years ago

on Volyewmetal by VolyewmVelocity
Choir intro is nice but could use some polish.

Verse has good energy, if repetitive. The punctuated note following the 16th note chuggs I would have held. But that's just me.

I dig the whole feel here. Good stuff.

Evisma 4th Nov 2017 22:35 - 7 years ago

on Dreams vs Nightmares - Instrumental by DeaDResT
Creepy cinematic feel to the intro till the guitars hit. Guitars are well written and done well. Drums fit very well, and almost seemed to help in the writing.

Guitars are pretty clear throughout. Something I struggle with. Not overdone, not too empty, this track sits nicely in the Goldilocks Zone.

Great work!
DeaDResT replied 6th Nov 2017 - 7 years ago
Thank you, yes... the creepy intro is part s nightmares theme of the song. This idea came from a stalker experience my fiancé had a few years back. I am almost done editing the vocals and hope it will live up to expectations :) ...p.s She is the vocalist, So expect some nice driving vocs ;)
Evisma 31st Oct 2017 04:02 - 7 years ago

on The Strangest Thing by toastedavalanche
Greetings, Mr. Avalanche.

A droning, windy intro with pulsing bass and a beat. I dig it. Vocals are engaging. But man, this is slick as shit around 1:00 on. Rather impressed with the quality improvement in your stuff since I've been gone.

I'd like to say more, but yeah, I dig it. Very upbeat, and its also done in your unique way of singing possibly dark lyrics to manically jubilant music. Always a joy to listen to yours.

Take care.
toastedavalanche replied 2nd Nov 2017 - 7 years ago
Hi Evisma.

It's good to hear from you again. I've always enjoyed listening to your music as well. So your comment really mean a lot.
You also have a point about mixing the maniacal and the jubilant. As long as there's an upbeat, catchy jingle, you can sing whatever dark shit you want. It's amusical loophole that I'm gonna keep using.

Thanks man,
Evisma 29th Oct 2017 23:11 - 7 years ago

on Man Of Many Limits by StaticNomad
A rather epic intro, with piano and what sounds like bowing. Nice smacling drums enter and add some attitude. Old guitar playing? I'm guessing because you've mentioned not playing for a bit.

You are becoming more fluent-sounding with the cello. Huge improvements in sound quality.

Lots of little extras here. Editing flourishes I never tried to get good at.

Pretty laid-back and again, good fishing music. Good hammock music.

Good stuff. No rockin, but that's alright. It all sounded good.

Evan, chasing trails of smoke and reason.
StaticNomad replied 5th Nov 2017 - 7 years ago

I wish the intro was a bit more epic. I tried adding more reverb to make things bigger and more powerful after 0:23, when bowed cello and second, heavily delayed piano enter. But it didn't work.

"smacling drums"

I love a bit of smacling. Very tasty as a dessert.

"drums enter and add some attitude."

Yes but surely they're not really your type of drums? More like hip hop.

"Huge improvements in sound quality."

Are you saying that my older cello recordings don't sound (as) good? I'm pretty sure I'm using exactly the same setup. I've been, to some extent, a bit unadventurous with my cello recorded sound in the last 18 months and generally just use the same multi effects patch for recording it.

"Lots of little extras here."

Find me a Nomad track without any!

"Editing flourishes I never tried to get good at."

But you still could though one big difference between my music and yours is that I'm all about micro sculpting of the track as that's partly my composition technique. You're more trying to write live band music. I sculpt and shape and obsessively edit and that's partly how new ideas are formed.

"Old guitar playing?"

Yes - everything except the electric guitar part starting 1:09. It really pleases me to reuse old, leftover parts. There's quite a skill to doing it.

"No rockin, but that's alright."

I disagree. How about 1:42-2:04? The track goes up and powerful there, with three cello layers and rockier drums.

"Good hammock music."

Yes, especially if you're lying back smoking weed.

"It all sounded good."

Thanks. I put a lot of careful, patient work into making this. So many interesting sounds to trim and arrange.

Unlimited Nomad, blue as our new second sun.
Evisma 28th Oct 2017 17:29 - 7 years ago

on Translucid by StaticNomad
Yos, Heys and Sups, you Grandmotherfucker.

Nice long sustained, relaxing bowing in the beginning, seeming to begin a story. Drums come in and add some structure, good length on the bowed section before.

We go into a happier place for the first real section. Butterflies and meadows.

Next section is a bit darker and reflective. 2:50 driving snare hits are nice there.

3:28 pluckery is a nice addition. Jaunty little line. This would make for a good track for fishing on the boat. I'll start making YouTube fishing vids and you can supply the music. Mine doesn't go along with fishing well.

Percussion kinda picks up there at the end, but mostly stays the same on the way out. All rather calming and relaxing.

Been enjoying the online dating chronicles you've been keeping me informed of. Taco-Fanny is your next track title, I know it.

Evan, rolling windows down for the cool night air is curious.
StaticNomad replied 5th Nov 2017 - 7 years ago
Yo, grandfatherfucker.

Sorry for the rather late reply. Then again, you've taken far longer.

Yes - nice, long, bowed intro. Very relaxing and satisfying to play.

"Butterflies and meadows."

Excellent, very accurate description! You're expressing in words what I was feeling. Some of the high cello parts do sound a bit like buzzing or some other creature flying about. Very bright, playful and warm stuff.

"Next section is a bit darker and reflective"

Yes, dark and mystical. Quite a change!

"2:50 driving snare hits are nice"

They are but they're quite electronic so I wouldn't expect you to like them.

"3:28 pluckery is a nice addition."

Two lines of plectrum-played cello. Not sure how many people ever do that but playing with fingers or bow would not have sounded the same. Very different, actually.

"I'll start making YouTube fishing vids and you can supply the music."

It's a plan but will it ever happen?

"All rather calming and relaxing."

Yeah, nothing badass but it's just not that sort of track. I really like it and find it quite addictive ie I want to hear what's coming next every time I listen to it.

Static Transmad (I'm your passenger)
Evisma 11th Sep 2017 20:06 - 7 years ago

on Been a Long Time Coming by topvega
I dig the sticks in the intro.
Laid back groove with a nice rhythmic push and pull from the rhythm guitar.
What are you using for dirty leads through this?
I like the backing guitars growl and the drums seem to fit well. Good stuff.

topvega replied 16th Sep 2017 - 7 years ago
It's funny you say that about the sticks intro. I have been going through old tracks I have left on my computer and I constantly felt like I need to revisit JamStix again for my drums. They have a certain realistic feel you just can't get with AD or EZ Drummer.
I pretty much use the same thing for all my guitar and bass sounds. Guitar Rig 5 I believe it is. Lots of great sounds in there.

Thanks for the listen and the feedback. Always much appreciated.

Evisma 7th Sep 2017 05:07 - 7 years ago

on Bruises by toastedavalanche
Always good stuff from you. I dig the feel your music has and the thought you put into lyrics. Not many people making this kind of eclectic music. You have an edge there. It's a demo so I won't go into technical advice. I'll just say I dig it and dig what you do.

Take care.

Evisma 30th Aug 2017 04:24 - 7 years ago

on Missing by Jakedollery
No comments on this! Crazy!
Way to heavy up a light song. Pretty good mix here, though the bass player should pluck a bit lighter at times, but its a good tone.
Wow, a solo! We don't hear many of those here. Nicely done!

Good stuff. I dig it.

Jakedollery replied 30th Aug 2017 - 7 years ago
Cheers Evisma, thank you for your kind words. I'll tell myself to go lighter on the bass :)
All but the drums are performed by me.
Evisma 19th May 2017 03:34 - 7 years ago

on Breathe by ColeSade911
I enjoyed this.
Acoustic sounds pretty good. Basic pattern and nothing too flashy. Vocals are decent and lyrics are pretty good. A bit depressing, but I've always liked a touch of that in music.
Pretty good stuff here. Good job.

Evisma 11th May 2017 19:06 - 7 years ago

on Under the Waves by theHumps

Intro made me think if a cross between Sister Hazel and Drive By Truckers. Verse more Truckers.

Really enjoying the bass guitar throughout. I would have overdone it and ruined it. You made it tasteful and interesting, and with a great tone.

A kind-of happy/murky feel coexisting. Not murky in tone or sound quality, but in conveyed atmosphere. I dig it!

I hope all is well.

theHumps replied 21st May 2017 - 7 years ago
DBT were on a Tiny Desk Concert podcast a little while ago. I do like their music, good story songs.

Been working on instrument sound quality lately, now that I can hear things better I need to make some more adjustments, things are slowly getting better, hopefully.

Thanks for listening in and commenting!

Evisma 4th May 2017 03:32 - 7 years ago

on Lies Of Advice by MOONLYTE

You stated that this is a garage recording, so I will not critique tone in any way.

Intro panning is pretty cool, slowly rising on the right. This sounds like the one part that was recorded direct.

When everything comes in at 0:11, it moves nicely, till around 0:26 when a few rhythms fall apart. Really, the only issue with the music, and taking into account this is a garage recording, is the drummer and guitarist aren't tight. 0:11 to 0:21 sound pretty off. From 0:32 to 0:38 the drummer slows down considerably, showing they haven't played it together enough to know the other's speed. Are you using any kind of click when recording? Garage or not, drummers need to learn how to do it.

Cant fault the writing. Punk Metal. Chorus is catchy. Lead guitarist sounds fast, but its not in time. I dig all the writing and structure, but the togetherness of the instruments is lacking. I only say this because I've heard very tight garage recordings. Are you recording everyone together, or separate, adding vocals later?

Vocal-wise, you can scream really well. I also like your spoken word at times, like your last track. My opinion, you guys should have two vocalists. You scream and someone else sings. Hey man, I cant sing for shit. Someone was nice enough to tell me that to my face once. I still appreciate it.

You guys have some awesome potential. Even in a garage environment, once the track is written, the drummer recording his written part to a click in headphones will make you guys sound so much better, then record the guitars using the drum track as the click so it all feels natural to the guitarist. Whether it's the guitars or drums recorded first, the click keeps you all sounding tight as fuck, and you guys will get there quick when effort is injected at every stage.

Good stuff. I hope my honesty helps. No Lies of Advice, or complaining about screams. Just a thumbs up and a quick pointer.


MOONLYTE replied 4th May 2017 - 7 years ago
hey Ev, good to hear a critique from you. Always full of honesty and real feedback.
Recording is all separate. Drums, then guitars, vocals being last. A click may or not have been used during the recording. I am not present at these recordings so I honestly could not say. However, my guitarist and drummer know each others playing style extremely well as they have played with each other for years. The problem isnt exactly that they dont know how to play with eachother, its that we are all learning the recording process as they have not done so for many years, and I only know Vocal recordings. Off time and lack of tightness is just part of us learning how to do everything, and we are getting better. You shouldve heard our first attempt haha.

With that being said, I do appreciate the kind words and honest feedback. We know its not perfect, we know things can always be adjusted, and we will do so, but for now we just wanna get some music out there cuz right now, its passable and listenable which is what we're aiming for.

Im glad to hear that you think we have have lots of potential, coming from a respectable individual like yourself means a lot. Hopefully the next recording that I put up will be even better, and you can really hear what we have to offer :)
Thanks man -EYEDYE
Evisma 29th Apr 2017 20:18 - 7 years ago

on Overmyth II - Cathedral Of The Witch by ValveDriver
Greetings, VD.

Trilogy, eh? Cool idea.
Intro reminds me of the bog witch from "Legend" with Tommy Cruise.

Damn, a lot of this is reminding me of early Mastodon. Lovely gallups and ride bells. There does seem to be a lot of high-mids in the guitars that give a lot of fizz, but I don't know if EQing that out would kill something. I do a really tight Q and boost a frequency 100 percent and slowly sweep down the frequencies and cut everything that is harsh or maxing out and overpowering all else. Distorted guitars are a serious bitch.

Some of the heaviest drums I've heard from you. Crazy as hell at times. The midway point is quite the ankle workout for some poor digital drummer.

4:20 is always a good time for a lead solo, and we end with Mucklebones' asthmatic wheezing, repeated creepiness. Nice.

Good, heavy shit that really doesn't let up. You might like this...
One of my favorite bands, their shortest track, no lyrics, just a dynamic rhythm and great guitar chuggies!

Good stuff, Maynard.

Mr. E
ValveDriver replied 5th Apr 2018 - 6 years ago
Dude! I didnt even see that you left this comment! Sorry about that, man.

That intro wasn’t something that I really liked 100%, but after the amount of time Inspent processing it to sound that way, I’ll be go to hell if I just chuck it.

To say that my work reminds you of Mastodon is a pretty huge compliment. Those boys are one of my favorites. So, thanks for that.

There are some pretty dominant high-mids. But I think part of that is A) I wasn’t using my normal mixing headphones, and didn’t check all my systems first. And B) I don’t have the low end of the bass guitar up as high as it should be. Which is something I’ll be fixing. I just finished up Overmyth III. (Static should be happy about that. This trilogy concept seems to annoy him for some reason.) So, now I can go back and tweak.

I’ll give that link a try in just a bit. Right now, Valves are calling.

Laters, mang.
Evisma 3rd Apr 2017 02:38 - 7 years ago

on Overmyth I - Inception Of The Truth by ValveDriver
Regreetings, driver of thine valves.

"Are you thinking the Crowbar cover, or the original Zep version?"

Tool's version-

If you've never heard this version, I just made your motherfuckin day! This is off of Salival, one that not everyone has. The absolute best version of "Pushit" is from that album.


" It might be a little too sizzly"

Not necessarily. I was really just saying that I would have taken too much out of the highs. I'm glad you didn't rob it of that energy.

Mr. E
ValveDriver replied 4th Apr 2017 - 7 years ago
I should have known it was the Tool cover. But, I had forgotten about that one. I don't know why I did, though. I actually love that version. I like the way they completely transformed it into something different without losing the essence of the original. This one is actually responsible for my wanting to do a cover of Sweet Dreams. Which I did, but not anywhere near executed as well. Maybe I'll try that one again.

Maybe not. I'm already 2 tracks behind in the Overmyth set, not to mention finding something for The Bastards. I have a general idea of a track for that one, but I've been having trouble finding the connection between idea and fruition. Getting the foundation to sound like it does in my head has proven to be slightly misaligned.

From Valvehalla to just South Of Evan,
Evisma 29th Mar 2017 03:52 - 7 years ago

on Guns For Everyone by StaticNomad
Greetings, (insert clever-ish bit of alliteration).

Listening to this in the background while cleaning the music room, nodding along nicely, but giving an "Oooh" at 2:40 for some exceptionally cool throaty synth. A small bit of polish, but noticeable.

4:36 goes all 2/2 and shit,... getting mental and breathing fire. Second half is more up my alley. Nothing wrong with the first two-thirds. Standard Nomad, just like you can easily identify standard Evisma. Anymore, after 3 years of listening to each other's music, it's those special moments of sparkle that stands out in our tracks that are really noteworthy. Hard to comment much on the rest.

Plagued by issues and hangups with my present track. The more I hear it, the more I want to replace. Just pushing on...

I hope all is well.

Evan, calculating what he will and will not tolerate.
StaticNomad replied 29th Mar 2017 - 7 years ago
Word up, you fiendishly clever alliterative track greeter.

You calculated what you will and will not tolerate and it seems that this little slice of Nomadhop was at least tolerable. Did you use a calculator? Does MJK?

"Listening to this in the background while cleaning the music room"

Excellent. That's just how my music is designed to be consumed. Not much goes on in my tracks so they work best as background wallpaper while you're getting on with more important and pleasurable matters such as cleaning. It's OK - I always listen to your tracks while operating a jackhammer on the deck of a fishing trawler in raging storms in the middle of the Atlantic. It allows me to focus on all the intricate details.

" 2:40 for some exceptionally cool throaty synth."

At 2:36 I turn on a series of distortion, delay and filter effects on the main trippy pad sound that is first heard on 0:24. Nice, swirling stuff that plays a big part in providing that powerful trippy vibe in the second half.

"4:36 goes all 2/2 and shit"

Damn - I'm so bad with time signatures that I'm not entirely sure what 2/2 is. 2 beats to a bar, I guess.

I am taking Getting Mental And Breathing Fire for a track title and fully intend to pay you no royalties.

"Second half is more up my alley."

Entirely as expected. You have to tolerate the hip hop the get to badassery, like eating your first course so you can get to dessert.

"after 3 years of listening to each other's music"

Coming up to 4 this summer. Let us celebrate our anniversary with a big party! Perhaps on Facebook.

"Hard to comment much on the rest."

Well, a genuine Bass Bro would always have some thoughts and words on the basslines, especially when they come from a non-traditional bass instrument. Maybe you're not the real deal after all.

"Plagued by issues and hangups with my present track."

Tell me about it. Same goes for me on most of my tracks, including this one. Sometimes I think it has to be at least a bit difficult, unless you only make unimaginative, unambitious music (which you don't).

Most is well.

Standard Nomad, coming back around to show you everything, letting you choose what you will, will not see and then dragging you down like a stone or lifting you up again, spitting you out like a child - light and innocent.
Evisma 29th Mar 2017 03:24 - 7 years ago

on Overmyth I - Inception Of The Truth by ValveDriver
How be ye, V to the D?

Opening swells reminds me of "The Creature Lives" off Once More 'Round The Sun. Goes a bit different with some effective drums. Distortion kicking in makes me think of "No Quarter".

Goddamn impressive guitars here. Cannot lie. Great job making it sound like actual guitar lines. Listening to this, I know I would have EQ'd and mixed the life right out of this track. I've got it cranked in headphones and there is a bit of high end I would take out of the distortion, but I never know when to stop and wind up killing energy with several cuts.

Outro is epic and finalizing. Got no advice or thoughts on improvements. Good heaviness with awesome tones. Beefy.

I hope all is well and getting wellerer with you.

ValveDriver replied 2nd Apr 2017 - 7 years ago
What's happnin' Mr. E.?
I'm doing ok. Things are a bit still at the moment, but tha's better than a decline. Right?

"Opening swells reminds me of "The Creature Lives"

Now that you mention it, it does. It would make sense. They are one of my top tier favorite bands. Not as much as Floyd, but they're up there.

" Distortion kicking in makes me think of "No Quarter".

Are you thinking the Crowbar cover, or the original Zep version? I honestly don't hear it. Either way, I've always liked that song. I know it's blasphemous in some circles, but I like Crowbar's version better.

" there is a bit of high end I would take out of the distortion"

Yeah. It might be a little too sizzly. I was trying to go for a razors edge on a sledgehammer sound. I may have just added too much high end.

Things are getting wellerer, I guess. Just very, very slowly.

Take care, my friend.
Evisma 23rd Feb 2017 03:00 - 8 years ago

on Onward Toward Golgotha by ValveDriver
I take it Mr. Sloe is lying face down in the woods with a smoking bullet hole in the back of the skull, his purpose being served.

Digital sludge! Very apocalyptic and chugging. Cymbals fill the air and keep the energy high. Maybe too electronic and glitchy for me, but fucking powerful.

Calmer section sounds good and gives some relief from the onslaught, before it's sheltering safety is ripped away for more anger.

Good to hear from you again. It's good to have the VD!

Take care.

ValveDriver replied 25th Feb 2017 - 8 years ago
Mr. Sloe has returned to the dirt from which he came! Its purpose has been served, and he has been dealt with just as we had discussed.

"It's good to have the VD"

I'm pretty sure this is the only place you can say that as a good thing.

It may seem weird, but I really believe that the "Sloedirt" persona was so far out of sync with what I try to create that it was actually hindering me. You know, that whole body, mind, soul alignment horseshit.

Take care, hombre.
Evisma 23rd Feb 2017 02:47 - 8 years ago

on Skyscaper by StaticNomad
Sincere Salutations, Skyscaping sack of squandered squirrel skat.

Started a review yesterday and it was all erased upon clicking "Post".

Instantly recognizable as yours. It's in the attack, I think. Expected Nomad form for a while, till 2:53 where we get a new distortion and more cymbalage and hectic fills.

Exposed note at 3:40 is an effective bit of momentary flash. I've tried doing that with less than desirable effects.

4:53, you go ahead and throw in some badassery. Thanks for that. Very cool sliding and distortion tone. Definitely the highlight of the track. Most of the track seemed to repeat the same couple phrases a lot, without as much of your engaging and entertaining extras. Not awarding the coveted NTB trophy on this one, but I am jealous of the distortion tones you have at your disposal.

My opinion; The badass ending section should come much sooner, emptying out into a calm section, with more badassery to take it to the end. But what do I know? I have 4 false-starts in my DAW, sitting there, taunting me and my inability to progress. Been stuck for a week or so.

Skyscaping came from an image I posted on 'The Book Of Faces' that you commented on. I mentioned a Moonraker, you countered with Skyscraper. Clever fuck.

Hoping all is well.

StaticNomad replied 23rd Feb 2017 - 8 years ago
Yo, my skyscaping bro.

A sack of squirrel shit to you too.

I'm sure that erased review was amazing.

My attack is instantly recognisable? Not sure what that means.

"Expected Nomad form for a while"

Haha - that's your summary of the first few mins. Well, I did predict on 'The Book Of Faces that you wouldn't like them much: "you will find the first couple of minutes mildly tolerable".

'Tis a shame you don't like the cool, smooth grooving Nomad and only the badass Nomad. Maybe you can learn.

I thought you might be impressed by those sinuous, sliding basslines in the first couple of mins. The drums are probably too gentle and skipping for you. Also: no bass instruments in the track, just cello.

"3:40 is an effective bit"

It is. Don't know why you have trouble with that. Just try muting the drums for a second or two. It's very effective.

"4:53, you go ahead and throw in some badassery. Thanks for that."

I try to please. Might actually be my least favourite section. Pretty simple stoner rocking but good fun. And it's just one cello part.

"seemed to repeat the same couple phrases a lot"

Yes - that's why I spent many months on it because I felt it was a bit samey and wondered how I was going to change into other riffs. Yet, I also think it progresses quite nicely and there are some fun extras eg the sweeping violin parts, the organ and, of course, the distortion and heavy drums. Otherwise, yes, it's a rather minimal Nomad track.

"The badass ending section should come much sooner"

No, I won't do that. It's a somewhat awkward change and I like the smooth, chilled grooves of the first couple of mins.

No NTB trophy? That's fine - I have a whole cabinet full of them. Maybe Mr V will award me one for this track.

"Clever fuck."

Thanks. Stick around and I will teach you more clever fuckery.

Badass Nomad, searching your eyes for a hint or a trace of humility...
Evisma 10th Feb 2017 03:24 - 8 years ago

on To Keep You by Cestevens1783
Been a while.

This is very subdued, and your nearly always sad lyrics and delivery are in fine form. Strings are very effective for making that one loop not get too tired. Light percussion around 4:00 is very nice. Can't fault it, though I'd like to hear you get a hold of acoustic loop packs with several different guitar lines recorded in the same session, meant to all work together.

Good stuff.

Evisma 8th Feb 2017 04:01 - 8 years ago

on Rock Cover by Ben1972
Damn, Ben. This is some fine audio you have here! As far as entertaining, this is one of the best tracks ever on this site. Very well done! I usually try to critique tracks, but I really loved it. Not really a Sheeran fan, but I've heard the song plenty. I like the feel you put it to and the guitars were great. Vocals seemed rather in tune and have a great character to them. The whole production was great. If a million dollar studio got a hold of this, they'd ruin it. You did fantastic.

This was really good. I would be proud if I made it.

(if you want feedback, set your track to "featured", then comment on someone else's track, then this will be at the top of the Featured Tracks page.)

Ben1972 replied 8th Feb 2017 - 8 years ago
Thanks a lot Evisma , I feel pretty much honored about it. Never assumed such a response from a guy that seems to be a professional musician what is proved by the great music tracks you've uploaded here :-)

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