jensmuse loops
jensmuse has uploaded 72 loops but they have been archived
9th Jan 2016 00:32 - 9 years ago
9th Jan 2016 00:32 - 9 years ago
Description : This is a tiny part of a variation of my composition "Eternal Circle". Available at google play and online shops.
I changed the key to A minor and added an offbeat at the end of the loop to make it sound more rhythmic. Chords are A minor, F Major, G Major, E Major. 4/4 beats
5th Nov 2015 03:11 - 9 years ago
5th Nov 2015 03:11 - 9 years ago
Description : Originally I wanted to create a Indian Rhythm loop but I missed the melodic part. So I combined the Rhythm with a plucking Technique which is called Bol or bols like da dire dire dire or da-re da-re da and the Technique of Gamaka which means the shaking of notes, an important part of ornamentation in Indian classical music to express emotions.
I have chosen this scale: C D F G A B flat in Indian Notation: Sa Re Ma Pa Dha ni
Live recorded with my new Tascam DR 100, I used more MIC GAIN to get better power and tone quality.
4th Nov 2015 01:47 - 9 years ago
4th Nov 2015 01:47 - 9 years ago
Description : In this composition I played the Sarod in a different manner which is not common in the traditional Indian classical style. I used Guitar techniques and some kind of chords. The melody structure contains the same notes as Raga Kafi, an evening Raga. The tune is dominated by a comlicated rhythm: 8 beats accent of the first, fourth and seventh beat, like 123 123 12 followed by a fast melodic part.It is fusion music with Jazz elements and I like to add my western heritage (Guitar) to play it on an indian string instrument.
There is no category for Sarod, therefore I used Sitar.
2nd Nov 2015 19:10 - 9 years ago
2nd Nov 2015 19:10 - 9 years ago
Description : I play with my north Indian String Instrument Sarod a small composition of a pentatonic tune. In this melody, I used different technics which are characteristic for the 25 strings Instrument Sarod, especially the glissando and gliding, connecting notes or which is typical in Indian classical nusic. 4/4 beat. Key in C. Live recorded with my new Tascam DR 100.
1st Nov 2015 17:51 - 9 years ago
1st Nov 2015 17:51 - 9 years ago
Description : I play with my north Indian String Instrument Sarod a small composition of the popular morning Raga Bhairavi. This Raga is also played at the end of a concert. In this melody, I used different technics which are characteristic for the 25 strings Instrument Sarod, especially the glissando and gliding, moving between 2 notes or more and some ornaments which is typical in Indian classical nusic. 3/4 beat. Key in C.
Live recorded with my new Tascam DR 100.
15th Oct 2015 01:01 - 9 years ago
15th Oct 2015 01:01 - 9 years ago
Description : This is a night Raga of north Indian Classical Music for Sitar, the most famous plugged String Instrument of North India.
Raag Jog is an evening Raag played between 9 PM - 12 night.
In this Raag you use both thirds, E and E flat, also B flat, in Indian Music this is shudha Ga and Komal ga and B flat is Komal ni.
I created a melody with some of the characteristic notes of Raag Jog, also included some rhythmic elements to make the tune more colorful. At the end of the loop, I used a typical Indian musical phrase, a pattern which is repeated 3 times so that it fits to the 2 rhythmic cicles of 16 beats and meet exactly on the first beat where the loop starts again.
10th Oct 2015 03:02 - 9 years ago
10th Oct 2015 03:02 - 9 years ago
Description : I used the same melodic material as in Happy Dulcimer for answering machine. This time with a different ambient touch by featuring the melody with a cosmic sound which is more dominant as in the original loop and in contrast a deeper Harp sound for the chords progression. So both sounds are more complementary. Chords in Major C-D-G-G
Rhythm is 6/8 beats.
3rd Oct 2015 04:31 - 9 years ago
3rd Oct 2015 04:31 - 9 years ago
Description : I got the idea to record a new announcement for my answering machine. Some people ignore to call back but perhaps with an intro of a short happy music introduction it would be more inviting to listen and hear the messange why I could not answer the call personally.
The sound is actually a 12 string guitar, similar to a dulicmer. It is a fast 6/8 beat. Key is in G Major. Start with C D G G and is repeated.
4th Sep 2015 01:42 - 9 years ago
4th Sep 2015 01:42 - 9 years ago
Description : During the process of adding my new youtube video of a performnace of a Dance Folklore Ensemble from Uzbekistan, I created a short music track of my vietnamese Jaw Harp, inspired of a short rhythmic pattern from the National Dance Ensemble SABO.
from Uzbekistan. This video SABO Dance Folklore Ensemble Uzbekistan will be published on 4/9/2015 on youtube. I used some of this track to make this loop.
20th Aug 2015 05:03 - 9 years ago
20th Aug 2015 05:03 - 9 years ago
Description : This joyful tune has similarities with old Mexican music from the 17th. century. It is known as Diferencias sobre la Guaracha Mexique (s.XVII)
A very beautiful interpretation is from Jordi Savall with his ensemble.
Diferencias are a kind of variations.
I created a tune in this style of music for Harp.
It is very suitable for Guitar. You could also split this loop from chords and melody section.
Rhythm is in 6/8 beats and Key is G Major.
17th Aug 2015 05:10 - 9 years ago
17th Aug 2015 05:10 - 9 years ago
Description : Last and 3. Part of Chords going down, continue of melody and added some rhythmic chord variations.
Although many years have past I still remember this music and I arranged it for Steel String Guitar. It is a kind of archaic music pattern which you also might have heard in many other music genre. Chords: d minor C major B flat Major A major.
17th Aug 2015 03:54 - 9 years ago
17th Aug 2015 03:54 - 9 years ago
Description : This is the second part of Chord going down for Steel Guitar. A good possibility for Improvisation. Chords: d minor C major B flat Major A major. This loop will be continued with a third part.
17th Aug 2015 02:43 - 9 years ago
17th Aug 2015 02:43 - 9 years ago
Description : WARNING: This is an earworm or catchy tune!
Long time ago I listened in Berlin to an American Indian, the late Chic Carter, playing a tune on Saxophone with a Jazz Trio. Although many years have past I still remember this music and I arranged it for Steel String Guitar. It is a kind of archaic music pattern which you also might have heard in many other music genre. It is a perfect base for Improvisation which I have worked with teaching Guitar. Chords: d minor C major B flat Major A major. This loop will be continued with a second loop.
15th Aug 2015 22:17 - 9 years ago
15th Aug 2015 22:17 - 9 years ago
Description : Today is Independance Day in India. So specially for Indian Looperman users here is my first percussion loop. I was inspired by the famous Indian Singer A.R.Rahman of his beautiful Song Vande Mataram. You find a good version at youtube: A.R.Rahman with live chorus at IPL Awards[HQ]. I took some basic pattern and added some new with different percussion.I used Taiko Drum, Base Drum and in the second part Tamburin. Not ethnic Instruments but India is famous for assimilation of western Instruments.
14th Aug 2015 23:14 - 9 years ago
14th Aug 2015 23:14 - 9 years ago
Description : This Chord progression reminded me of one of my last composition Indonesian Travel Song althougb it has turned out quite different. It has a classical touch at the beginning and some Jazz chords in the second part of the loop. It has also a bit of cuba or latin character.
Key is in c minor.
13th Aug 2015 01:28 - 9 years ago
13th Aug 2015 01:28 - 9 years ago
Description : This is actually a Guitar Intro, a part of my composition "Where is the Joy" from my published audio Production "Soul of Strings".
I have made a loop with tiny changes of this Intro but have chosen 12 String Guitar. Key is C major. The original Instrument is a classical Guitar with Nylon Strings. This version sounds a bit brighter than the original track.
12th Aug 2015 19:21 - 9 years ago
12th Aug 2015 19:21 - 9 years ago
Description : After a hot day it is nice to relax. I expressed this kind of mood in a calm Guitar tune in E Major. Genre of this music is somewhere between Classic and Jazz, 2 Elements which among others have influenced my musical journey. I have added a few dissonant chords to make it sound more diversified.
This loop could be also a basic pattern for creating a melody or Improvisation. Hope you enjoy it.
12th Aug 2015 03:15 - 9 years ago
12th Aug 2015 03:15 - 9 years ago
Description : I heard some music in a documentary Film about South America and was inspired to find a melody but decided to put this melody in a chord progression. In the process of composing I got the idea to make it more rhythmic. The result:
A bit of a Reggae Feeling for electric Guitar. I have chosen Funk Guitar for the sound. Key is in g minor.
10th Aug 2015 02:46 - 9 years ago
10th Aug 2015 02:46 - 9 years ago
Description : The idea for this loop came from my unpublished composition for Guitar and Sarod. I took parts of the melody and harmony and changed this to create an ambient touch. I used some different pads and layers so it became a full and even epic or monumental and cinematic Athmosphere. The emotion is a bit melancholic, mysterious, sad but also it has a solemn character. It has also influences of classical music.
From my original composition, this loop hase become now a complete different music.
Key is c minor.
8th Aug 2015 21:15 - 9 years ago
8th Aug 2015 21:15 - 9 years ago
Description : I made this second loop with the sound improved MuseScore Notation Program. Also made a few changes. I have used Taisho Koto which provides a more pleasant sound than Koto and Harp. I wanted the Koto more dominating therefore I added the Harp only in the first 4 bars. it sounds softer. The last 4 bars the melody is only with Koto and the Harp is only for basic root notes and little accompaniment. The Key is C and the scale is Japanese pentatonic. More details you find in the other 2 Koto loops.
This new improved loop is a bit faster than the first one 120 bpm.
You can compare the difference to the first Loop:
6th Aug 2015 02:09 - 9 years ago
6th Aug 2015 02:09 - 9 years ago
Description : I visited many times Bali and Indonesia and listened a lot to different Gamelan Ensembles.
Here is my musical output compressed in a loop,
I used a typical Balinese scale:
C E F G B - a pentatonic scale and I added typical rhythmic melodic pattern which I often heard.
I used tuned Gong for the deep melody accompaniment and different Octaves for Vibraphone Xylophone Metallophone Marimba Sounds to create this special exotic Sound.
You find the same loop at the beginning of my 9 minute version Indonesian Travel Song New Mix with percussion on
I could imagine that this loop could invite some musicians to add a decent ethnic percussion.
4th Aug 2015 03:06 - 9 years ago
4th Aug 2015 03:06 - 9 years ago
Description : With the new MuseScore Notation I have written a melody in a Japanese Style for the String Instrument Koto. I added a few accompaniment melody to create a fuller sound to get more atmosphere. In this loop I used Taisho Koto. This is a rather new Japanese Instrument similar to a typewriter. In comparison with my loop "KOTO Melody" It is a much softer sound than the first version. It is a bit fast but can be converted to a calmer tempo individually. Key is in G. You can compare my first version KOTO melody with a much sharper sound if you like:
1st Aug 2015 23:18 - 9 years ago
1st Aug 2015 23:18 - 9 years ago
Description : I was inspired to make this loop by an excellent Guitarist Martin Taylor from a guitar lesson on improvising over jazz chords using a 2-5-1 progression. It starts with D minor 7 - G 7 - C - C . I created a simple melody with key notes followed by a melody with a Blues Jazz touch. You can combine this loop with the Chord Progression Loop if you like.
31st Jul 2015 20:57 - 9 years ago
31st Jul 2015 20:57 - 9 years ago
Description : I was inspired to make this loop by an excellent Guitarist Martin Taylor from a guitar lesson on improvising over jazz chords using a 2-5-1 progression. It starts with D minor 7 - G 7 - C - C
This simple chord progression is ideal for Imrovisation and to get ideas to fill the chords with melodies. In a second loop I added a melody for this chord progression.
I made an Edit update for the sound of the guitar on August 4 2015. With the Steel String it sounds cleaner and fuller than the Jazz Guitar which I used before.
30th Jul 2015 22:59 - 9 years ago
30th Jul 2015 22:59 - 9 years ago
Description : I made a youtube movie of travel Impressions of a Nile Cruise in Egypt, and I added music with this melody. Full song with middle eastern percussion: Originally, I took flute, Oboe one octave lower and Strings tremolo for a drone background. In my first version "Arabic Theme for Flute" I did not use any effects. Here is the second theme. I used 2 different sounds: Sweep Pad for the drone and instead of Oboe I have chosen Solo Vox which emphasise the meloic line. I did a few changes to get the melody staccato, to get a better distinction against the drone.
If you like you can connect the first loop "Arabic Theme for Flute Cosmic" with this new one Part 2.
I could not upload the 2 loops because it would be with 6,3 MB too big. On the other hand by combining the two loops, the first part has a more space sound and Part 2 emphasise the melody and some rhythmic changes in the drone with two different sounds in one loop.
These loops have been kindly uploaded by jensmuse for your commercial and non-commercial use on a royalty free basis (subject to our terms and conditions). If you use any of these loops please leave your comments.
For details on how you can use any loops and samples (including details on the specific licences granted by the creators of loops), please see the loops section of the help area and our terms and conditions. If you have any questions about this file, please contact jensmuse. If you think any of these file are in breach of copyright or our upload guidelines please contact support.