

Groovadelia, Italy
Joined : 21st Dec 2015 - 9 years ago
suonho loops

suonho has uploaded 13 loops but they have been archived

Loops (13)
19th Jan 2016 07:33 - 9 years ago
Description : yet another syncopation from my drum libray, food for funk. ..feel free to use it like you mean it ,) Let me hear you bounce!
18th Jan 2016 08:50 - 9 years ago
Description : let's roll another one, funk stuff or funkyfied hiphop, or whatever you want ..feel free to use it like you mean it ,) It's a little syncopation from my libray. Let me hear you bounce!
14th Jan 2016 11:46 - 9 years ago
Description : a custom beat from my library. Rimshot, tambourine and subtle stuff.. Noticed there's a lack of kick, but would be great with a fat tuned 808 bass on it. Should work best in C#. Feel free to use it like you mean it ,) I'm curious to hear something dope out of it.
13th Jan 2016 10:52 - 9 years ago
Description : yet another custom beat from the archive. Feel free to use it like you mean it ,) lemme hear your bounce
12th Jan 2016 17:16 - 9 years ago
Description : yet another noise from the archive, a custom beat programned some time ago, still sounds fresh, LOUD, and quite unique imho. I Will share some of the best takes from my library. Feel free to use it like you mean it ,) I'm curious to hear something dope out of it.
12th Jan 2016 09:54 - 9 years ago
Description : a custom beat programned long time ago, still sounds fresh, fonkee and quite unique imho. I Will share some of the best takes from my library. Feel free to use it like you mean it ,) I'm curious to hear something dope out of it.
11th Jan 2016 14:53 - 9 years ago
Description : a custom beat with syncopated kicks
feel free to use it like you mean it ,)
11th Jan 2016 14:50 - 9 years ago
Description : This custom beat should be useful for both hiphop and cinematic purpose, feel free to use it like you mean it ,)
10th Jan 2016 10:11 - 9 years ago
Description : Another mono synthesized sequence, sounds very vintage to my ears. It should work best in G#. Feel free to use it like you mean it.
(I've programned this long time ago, it still sounds fresh and funkee, tought. I will load some of the best takes from my archive, Enjoy.)
10th Jan 2016 10:07 - 9 years ago
Description : Another mono synthesized sequence, sounds very vintage to my ears. It should work best in A. Feel free to use it like you mean it.
(I've programned this long time ago, it still sounds fresh and funkee, tought. I will load some of the best takes from my archive, Enjoy.)
10th Jan 2016 10:04 - 9 years ago
Description : A mono synthesized sequence, sounds very vintage to my ears. It should work best in F.
Feel free to use it like you mean it.
(I've programned this long time ago, it still sounds fresh and funkee, tought. I will load some of the best takes from my archive, Enjoy.)
10th Jan 2016 09:56 - 9 years ago
Description : Another synthesized percussive sequence, especially useful for layering with beat, should also works for ambient purpose and related.. feel free to use it like you mean it.
(I've programned this long time ago, it still sounds fresh and funkee, tought. I will load some of the best takes from my archive, Enjoy.)
10th Jan 2016 09:47 - 9 years ago
Description : (1ST loop here) A synthesized percussive sequence, especially useful for layering with beat, should also works for ambient purpose and related... feel free to use it like you mean it.
I've programned this long time ago, it still sounds fresh and funkee, tought. I will load some of the best takes from my archive, Enjoy.
Loops (13)