Aust tracks
Aust has uploaded 3 tracks but they have been archived
8th Feb 2008 11:47 - 17 years ago
8th Feb 2008 11:47 - 17 years ago
Description : A slow song, but very melodic with a pad, guitar, synths, and various FX sounds in the background.
6th Feb 2008 16:26 - 17 years ago
6th Feb 2008 16:26 - 17 years ago
Description : The use of classical orchestra loops from the Rock and Pop section that I believe comes from one of Sony's loop packs. However, it is mixed with drum beats to make it an upbeat song.
6th Feb 2008 16:11 - 17 years ago
6th Feb 2008 16:11 - 17 years ago
Description : A slow trancy song that builds through out the song and has an ethnic feel with the japanese instrument the shamisen.
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