

Grenaa, Denmark
Joined : 4th Feb 2014 - 10 years ago
Asuna tracks

Asuna has uploaded 2 tracks but they have been archived

Tracks (2)
3rd Nov 2015 11:25 - 9 years ago
Description : This is a soundtrack that resembles a deep story.

"As she sat there, no light casting upon the scorched earth, that were overcast by the infected, she sobbed. She could hear the gun shots, and the growls of the hungry infected in the background, but still, what was silencing the world around her, was her thoughts. She glanced down to the 9mm behind her hands. That gun was what she tried to defend her family with. She closed her closed shut. She felt in a trance-like state. Her mother and father appeared before her. But there's something about them. They were all bloody, and had grey-like skin. She open her eyes. She felt the tears that was running down her cheeks. `Mother... Father.. I'm so sorry´ she whispered to herself. She raised the gun and... Silence"
29th Oct 2015 15:30 - 9 years ago
Tags :
Description : My entry for the best halloween song contest. Hope you got spooked. Eehhehe.~
Tracks (2)