Description : Produced by yours truly using a loop from a user RUC here on the site..
Profile # : 3109920
Regarding the track, I started writing some bars and realized I didnt want to take the track anywhere too serious..
To be honest I havent produced a track myself in well over a year so getting back into it a bit and just trying again....
This a little experimental/freestlye if you will..
hope you enjoy, thank you so much to all the ones coming back for more
Description : Experimental. Give me a chance! Not something I'm comfortable with, would really love feed back on this genre and this type of stuff. Im not too used to it.
Thanks for your time, and thanks to Cyberflares and the other Looperman users that helped make this track possible
Much love all
Hope to hear from ya down below
Take Care
P.S Find the production on Looperman , track number 227353
Description : Whats going on people?
First track i've released in over a year on any platform.
This track was put together this past weekend after hearing the beat.
Had to.
Brought me a lot of similar feelings of one day tracks back in the day and just having a lot of fun putting down some bars.
I got more on the way ;)
Much love
Thanks for your time
Track is produced by Byngsies - find the beat here on looperman on his profile titled 'Hard Boiled 2021 Mix'
shouts out!
Description : Produced by PlopD
much love to the homie
and huge shouts out to everyone remixing my tracks, using my vocals to test their producing and mixing and using me to get better. blessing.
always down to cook message me email me, reach me anyway. lets get it
thanks for your time
hope you enjoy my latest track
much love
Description : Sup people. Bringing you a laid back track produced by the talented 'notahs' on this website.
Love all of their tracks, decided to put a verse inbetween the lovely hooks provided.
Check out the original , maybe make your own version
much love, thanks for your time
Description : Coming at you with a fire track recently wrapped up by my guy Souljah Slim aka Beatkillaz
Hope you enjoy the track
Always down for collabs even just with beats
much love
Description : Constructed this beat using various loops by the lovely people on this site.
"MCNorad": Slumps Chorus (melody)
"TheIlluminator": DRUMS YOU WERE LOOKING FOR (drums)
"UnknownBeats": Sad Harp (random arp)
This isn't fully produced, just had to lay down the words..
I hope you enjoy
Thank you for your time
Much love to everyone
Description : What's going on people.
Just got home not too long ago from my job, and I did my daily listen on the most recent tracks on looperman- always a treat.
I found a track produced by ZemcoProd here on the site, the song on his page is called "Moi Trechok"
Thank you Zemco for sharing it!! Great instrumental.
I took the track and threw a verse on it with a real easy hook to tie it all in.
Hope you guys enjoy this quick last minute track.
Thank you for your time
Description : Although I haven't posted in a month, I am still active, I love listening to everyone's creations.
Among many other collaboration projects I am bringing you this new song featuring Emerald.
Extremely honored to have her amazing vocals on this track.
Instrumental by NigmaBeats on soundcloud, he's always supplying the greatness.
You can find Emerald @ cautionrawr on here.
Much love to everyone who listens.
Give me feed back and criticism.
Thank you for your time
Description : What's good guys
Been grinding on music all day and I remember I had this beat I downloaded from Pablo254 on this site.
He made a track called Kilifornia and I just had to spit on this.
Such an amazing instrumental, shouts out to Pablo letting me up on this.
Hope you all enjoy, thank you for your time.
Description : First of all, super glad to see that Looperman is back online!!!
Here's a song I made a few days ago using NigmaBeats super heavy beat called Bounce.
Check him out on soundcloud @nigmabeats
Shouts out to him.
More importantly, shouts out to Looperman for getting the site back up. Don't know what went down but glad to see I can still spread my music here.
Hope you enjoy
I made this song a while ago. Never got around to fully completing it.
I like the concept though so I decided to put it out here.
Hope you all enjoy
Thank you for your time
Stay tuned for more,
much love
Description : A Really nice chill beat and something awesome to sit back and spit some shit. If you happen to do anything with it i'd like to see it! Thanks have fun.
BPM = 80
Description : Following the popularity of my song 'Part of the Plan' i bring you Blue Collar. a simple track just demonstrating some lyricism skills and multiple rhyme scheme mixed with some story telling
Using this instrumental provided by Xhuzka here on looperman track# 208115
Shouts Out
Much love to everyone showing support
Appreciate you greatly.
I keep saying this but stay tuned foreal! Dope tracks on their final stages of mixing and many more in the works
Thank you for your time
Description : Produced by the man Pyscho Beatz, much love
Available EVERYWHERE August 16th
after great feedback from everyone here, i finished up production on this track
hope you enjoy
give me feedback i love to learn
i have plenty more work in the books, stay tuned
i appreciate you all, thank you for your time
much love
Description : So 3 months ago I downloaded a track titled 'if you get too high' by DGRAVES (3100841) on the site.
Finally was able to lay down the vocals and get it released for the public
Ive been getting a lot of love on my recent tracks on here which I can't thank you all enough for
Truly inspiring to see so many talented people on this site
I hope you can enjoy this track I have to offer
once again; produced by dgraves (3100841)
Much love
Description : Check out Almozov's track titled 'Dead Rose' on his page. User # (3193344)
Shouts out!
This beat was too sick to not download and try my hand
Wrote up some fire lyrics just while listening to it, downloaded the track and an hour late here we are.
Tried a little bit of overdriven vocals over the hook, gimme some feedback !!!!
Much love to Almazov as well as all the people fucking with my recent tracks
Means a lot
much love
Description : Much love people thank you for the tremendous support and love and feedback and just overall interest in my craft
Means a lot, much love
Thanks for your time
Track produced by Nigma, always supporting what I do and it's good to return the favor.
Nigma produces some FIRE both here on this site and soundcloud and many more
find his work on soundcloud / nigmabeats
These tracks have been uploaded by tsochai. If you listen to any of these tracks please leave your comments.
Please note that the creator of a track retains full copyright in that track and you are only entitled to listen and in some instances download. For further details on how you can use any tracks see the terms and conditions and the tracks section of the help area.