Description : Hello, with this joint I am seriously looking for someone who could rap a short verse for this one (as long as this beat goes). Like, SERIOUSLY.
If YOU think You have a flow, that you can create something, something about love, electricity between two humans and attraction, and then record it and send it to me, don't hesitate.
PLEASE, if You think You can do it, DO IT.
Description : A tease of a possible upcoming track.
I need someone who could rap about this theme. Like, I REALLY need a person who could rap a verse or two on this one. This track has to be on my EP(LUST/v.0) so I'm looking for a collab.
Contact me on facebook if you have something in mind: Vilius Urbonas
Peace out!
Description : here's a little somethin i created a few days ago. reaaally looking for someone who could rap on this. tell me how you like it, how you don't, all comments are welcome, but seriously, if you think you could do it, text me instantly.
Description : Seriously looking for a collab, a rapper who could rap a verse for this beat from 0:50-1:15, ofc if it will be fire I can double it.
for inquiries, comment and I will reply.
Description : This is a joint I entirely rolled by myself. All sounds are made from me and my mouth, only some reverb added.
Just 30min of work, enjoyy, it's for fun :P
Tracks (7)
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