rourke tracks
rourke has uploaded 2 tracks but they have been archived
16th May 2014 08:47 - 10 years ago
16th May 2014 08:47 - 10 years ago
Description : Rap.Hip Hop.This is my Sister(juicy)(She wrote this track) and a friend
(Vakdemone)who mixed the track together. My sister got the beat from a guy she knows from school, he(the beat maker) was only like 16 then and she was like 17 or 18years old when she recorded this track. Tell me what u guys think. The guy with the producing equip moved away so I would like to learn and produce for her.
I did ask her permission to upload the track and she want's to hear your comments
20th May 2014 10:27 - 10 years ago
20th May 2014 10:27 - 10 years ago
Description : Rap.Hip Hop.This is my Sister(juicy)(She wrote this track) and a friend (Vakdemone)who mixed the track together. My sister got the beat from a guy she knows from school, he(the beat maker) was only like 16 then and she was like 17 or 18years old when she recorded this track. Tell me what u guys think. The guy with the producing equip moved away so I would like to learn and produce for her. I did ask her permission to upload the track and she want's to hear your comments
These tracks have been uploaded by rourke. If you listen to any of these tracks please leave your comments.
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