Description : I say "preview" in the title but honestly, this will never be finished.
LYRICS: He doesn't even compliment you,
barely even pays attention to you and yet you
still hate me. (BACK VOCALS) For reasons unknown.
It's been so long since my last upload, but I hope in some way you enjoy this. Feel free to leave a comment but no worries if not. Until next time, keep creating.
To all the people on here that have listen to me sing and play guitar i thank you so much for your support and your love. You are amazing for the support, i cannot thank you enough. Please remember my name iAmless. Maybe one day i'll become more than less, if not i don't mind being less at all.
Description : I think its about time i start working on a album for the people that do like my music.
No voxS to this, just music of whats to come on the album.
Description : Sometimes i think if your thinking of me.
I don't know what to do with these acoustic songs.
No one knows i sing no one in my life even knows i play guitar.
I don't know anymore.
Description : The voxs are a little high in some parts. I feel as if this song could have been preformed a lot better with voxs but i guess it works out.
Comments always help.
Hope you all are doing well
Description : This is another old track.
The vocals are a Little high and sharp but i still hope you find someway to enjoy it.
As always i love getting feedback on my voxs, thanks for taking the time to listen.
This track is about having something with someone else that no one else has and that no one will every understand because it's something so amazing.
Description : Heres another finished track.
This one is a bit old.
It's about somehow finding the right person.
Thanks for all the support on my last track, it really does mean alot.
I'm worried about my voice so please if you will can you take the time to leave me a comment, it really helps
If this track goes well i will find some time to set up a facebook page for you guys so you can find more of my things.
Thanks so much again for all your support.
Description : Hi, im not new to this site but i thought i would create a new account for my acoustic music.
Comments would help me get better so plz take the time to leave one, im really interested in comments about my voice so fire away.
Thanks So Much.
Tracks (9)
These tracks have been uploaded by IamLess. If you listen to any of these tracks please leave your comments.
Please note that the creator of a track retains full copyright in that track and you are only entitled to listen and in some instances download. For further details on how you can use any tracks see the terms and conditions and the tracks section of the help area.