Killtone tracks
Killtone has uploaded 5 tracks but they have been archived
28th Jun 2008 19:56 - 16 years ago
28th Jun 2008 19:56 - 16 years ago
Description : This is the audio soundtrack to a video I made. Live guitar and vocals with drum loops and midi keys and bass and cellos
21st Jun 2008 17:08 - 16 years ago
21st Jun 2008 17:08 - 16 years ago
Description : Digital bossa. Trying to convey human emotion through a digital electronic signal is always a challenge. I want to thank my friend Nathan Madsen for sending me this beautiful tenor sax solo. Him and me are the only human souls on this tune. Digital orchestra, piano and bass, drums are loops. Me live vocals and programing. Another one from the heartbreak kid.
30th Mar 2008 10:15 - 16 years ago
30th Mar 2008 10:15 - 16 years ago
Description : live acoustic guitar and vocal with a classical arrangement using cello and violins and piano in reason.
29th Mar 2008 14:25 - 16 years ago
29th Mar 2008 14:25 - 16 years ago
Description : Recorded this track in reason also, with live guitars and vocal. I held nothing back as far as instrumentation and arrangement, just went all out. Song is kind of long so get a glass of wine.
29th Mar 2008 06:54 - 16 years ago
29th Mar 2008 06:54 - 16 years ago
Description : I recorded this song using reason along with live guitars and vocal and a few harmonies. A lot of people think of techno electronica when they hear "reason" because of it's capabilities but I prefer to get a "real band" sound as much as possible. I played most of the parts on my Roland keyboard and used the redrum program for drums. I like the way it turned out. Now if I only had the skills and gear for a professional mastering.....
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