Description : A looperman combination of piano-dr-d-by-gzec + piano-dog-pound-by-gzec together with lendylen-dm1-92-bpm. 7venth12-tropical-paradise-drum and nocturnax-funk-sax.
Hope U all like it. Also check out my
Description : My sons and their friend were talking about writing
a movie for dragon ball z and asked if i could put something together for them, this is what i came up with. something like a Marvel start where they show images of the fights, trials and tragedies. Also check out my
Description : Looperman combo featuring kingadz12, mrfunktastic, baconman8908, and designedimpression. Hope you enjoy. Also check out my
Description : My sons and their friend were talking about writing a movie for dragon ball z and asked if i could put something together for them, this is what i came up with. something like a Marvel finish where they show images of the fights, trials and tragedies. Also check out my
Description : Tribute to one of the geatest on looperman, minor2go. 43 different loops of his.
Tracks (24)
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