Billy_England tracks
Billy_England has uploaded 12 tracks but they have been archived
4th Apr 2009 23:13 - 15 years ago
4th Apr 2009 23:13 - 15 years ago
Description : Here's a song that I wrote called "Trailer Park Love Song". This is a LIVE recording from a show on March 21st, 2009. It was recorded at The Capital Ale Music Hall in Richmond, VA.
It's NOT the best recording, but it's fair enough. It has a jazzy-swing to it, hope you enjoy!
4th Feb 2009 00:38 - 16 years ago
4th Feb 2009 00:38 - 16 years ago
Description : So WHAT DOES SHE HAVE TO SAY?! Ever date a girl or are married to one that just keeps on yammering on and on about everything---even when she sleeps? If so, then you can relate to this song. A very basic song with an alt-American feel to it about women and their mouths....AND how at times how you should listen to matter what she has to say, because that's what women like, to be listened to, as well as talking.
4th Feb 2009 00:34 - 16 years ago
4th Feb 2009 00:34 - 16 years ago
Description : This song is called Young & Crazy by my band, The Muckrakes. It's basically a song about well, being young and crazy and what it was like back in the days in the country sitting around, drinking beer, falling in love and shooting firecrackers.
3rd Oct 2008 23:27 - 16 years ago
3rd Oct 2008 23:27 - 16 years ago
Description : So I'm playing in a NEW band called The Muckrakes. We're a cross between Americana and Bluegrass. The band recorded a few songs and I'd like to get your take on them. This song is called "till They're Gone". It's a drinking song of course about having a few beer on a summer day and just having a good time. Please tell me what ya think about the structure, melody, harmonies of this song.
24th May 2008 18:19 - 16 years ago
24th May 2008 18:19 - 16 years ago
Description : I finally got down to mixing my country track, I took all the electric out of it, maded it acoustic, add a drumloop...presto change-o. I'm okay with it, minus a few tweaks here and there. As usual, it needs vocals of which I will lay down when I get the time. This song is taking longer than what I tought.
As 'the king would say, "Thank ya, thank ya very much."
3rd May 2008 15:18 - 16 years ago
3rd May 2008 15:18 - 16 years ago
Description : I did this track this afternoon. It kinda is a 'mood track'; meaning, this is in the type of mood that I am in today. I used two loops borrowed from MR.E and CYSTEM (gotta give credit where credit it due). The loops that I used from MR E and CYSTEM added a cool, dark and spacey feeling to the track. I did'nt have time to do a decent mix, but decided to put it up on looperman anyway. In my opinion, it sounds better if you play it LOUD and have headphones on. I plan to add some vocals to it as well. Any more suggestions?
30th Apr 2008 11:16 - 16 years ago
30th Apr 2008 11:16 - 16 years ago
Description : Ya know, I think this song sounds like a marriage between Johnny Cash and Social Distortion for some reason. With home recording, it just came out that way. No explanation about it. I think I used a little too much distortion for the acoustic guitar track, but it came out nice at any rate. Download and rock it out.
26th Apr 2008 07:28 - 16 years ago
26th Apr 2008 07:28 - 16 years ago
Description : This is the second song recorded by my band, The Trauma Dolls. It's called "Take Everything".
This, once again is a LIVE track and recorded on one take, no overdubs, no punch-ins, just a quick mix. It's raw, and heavy, but it rocks. I think that the vocals could use a little work, but we might go over them again. The bad thing about doing the vocals over is that they might loose the 'energy' and 'rawness' of a captured moment.
Anyway, download and rock it.
20th Apr 2008 17:45 - 16 years ago
20th Apr 2008 17:45 - 16 years ago
Description : Yet another one of my "pop classic tracks" that I wrote and recorded waaaayyyyy back in 1993. Once again, please don't laugh. :)
I just thought that this song would be fun to put on looperman to show ya'll a "different softer side of me" since most people know me as a rocker type guy that plays in a crazy garage-punk band and would never thought that I'd write something like this. This song is off the "Time of Passion" album that I wrote and recorded. It's old, (like I said, I wrote and recorded this in '93) but still a keeper and every once in a while, I'll drag this song out and perform it for a few friends. If you like The Cure and bands in that genre or even alt-Americana, (No Depression) hopefully you'll like this song, because it can be played different ways. Everytime I play this song, it just keeps on getting more and more 'country' sounding. I don't think I'll ever be happy with the way I recorded it, but what's done is done, but mybe one of these days, I'll record it with just a fiddle, guitar, mandelion, resonator and bass. I think it'd make a really good country song.
20th Apr 2008 17:33 - 16 years ago
20th Apr 2008 17:33 - 16 years ago
Description : Okay kids...this is a pop track that I wrote and recorded waaaayyyyyy back in 1993, so try not to laugh. It's very dancable, and has a nice lil' hook to it. It did recieve a fair amount of radio play regionally, back in the day.
I know it's way different than the music that I'm playing with in my current band, The Trauma Dolls, but it's still a good pop song. I think you'll like this song if you dig Peter Murphy, The Cure, Siouxie and the Banshees type music because it has "that vibe" to it. I'm thinking about re-doing it and making it a little more more 'mellow' by doing it slower and just acoustic. What do you think?
20th Apr 2008 15:56 - 16 years ago
20th Apr 2008 15:56 - 16 years ago
Description : This a the first track recorded by my band, The Trauma Dolls. It gonna be on our upcoming CD.
This song was recorded in one take and live.
We did a quick mix down and burned it to CD to take home and listen to. Not bad for 30 mins. worth of work, most of which was spent doing the quick mix down. I thought I'd post it on looperman and get some feedback.
Right now, we're writing new material and recording.
You can catch more of The Trauma Dolls by going to
17th Apr 2008 05:50 - 16 years ago
17th Apr 2008 05:50 - 16 years ago
Description : I know this track is kinda monotone and boring, it's meant to be.
These tracks have been uploaded by Billy_England. If you listen to any of these tracks please leave your comments.
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