fatalinterview tracks
fatalinterview has uploaded 3 tracks but they have been archived
5th May 2008 13:52 - 16 years ago
5th May 2008 13:52 - 16 years ago
Description : As with most of my songs, this song is "all me" in my home studio (drums are from Mick Fleetwood's "Total Drumming" loops CD). As always, more "PucciPop" (since I consider my work neither pop nor rock, it's just me being me), and that is a layering of intertwining guitar parts, usually "simple" and "mellow", but adding up to a greater whole. From my 2004 CD "Welcome Back to Wonderland" & it also appeared on the Heyday Records Sampler CD for that year. I used Sony Acid Pro 2.0 for this one. The lyrics are about a friend of mine, and a crush she had on this guy whom she couldn't have.
4th May 2008 10:49 - 16 years ago
4th May 2008 10:49 - 16 years ago
Description : Well...my first Looperman track experiment! I was looking for something to add to the CD I'm making to play at my sister's wake (sad to say, it'll be soon: www.songsforjenny.com ), she requested I do the music for it. So I wanted something sad but beautiful, forceful like her spirit but not overbearing, strong yet gentle. I realize I wasn't overly-adventurous with the editing on this one (outside of the vocals on the chorus), but it's meant to be atmospheric, like an angel drifting through the clouds.
Bass & ambient bell loop: drofon
Guitar feedback: Sash
Vocals: Kaer_Trouz
Drums: Mick Fleetwood "Total Drumming" CD from SonyMediaSoftware
I used Sony Acid Music 7.0 to edit and mix this track.
Peace, Tony
4th May 2008 07:30 - 16 years ago
4th May 2008 07:30 - 16 years ago
Description : As with most of my songs, this song is "all me" in my home studio (drums are from Mick Fleetwood's "Total Drumming" loops CD). I particularily like this song because it exemplifies what I call "PucciPop" (since I consider my work neither pop nor rock, it's just me being me), and that is a layering of intertwining guitar parts. I think this is one of my better vocal performances.
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