Scriptique tracks
Scriptique has uploaded 10 tracks but they have been archived
21st Apr 2009 02:31 - 15 years ago
21st Apr 2009 02:31 - 15 years ago
Description : A carriage passes underneath your window. Children run to shelter as a storm looms overhead. A secret is written. A letter is found. A mother grieves for a lost son.
"Oh woe is me to have seen what I have seen! See what I see!" - Hamlet.
The track after "The Tapestries 3"
24th Jan 2009 02:06 - 16 years ago
24th Jan 2009 02:06 - 16 years ago
Description : The Tapestries: Scene 3
EDIT:// I feel that I should clear something up. This track was played by hand as with all my other tracks unless otherwise mentioned that the notes were entered individually (although there are some instruments in this track that were played by hand and then looped) . The original Scene 3 was -not- played live by hand, however. Maybe that's why it never worked out in end lol... Cheers =)
Bah, I got fed up with trying to fix the original Scene 3, which was supposed to be a battle. I just can't seem to get the arrangement right!
So I scrapped it all together and just moved Scene 4 up to Scene 3, but maybe I'll work on Scene 3 again in the future.
Scene 4 is my favourite in the series, so I hope you like it as much as I do!
30th Dec 2008 11:49 - 16 years ago
30th Dec 2008 11:49 - 16 years ago
Description : The Tapestries: Scene 2
He courted a maiden fairy
Twas uncommon back then.
But love transcends all, and marry
They did upon that glen.
They did not fear this love the sang
Like ancient poetry.
Their romance bloomed through threads that hang
Across this tapestry.
Note: Scene 3 to be uploaded soon.
30th Dec 2008 08:51 - 16 years ago
30th Dec 2008 08:51 - 16 years ago
Description : The Tapestries - Scene 1:
Brave knights of lore and ladies fair,
All townsfolk and all men:
Come gather round for I will share
The wonders of this land.
I shall tell of the hero prince
And all his gallantry.
His deeds have been recorded since
Upon this tapestry...
This will be a series of tracks that are seamless with each other when played in order. Almost 5 months in the making, the rest of the scenes in this series will be uploaded soon!
24th Nov 2008 05:14 - 16 years ago
24th Nov 2008 05:14 - 16 years ago
Description : An angrier and weirder version of the medieval Christmas song, "Coventry Carol". The mothers are back with a vengeance as captured from the white noise on your computer.
I know this may not comply with everyone's (or anyone's) musical tastes, but I'm happy with it coz it turned out how I initially envisioned it.
Well, Merry Christmas! =)
15th Sep 2008 22:58 - 16 years ago
15th Sep 2008 22:58 - 16 years ago
Description : I gave it a feel that I hope is almost Putumayo worthy. Not exactly Samba (it's actually cha cha with a Havana twist), but hey it's the only Latin genre I found.
Sin Luna is "Moonless" in Spanish (or so Google tells me. Don't hate me if it's not).
12th Aug 2008 04:25 - 16 years ago
12th Aug 2008 04:25 - 16 years ago
Description : Abunai. Dangerous.
Shinigami. God of Death.
This is a collab with DjDaddio. We've been working hard nonstop on this for a week, and I must say we did an awesome job on this! Kudos to DjDaddio for rocking on this one!!!
Oh yeah, those operatic notes weren't pitch shifted. That high E was a bitch to sing (yes it was) but I managed to hit it and kick it in the ass so I'm proud =)
And did I mention that DjDaddio rocks?
5th Aug 2008 02:59 - 16 years ago
5th Aug 2008 02:59 - 16 years ago
Description : This is a modified "Tarantella in A minor" by Albert Pieczonska, an easy piece that sounds crazy hard.
Which genre does this go under? I guess Industrial but I'm not really sure.
This is a complete song. Reviews and comments would be sweet so I can take that DEMO tag off =)
Edit:// DEMO tags are off! =D Thanks for your comments!
Ria Rosa
10th May 2008 19:03 - 16 years ago
10th May 2008 19:03 - 16 years ago
Description : I was aiming for a Vivaldi-esque composition, which I hope I have achieved. Hope you enjoy!
This song was written based on my favourite nursery rhyme: Twinkle Twinkle Little Star (Not Baa Baa Black Sheep, nor the Alphabet song!).
I played around in the piano for about 5 days on this left-over-right hand piece that had its structure on the nursery rhyme's chords. That's why the piano is mainly the harmony while the strings and trumpets provide the melody.
9th May 2008 00:41 - 16 years ago
9th May 2008 00:41 - 16 years ago
Description : Something that I've managed to pluck out from my overcrowded mind. Usually there's so much going on up there that I don't know what to do first.
I'll leave it up to you to interpret the message in this piece ;) It's not that hard to figure out.
Used a midi keyboard, plus soundfonts, using Microsoft DirectMusic as my sequencer. Then mixed it using Cool Edit Pro. It was hell to play (still is), and my fingers were probably about to fall off, but it was worth it.
Everything, 100%, by me. No samples. Just me, my brain, and my hands.
Hope you like it poppets,
Ria Rosa
These tracks have been uploaded by Scriptique. If you listen to any of these tracks please leave your comments.
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