Description : Born nnamdi & nonso, amazing brothers they are talented singers and entertainers.
they discovered their affection for music way back and has since done lots of performance underground. One of their greatest asset has been there unquenchable desire for a musical landmark, armed with determination and hard work.
their style of music varies slow, techno with hip hop, infused with African/hip hop flavor, rooted in the great and rapidly evolving Afro hip hop genre.
stylish looking amazing brothers are born entertainers with a professional stage craft to woo the ladies and party marshals.
Description : Born nnamdi & nonso, amazing brothers they are talented singers and entertainers.
they discovered their affection for music way back and has since done lots of performance underground. One of their greatest asset has been there unquenchable desire for a musical landmark, armed with determination and hard work.
their style of music varies slow, techno with hip hop, infused with African/hip hop flavor, rooted in the great and rapidly evolving Afro hip hop genre.
stylish looking amazing brothers are born entertainers with a professional stage craft to woo the ladies and party marshals.
Tracks (2)
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