

Houten, Netherlands
Joined : 31st May 2008 - 16 years ago
meestege tracks

meestege has uploaded 15 tracks but they have been archived

Tracks (15)
5th May 2009 13:37 - 15 years ago
Description : This is a second version of the song Mr Blues is coming home and is sung by Mr. Joseph King. A very good gospelsinger from New Orleans, It was a pleasure working with him. I play all the instruments and the lyrics are written by my cousin and me.
7th Mar 2009 13:19 - 16 years ago
Description : This song is dedicated to my grandson Jamie. A sweet little guy (see his photo). Composed by my cousin Peter, Barry Morgan and me. This was the second time Barry worked with us. He is such a wonderful musician and a good friend.
2nd May 2009 13:07 - 15 years ago
Description : Mr Darwin should rewrite his book about evolution if it comes to greed and antisocial behavior. A certain species called bankers don't seem to adapt to their enviroment. My cousin and I wrote a song about it. A sweet Latin song with cynical lyrics.
Kerry Morgan from Oregon, US made a perfectly matching video for us. Thanks Kerry. If you want to watch the video:

7th Jan 2009 16:51 - 16 years ago
Description : This is the first song with the collaboration of Barry Morgan from the US. He is a great musician and took care of the orchestra and cello's. A very fine friend to work with. The song is about the death of my uncle Gerry. A very inspiring man and so young for his age. My cousin did the vocals and Tineke Lemeer played that beautiful flute. I played the guitars and made the final production. Hope you like this one.
3rd Dec 2008 21:33 - 16 years ago
Description : My mother encouraged me and my cousin to make music. She really believed in us. Her death came too soon; she died at the age of 51 years. She told us on her deathbed that she always would watch over us. This song is written in memory of her and recorded in 1991 on a 4-track taperecorder.
1st Dec 2008 13:20 - 16 years ago
Description : This is the first digital recording my cousin and I made in 1997. You can hear that a drum computer is used but overall we are still satisfied with the result. I only got a stereo file so a remix is difficult to make. Hope you like it.
22nd Nov 2008 13:09 - 16 years ago
Description : This is the first version of an idea I have about a song that describes the feeling if you are walking in a crowded city with no real involved people. They only pass you by and your just on your own. Simple some footsteps and a sliding resonator. Not shure yet what lyrics and instruments I have to add. Gerard
22nd Nov 2008 12:52 - 16 years ago
Description : Normally my cousin and I play blues but sometimes it's nice to try something else. And I wanted to try more sounds from my Line 6 UX2 gear. So this song came up. This is the first version. There are some rhythym issues still but the result is good enough to put on Looperman. and new versions will be added. It's a simple light song totally different from the heavy stuff we usually play. Hope you like it. Gerard
20th Oct 2008 20:42 - 16 years ago
Description : Here is a aggressive blues instrumental that my cousin and I made. Dedicated to all the people who lost their money in this totally crazy financial world we are living in.
25th Jun 2008 12:21 - 16 years ago
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Description : Here is an old traditional blues song played with my friend Harry and my cousin Peter. To give a more blues feel I lowered the voice. one octave. Sometimes you hear a little robotic sound but well it was a experiment.
Hope you like it.
12th Jun 2008 11:46 - 16 years ago
Description : I found a jamtrack on the internet with a big blues band. Don't know where it's coming from but it's a good recording.
So I took my Strat and Lin6 Toneport UX 2 and made a bluesimprovisation like they did in the early sixties.
Hope you like it.
8th Jun 2008 23:38 - 16 years ago
Description : Sometimes it's hard to understand what's going on in the mind of a woman. This is about a man who needs some love and askes her to slow down but her career seems more important then their relation.
My cousin is singing and the guitars were played with the Line 6 Toneport UX 2. Drumtracks were made of loops.
6th Jun 2008 04:44 - 16 years ago
Description : This song is a liitle bit of blues, Vaudeville with some jazz chords. It's a serious joke. My cousin and me gettin fatter and fatter. Living in a rich country with plenty of food becomes a problem of luxery while other people die of hunger.
Recorded as simple as possible. A shuffle drumloop, one aucoustic and bass guitar, some fat thighs and a harp.
My cousin is singing.
3rd Jun 2008 00:37 - 16 years ago
Description : This is a sad song about family and friends I lost because of a terrible desease. What do you think at night when you've got the message it's over?. I've played all instruments and my cousin is singing. I hope the lead guitar has a Peter Green touch because he's my favourite bluesplayer. I hope you'll enjoy it although is a very sad song
31st May 2008 06:38 - 16 years ago
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Description : The reason for making this song was my trip through the Delta. It's flat just like Holland and I was touched by the poverty I saw and learned a lot about the history. I was aware of this because I've red a lot about it. Now I was there and saw it with my own eyes. At Dockery"s Plantation I felt the presence of so much blues. This is the first time I sing a song so don't judge me too hard on this because it took a lot of courage to do it.
Tracks (15)